How did you bend the torsion leaf as I remember them not liking side ways pressure being put on them. If I recall right I had one of those snap in half when it fell over and hit the ground. Maybe that one was bad to begin with, don't really know as it happen over 20 years ago.
By the way you are doing a real sweet job on that bike of yours.
That is looking pretty cool! little concerned about the seat post, do you think it will hold up after a few miles on the road ?
Did you decide which way up/round you're putting the engine?
Yes, In my head. The engine will be configured in the regular manner with the cylinders fore and aft, the magneto on the right, carburetor on the left. Positioned high in the frame due to the shape of the engine. A vertical primary drive belt will connect to a double belt pulley which is fixed to a jackshaft located in a housing mounted lower in the frame loop. The second pulley is for the rear wheel drive rim.