Member Map of Motorized Bicycle Enthusiasts

Hey everyone I'm on the map now in fort myers, fl. If your ever in the sanibel, captivia, cape coral, Naples, Bonita springs, fort myers area, find me dudes an ladies!! I'll show you the sites, help with the area, an ride!!!!!
Just sent link to here and noticed this has gotten buried.

Thanks again Dave! We gotta send Happy out on another mission.
Think you're right, Dave.

Steve just came up with a cool thunk. Use Happy's travels as a backdrop for a book/story. Gonna give that some serious consideration. Be an easy vehicle to tie a collection of short stories together using him as a premise...

Looking for this thread, found a bunch of stuff El Linko did for us all.

Really cool.
Gonna bump as members are preping for winter projects.

Happy safe winter, y'all. All y'all, great and small. Member Map
I'm Jeff I go by Nightrider (I ride my Mountain Bike at Night)
Member since 2014 Northern California 530 area
aka ~Shaft-U-County~ Redding, Shasta County, California