
Neat, sorry to hear about you and Ilean. At least she had a good slant an life.
If Mike and I can make it to help with the house boat mabe we can put some time in helping you replace the siding. If Ilean wasn't too tall we won't have to go very far up.

Kind of worried if Ella would miss me when I took off but then I realized a lot of the time she doesm't remember I'm here so now I feel better about going.

I had hoped to met a youg lady to and then figered if I did and she was interested if this old carcass she'd be half nuts and the other half would be crazy. Forty years ago that would have made her perfect but today there would be hopes and expectations on her part that would never be met. Sounds like a lot of work today at least to me.

Fast"but slow movin"eddy
The Hudson River/Champlain Canal/Lake Champlain is gorgeous, a bit awkward to "sail" as ya gotta have yer masts unstepped for the locks - still, it's a beautiful run with very nice, clean, and best of all - free public docks spaced about every 15 - 20 miles (most have power & potable water too!) :D

Check the pics out here (links at bottom of their page);
Champlain Canal


My ol' baby 23' "blowboat" ;)
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You take some great pics BA.

I wanna meet up with you guys in Fla! Promised Carol a weekend down there this winter. We could try and talk Tom (2door) and wife into it. But he has already said they wouldn't be going.

I'll bring us a bike. ...if we could borrow a few of your engines Ron. LOL

Could do a race thing. Slowest time gets the trophy? Born to be mild and all that.


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Dan, if it is in Feb/Mar I would be over that way. Tom can't make it, we'll kill him with the video and we won't have to watch a grown man cry.

We'll see who wants to meet there.

Hey Guys. Been Changing The Wheels Etc. Man It Is Always Much More To Switching Things Around. I Had To Let The Air Out Of The 26 X 2.125 Ww Tire To Get The Wheel Far Enough Ahead To Access The Reverse Horizontal Drop Outs. (almost Horizontal!) The Cassette Had A Extra Large Cog On It 34 Teeth. After 10 Feet Of Start Out, The Titan Really Torques. Need To Re Adjust The Rear Derailier. Went To The Dollar Store, My Cart Runneth Over. Need To Go TO Supermarket Tomorrow. Fast Eddy When Are You Heading This Way? Its Ot, But Will Post A Pic. If They Keep There Dentures In, Tie Some Spider Wire On Em. I Hope This Is Not Another Nite Of You Guys And The Sillyness. Mike Will Boot Us Off His Thread!! R Ron.


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Hey Guys. Been Changing The Wheels Etc. Man It Is Always Much More To Switching Things Around. I Had To Let The Air Out Of The 26 X 2.125 Ww Tire To Get The Wheel Far Enough Ahead To Access The Reverse Horizontal Drop Outs. (almost Horizontal!) The Cassette Had A Extra Large Cog On It 34 Teeth. After 10 Feet Of Start Out, The Titan Really Torques. Need To Re Adjust The Rear Derailier. Went To The Dollar Store, My Cart Runneth Over. Need To Go TO Supermarket Tomorrow. Fast Eddy When Are You Heading This Way? The Guest "shed" = Carpet, Insulated Sheetrock, Textured Ac, Frig/freezer , Micr Wave, 70 Channels, Full Size Bed. And About 12 Good Bikes And A Rack Of Motors. "WE" will find a place for that stuff. It Is 12 Ft X 20 Ft. Thunder Mug, Shower/tub And Hot Water In The Garage. If Ilean Is Still Here , She Will Bunk With You!! Did You Print Out Her Pic And Put It In Your Wallet?? He He. Its Ot, But Will Post A Pic. If They Keep There Dentures In, Tie Some Spider Wire On Em. I Hope This Is Not Another Nite Of You Guys And The Sillyness. Mike Will Boot Us Off His Thread!! R Ron.

My thread is your thread! Glad to have all you guys aboard!!
Neat, I am going to be in Arizona for Jan early Feb. Mabe the first week then it's a fast stop to see some people in Texas then I'm on to Fla.

Come self contained. Got a 1984 Dodge camper van. That way Ilean and I won't keep you up all night.
Folks in the camp ground won't be any to thrilled so we may have to move.

I printed her picture out and taped it to my heart. I just can't wait, she reminds me so much of my first wife Drucilla the Hun. She kind of looked like the fat lady in the armour at an opera.
She could take one breath and scream at me in a high C for at least 5 minutes.
If you have ever heard the fat lady in the armour sing at an Opera you'll know what I mean. For the rest of you picture a wolf with it's tail going though a washing machine wringer really slowly.
