Check my post on the carb, the main jet size and see how yours compairs to mine you may need to solder shut the main jet and redrill the hole. You might try to bend the fulcrum arm on the float instead of the 2 fingers( I don't know which way you did adjust your float) to adjust the float and try to get it to shut off with the float just under level when upside down. While you have the float upside down take a piece of fuel line hook it up to the carb and blow into it and youwill be able to see where the needle on the float shuts off the fuel. You do have the needle on the float in the proper place, it will be sort of in a caged part of the float fulcrum assembly. I hope I'm making since as I'm tired from being at work too much for the last few days.
Good luck I hope we can get you going.