lessons learned from pets

Stewie DeCat just did one of the all time best renditions of a mountain lion trying to take down a moose (was poor Shelly dawg) done by a 1.5 LB kitten I have ever seen! Man I wish I had a vid of this. He was sitting in a window seat as the dog was walking out of the room 14 feet away. Stewie leaps to the floor, jumps up on a table, then leaps up on a floor mounted, console TV and flies threw the air in perfect and I mean perfect flying squirrel, all 4's spread out only to land perfectly on the dogs back and neck. He then, in perfect mountain lion fashion, tries to take down the 70lb beast by gnawing on her neck and attacking furiously. As he "landed" and went to work, Shelly's head dipped but she just looked up and kept walking as if to say; "Ya see what I go threw?' She just kept going around the corner as the great grey tiger kept on with his attack.

I was laughing to hard to follow but from the sounds from the kitchen, I am pretty sure Shelly got out of sight of us 2 leggers, Stopped, Dropped and rolled! Thus thwarting the furious feline attack.

As there was no blood or bones sticking out, no reprimands were issued to either.

(Poor Shelly. She is a good soul)

Here is Fatty Catty in her more slender self. The jewel of the household if only in her mind. Well everyone elses too.


Fair time in the house. Clair {Mom} on the left and Oliver {Pinball, Fluffy Butt, Mr Jingles her son} on the right.

She is 6lbs and he is almost 13lbs. Don't think she wanted to do that again. He was almost twice the size of his litter mates.

Click on the photos to enlarge them.

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Dan, I'm laughing like mad as well. I can see Stewie {I'm a couger} DeCat going for the kill as I type this. Priceless moments.

God bless Shelly. She's special and like a moose she wasn't an easy kill as the cougar found out.

Awww! Look at that face. Ol' Momma cats.

LOL@ Fatty Catty. ya best hope she don't catch on to her name Steve!

(Not for nothing, hide your password to here. Cats seldom type well as they have no thumbs, but ya never know)
OH, SH*T. Fats has thumbs. She has an extra claw on her front paws.

Any messages that are sent late in the night aren't from me and should be reported immediately

Specialist in small parts reorganization, wire harness routing, general supervisor & guardian of the tadpole project;


& no, he doesn't approve of cameras lol ;)
Har, lol. For the first time I have "Fat Cat" support.

This will not end well. (Snicker, like it was gonna)
LOL BA. Ya know that we know that you know, we know, that, that is you.

The eyes gave it away. That and the facial grooming.

~dan dives under desk~


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I think with a look like that I'd be checking under the bed at night and would be putting a chair under the door knob.

Any trips to the bathroom would be held off to the last possible moment cause Kitty ain't happy.

I've had a dog (long ago) and quite a few cats. But lately I've grown really attached to Nate, a rather small cornsnake that I rescued from an incompetent pet shop a few years ago. He's become more than a pet, really part of the family. He loves the kids, Liesl especially. He climbs up on them and licks them almost like a puppy might. I get people asking me "Doesn't he bite"? Never once in all the years. Even if he did, his teeth are no bigger than the tips of pins. I'm not certain if he could draw blood if he tried. But he doesn't try, he's docile - almost timid - and personable. Seems to like everybody.

And he's my therapy snake. My right wrist was all banged up in martial arts. Dislocated at least once. Constant typing at work doesn't help it, I'm sure. And the accident with the truck - well, I could have done without that. Snakes are cold-blooded and like a bit of warmth. My wrist is often inflamed, and likes something cool applied to it. So I pick up Nate. And he usually homes in on my wrist. Late at night when I'm typing stuff on the forum, I often have him on my wrist and I take the typing slow. And when my wrist feels better, I can sleep. I hope Nate lives a long time, I love the little guy.
Stewie went in to get neutered or for what I told him was "tutoring" today. Carol told him it was for some "rubbin' loven" Either way, he jumped in the cat carrier crate. Just don't seem right to walk another dude into this but he has not skipped a beat. I got home about 11PM and he was his annoying, lovable kitten self. He did attack my boots with a little less vigor but did still attack em.
Bet your really high on his to do list now.

Attack Dan
Attack Dan
Attack Dan
Love Carol it wasn't her doing.
Attack Dan
Attack Dan

Bet your really high on his to do list now.

Attack Dan
Attack Dan
Attack Dan
Love Carol it wasn't her doing.
Attack Dan
Attack Dan


LOL Steve! Thats pretty much it

I swear I always vote against this sort of thing. I get the need, intellectually but just can't support it.
LOL, a true sign that folks have to much money. (Or that I have to much time)


Carol's boss (the vet) said he could sew a couple of marbles in cheaply.

That just seems wrong. Instead of having a glass jaw.......