Yer killing me with the pics! lol
Dan, every time I see Barely A Wake's pictures I start to shake and shiver
BarelyAwake ... post more pics for us landlubbers to drool over ... you da man!
Arm twisted
Dan, a folding, rack mount MB woulda been great! There's defo a market for them amongst liveaboards, I pedaled many a mile way overloaded with rations & fuel and I woulda loved a lil "assistance"! It's true that all the places closest to shore are always the most pricey, I would venture far and wide lookin' for those "dented can" stores. I never worried as I just dented them more myself on the trip home lol
Steve, Ontario to Florida in 1952 on a Nova Scotia built 36ft Ketch? that woulda been an epic adventure! *sigh* Silly parents for sellin' the boat - ah well **** happens, living ashore is insidious - it'll manage to come up with all sortsa ways to keep you grounded, I'm struggling with this myself. It's NEVER too late tho and sailing craft are very reasonably priced used

oh and BTW - good job catching the joke in my name. few notice that'un heh
A 23 footer is a lil small for full-time residence, but at the time it was my very first boat and I didn't want to overdo it as I hadn't been ON a boat before let alone actually know how to sail

Yet it turned out to be really quite easy... most of the time.
As time went on I got better at sailing, the miles drifted past and harbors beckoned with promises. As I singlehanded, the quarters actually were spacious enough - I only later wished a larger craft for a better galley etc., and though people have done it - I didn't want to cross the Atlantic in what most consider a "weekender". Here's the layout of 'ol 'Serenity' to give ya an idea;
And a few more pics lol
1: Headin' south for the winter with a flotilla of other liveaboards...
2: Often we'd "have dinner" - I passed out on the foredeck of the boat to the far right with the sails down but not stowed... I don't remember much more of that night lol
3: Inside shot of my cozy quarters, one of the things I miss terribly is the gentle motion of a home on water - it's like she's alive, very different than living ashore.
4: How I made my monies - I manufactured small "rug hooking" tools and sent them off to a retailer via postal drops once every two weeks or so.
5: Random canal picture, tho somewhat troublesome with a sailboat - I loved canals and the people I would meet and the forgotten places I would find.