
Mike, Don`t Forget, In 1988 I Lived In Northern Wisconsin. Sad To Say, I Was Not Into Picture Taking As Much Then. These Digital Cameras Are So Handy And Give Studio Performance. Hi Tec For Sure. I Know There Is One Pic Of The Pontoon With The Enclosure Sitting In A Snow Bank. When I Took The Picture Over 20 Yrs Ago I Felt Melon Collie (no, Not The Dog That Eats Mellons!!).
Mike, Don`t Forget, In 1988 I Lived In Northern Wisconsin. Sad To Say, I Was Not Into Picture Taking As Much Then. These Digital Cameras Are So Handy And Give Studio Performance. Hi Tec For Sure. I Know There Is One Pic Of The Pontoon With The Enclosure Sitting In A Snow Bank. When I Took The Picture Over 20 Yrs Ago I Felt Melon Collie (no, Not The Dog That Eats Mellons!!).

A pontoon stuck in a snowdrift would make anybody feel Melon Collie!
Neat, I always wanted a Melon Collie but my folks always said no.
Maybe Mike and I can meet you in Fla and help you build the house boat? I think we can copy the one in the photo.
How fussy are you?

Eddy, My Fussy Left Me Years Ago!! I Have Considerable Hearing Loss, My Exwife Hollerd At Me Too Much, A Lot Anyway, And Ruined My Hearing. Then I Lost Her Due To Ilness! She Got Very Sick Of Me!! A Month Later My Dog Left. I Still Miss That Dog! No, He Was Not A Melon Collie. He Was A Full Blooded Labadorian Pit Bull. I Call My Girl Friend "lucky". Everybody Asks Why I Call Her That? I Tell Them Because She Is With Me!! Such A Stupid Question, It Always Puzzels Me. Bring A Couple Gallons Of Tarter Sauce For The Fish.. You Know, That Pontoon Is Big Enough, We Could Have A "day Old Sushi Bar" Business. I Have A Lot Of Different Idea`s. Eddy, Last Week You Said You Wanted To Move East. Do You Have A Compass? Did It Come With Instructions?? Ha Ha Hee Snork Ron
If You Guys Get Here Soon Enough, You Can Attend The Wedding. I Have To Marry Her, I Can`t Hold My Gas Anymore!! You could give her the tarter sauce and a filet knife for a weddng gift. she likes the rapala knife the best. Ron
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Neat, did I start this with my Melon Collie crack??? LOL Ya, my fussy left me to then called up 18 years later and said she made a mistake leaving. I couldn't hear her over the laughter. Mine. True story!

Lucky? H*ll a blind man walking backwards could see how lucky she is.

Yep, still plan on going East but it may take me some time to get there. Leaving early January and want to be in Prince Edward Island in early May. Got folks in Arizona to see then it's a slow piddle east.

East is were the sun is in your face in the morning and on your back at night. Don't need a compass for that just the gas money.
Time to make new friends. The nice part is the old ones are paying me to move.

Get those boat plans drawn up.

Fast"boat building"eddy
Eddy, Don`t Ever Say Anything, One Of Her Legs Is 2 1/2 Inches Shorter Than The Other One. Her Name Is Ilean. When We Get In A Fight She Tries To Run Away. She Is Like A Wild Rabbit, But Runs In A Much Smaller Circle. She Is Tricky, She Tries To Run Around The House, But The Short Leg Mess`s Her Up And She Usually Runs Into The Side Of The House And Knocks Herself Silly!! I Shouldn`t Chase Her, But Its So Dam Funny!! When She Was In High School, She Had Long Pretty Legs. But She Thought They We Too Long And Was Very Self Consious. Her Folks Were Wealthy And Took Her To Sweden Were A Surgeon Shortened Her Legs. She Was A Happy Camper Then. But Her Arms Now Hung Down So Low, It Looked Funny, They Should Have Shortend Them Also. But, She Was A Very Very Good Bowler!! Now That One Leg Has Been Gettin Shorter And Shorter. She Was Crying The Other Day. I Asked Her, Whats Amatter Lucky? She Thinks She Will Never Be Able To Get Away From Me!! I Told Her I Thought That Was An Accurate Statement!! Snork Snork I Been Thinking About Nailing A Piece Of 2 X 4 To The Bottom Of Her Shoe And Running Her Off. My Siding Is Getting Dented All To He$$. Do Them Filet Kniffs Have Instructions?. I Have To Go. She Just Ran Out Of Gas With The Lawn Mower. If I Let Her Gas It Up, She Will Be Walking "around" For An Hour To Gas It. She Is Hard On Shoes. She Said Hi. I Told Her You Was Cute. I Want To Tell You, She Is Excited!! Will Try Post A Picture. She Has Been Using My Dentures, About Ruined Them. She is strong as an ox and almost as smart. Later Dude. Ron


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You guys could do a comedy show. Your wife stories reminds me of a girlfriend my brother had some years back. She was nice enough, but not too bright and highly gullible. In private my brother told her that I didn't have all my toes on one foot. She was sorry to hear that. The three of us were walking on the trail to the lake and she said to me very sweetly, "You walk very well." I don't think anybody ever paid me that particular compliment since I first learned how. I said, "Thanks, so do you." My brother, I could see, was trying to contain himself so I knew something was up. We got to the lake to go swimming and I took off my moccasins. With furrowed brow she was staring at my feet, counting and recounting I guess. My brother cracked up and said, "Half of 'em are on one foot and half on the other." I did not weep when I heard they broke up.
Laughing 2 hard to type. 2 dang funny.

Mike, great find on that house boat!! 8 grand? Wow! Could rent it by the month for close to that in NYC. Dock fees are crazy high there, though. I would be bidding on it b4 I wrote this if I had the cash.

erm... I hope yer joking - eight grand for THAT? laff

Same price would get ya a great ol' blowboat, prolly around a 33 footer with the same or better cabin room and transatlantic capable should you feel the need to flee the country... for whatever reason :D

Jus' a thought, I been keepin' an eye out lol
Hi Danny 2 Stroke, I Think She Said The Dock Fee Was 300 Per Mo. Can It Be Left In The Water All Winter?? Do They Use Aireators To Keep The Water From Freezing? Dan, Do You Think I Should Delete Some Of That Stuff??? If Anyone Objects, I Will. I Did Make My Ownself Laff. Later Dudes. Uncle Ron
New York? Prolly close the docks for the winter, it's a lil far north for year-round... but I could be wrong, NY is crazy lol

If they don't have agitators/bubblers, check a lil ways up a river. Oftentimes you can find a smaller marina with better rates. Another trick is to offer rent/utilities to someone with a large private dock, they're often happy to defer expenses.

Less convenient is what I did, which is to just drop hook in any good anchorage - free and simple, I'd dock only long enough to pump and top off the fuel and batteries, oftentimes on open public dockage.

It's a great life and I wish ya the best of luck no matter which ya choose ;)
Hi Danny 2 Stroke, I Think She Said The Dock Fee Was 300 Per Mo. Can It Be Left In The Water All Winter?? Do They Use Aireators To Keep The Water From Freezing? Dan, Do You Think I Should Delete Some Of That Stuff??? If Anyone Objects, I Will. I Did Make My Ownself Laff. Later Dudes. Uncle Ron
No way. All Classic Ron an' 2 funny. $300 a month is cheap!

NY harbor is more salt then even brackish. Odd lil fact but since it is deeper then where it empties into the the Atlantic, the Hudson river is actually a tidal estuary and not an actual river. The East river is not a river either. I know, crazy. The Hudson is brackish all the way up to Albany. So, aside from ice drifting down river, the Harbor doesn't freeze but has crazy tides and tunnel effect winds. It never draining is funny to watch. Ice packs will be headed south and north past each other. (Side note, ya have to sail the Hudson once in your life. West point, the Palisades and NYC have to bee seen from the deck once in every life. Coming in from seaward, you can see the glow of NYC 2 days out. No kidding

Your right about a blow boat BA. Thats the way to live. Do think it is a great deal for 8K up this way though. But have never priced em so will take your advise
Dan, It Think Is A Very Good Deal For One Wanting That Type Of System. I Would Want To Check It For Sill Rot And The Barge Basement For Rot, Dampness. As Barely Stated, There Is Good Buys Around, With This Bad Bad Economy. My Yacht That I Let Go Last Fall For 6500 Without The Engines Would Maybe Be Better. Easier To Move And Be Repowered. You Could Chum Off The Barge And Eat Cheap!!! Man You Guys Keep Getting My Heart Rate Up, For Working On The Pontoon! Have A Couple 4 Stroke 6000 Watt Generators And A New Model Marine 6.5 K Genset. Man, I Really Need A Young , Good Looking Women That Is Mechanically Adept And Will Treat All My Tools Properly! Ilean Is About To Be History!! Any Takers Out There! Ha Ha . Just Robbed Nice Wheels And 26 X 2.125 White Walls Off The Tandem, For My Shifter. I Have Rode The Shifter Enough Now, Don`t Like The Dirt Knobbys . Had A Long Sleeve Shirt On This Morning, But It Got Too Warm! No More Wisconsin Winters For Me. "time On The Water, Is Time Well Spent" Someone Must Have Coined That, But Have Been Saying It For Years. I Just Need To Eat Some Of Those Energizer Rabbit Batteries. "Ranting Ronnie"
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When the plane crashed in the Hudson did you see how fast it was moving in the river.

I thought it was cheap at that money.They are a lot more on this coast. The houses are fancier here since most of them have a second storey. Down town Seattle can cost you $100,000 and up.

What is a blow boat? When I was a kid it was a fat chick that did.

Eddy, A Blow Boat Is One Where You Get A Half Doz Of Your Best Girl Friends And Have Them Blow Into The Sails. I Hope This Answers Your Question! Always Happy To Aid A Fellow Member. "Ranting Ronnie"