lessons learned from pets

we love our pet's in the USA just a word of wise. do not think dogs are pets in mexico! most are wild, hungry, and will attack you your children and pet's. most run in packs and have no fear of human's and if they can make a meal of you they will not think twice to give it a try
Sounds like the natives in general..
We finally got a kitten for Shelly Dawg and Ma. Carol ignored me and got a boy kitten. "Stewie" is of course an attacking moron bent on world domination or at least me becoming footless as he attacks my feet at every chance. He is a very sweet lil guy. First time I met him, I bent down to pick him up. He flopped against my neck and purred him self to sleep. (When I put him down, he attacked my left foot)

I'd post a pic but he is asleep on my cell. Dumb cat.

Typical Tomcat. He thinks he is in charge, and later, we will be forced to agree.

Post script, I reread the entire thread. Choked me up more then once. You guys rock. And I miss eDj.

Cats don't know it's not garbadge!
Dumb Cat rolled off the cell and cuddled with the mouse.

I couldn't turn the light on for a better pic. I'm running out of feet. All Hail Stewie! snork, he is already in charge. (The lil expletive)
LOL, I went below for a smoke (don't tell Paul, I am quilting) But came back up and Stewie restarted both computers. Hide your pins!
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When I saw your post this morning I had to look at all the posts again and I'd forgotten that I'd put so many of my favorite pet stories on and got to relive everyone elses.

Stewie sounds like he has you all right where he wants you. Well trained to serve his every whim.

As I type this my brother is making the cat tower higher since Fatty Catty has lost enough weight to leap up and scarf the regular food and not her diet food that she gets 3 times a day.
Funny since we are both retired we interact with the dog and the cats all day. How boring life would be without them but we never stop and think about it.

Where did eDj go? When I read the old posts I saw some others who don't post here any more. Guess life has moved on for them.

Forgot! As for the safety of the feet. Slippers. Drives the cat crazy that you don't jump a bunch when the attack happens.

After they get over that disappointment. Shinguards.

LOL Steve! Not for nothing but you got no idea how much I enjoy your posts. Your one of the good guys. No small or not-incredible feat my friend!

I just got in from work. Stewie, as is his practice, marched over the key board and of course closed Google Chrome, MBC.com and my Favorite; sheep.com LOL! do not click on the link at the center of the page! (No, go ahead, is really funny)

Cool thing about the idiot Stewie DeCat. He is just a little boy. He is all but lost in the world and looking for guidance. Just a dumb critter but amazingly smart. When I hold him up to a mirror, he knows it is his own reflection and not another cat. (pet IQ test. The dumb ones attack)

My night gig is I deliver meds to assisted living facilities. Tonight was a late release. I went out back for a smoke and a rabbit popped up. I said "hello" so he/she would not be worried or alarmed. Was kinda funny. The thing just sort of sat and watched me. I go back in and collect my 3 cloths basket sized bins of meds and come back out to leave to do my gig and Bra-Rabit is still sitting there. Just watching me.
People are crazy, animals are funny and we are just some of them.
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LOL@"fattyCatty" ya gotta post pics.

Well, not if she will be embarrassed in any way. Ya know how girl cats get.

(and I wonder why I get hate email, snork)
Thanks Dan. Glad I'm able to brighten the day.

I believe my brother has some Fatty Catty photos and I'll ask him for them tomorrow and no need to worry about F.C. She can be flexible if I mention treats. As a matter of fact she is half way up my leg now since she heard the word treats being typed.

Is Stewie {The Boss} Cat full grown yet? I had to have many chats with Oliver {The Pinball} Cat when he was young about stepping on the computer key board.
I found that offering to show him the life that the cats down at the pound have, up really close, broke him of the habit.
Oliver got his name because if you make a loud noise near him he travels around like someone teed off a golf ball in a tile bathroom.

The air horn is priceless.

Looked up Sheep.com and yes I pushed on the middle link. Life will be much better now.

That ranks right up there with, don't polk the angry bear in the backside with a short, sharp, stick.

You have no idea how much I love a challenge.

Stewie DeCat has 2 favorite toys. One is a palm leaf and the other is the top/rip portion of a dry dog food bag. Both are much wider then he is long and he runs with them in his mouth. As the tips make contact with any thing, he flips around to attack what ever is trying to take his toy/prey. Is to funny. He is not all that coordinated yet and his rear wheel drive is just a bit faster then his front. So he does that kitten, side wise sprint.

The dog just watches and then looks at Carol or I with a "Really, really?" sort of look.
Dan, if we can't find a bear, do you think we could settle for a half dozen hungry pit bulls and his back pockets full of pork chops?

Belly rubs are good.
