lessons learned from pets

Re: lessons learned

I am so sorry to hear about Skipper. Our most heart felt and sincere condolences.
Re: lessons learned

My Brownie is a small breed Rat Terrier. Brindle and weighing 10.4 lbs She is one of my true joys in life. She is unconditional love 24/7. She barks only when really needed, and has the best manners I have ever seen in a dog, big or small. She is my Joy. :)
Re: lessons learned

Had to put my last dog down in 1982. Like taking one of my kids in. It was that or watch her die of cancer slowly and after 15 years together I couldn't do it.
Skipper was a Border Collie-Lab X and as my Dad said so smart it was as if someone pulled a dogs skin over a human.
My kids memory of her is get close to the road and get herded back to safety like a sheep. Skippers idea of safety that is.

I agree eDJ that the best thing is to enjoy everyone elses dog. I live with my brother and family and they have a Newfoundland- Border-Collie cross. A 120 pounds of love. and looks like a bigger edition of Skip. She likes to pack as much petting time in as the day allows or until my arm wears out.

Have cats now myself and up until the three that I have now they were volunteer cats. They showed up at the door and volunteered to live with me.

Some left kittens and moved on and some stay till the end. One kitten born in the house got the name Zoffo from my son. Zoff turned out to be a 29 pound, 3 foot long {nose to tail tip} Maine Coon cat my buddy nick named Pork Chop. He was fron TN and the first time he saw Zoff he said 'that ain't no cat. That there's a walkin pork chop".

Can understand the kitten eating out of the garbage because that was where it's food had come from till it got lucky. My daughter had a kitten that ate out of a dish until it discovered the big bag of cat food. We knew it was time to buy more when Bixby's tail disappeared from sight.

We are so lucky that our pets love us like they do. They give so much and ask so little.


I chuckled a couple of times reading that Steve, TY.

Your right, we are lucky to have them.
Re: lessons learned

Really enjoying this thread and wish it was named some thing else. The title is bad and would love to hear more about folks pets.

Yrs back I had a plumbing biz. I could tell if the check was gonna be good or bad by how the dog acted. Folks in trouble or just unconcerned affected how the dog would act.

Just had a meeting with a machine shop to make a prototype GB w/out the B for me. Guy had a big 'ol lab. Knew right off he was a good guy. Not that I trust him untill we talk numbers, but with out a doubt, good guy. The lab stood almost to my hip and was body blocking me asking I rub and scratch him harder.

OT, this is funny, I just dug the guy's biz card out to make sure I had it. His name is Larry R. Ernst.
Re: lessons learned

Dan, when I tell people about zoffo the cat I watch thier eyes glaze over until I showed them the pictures I had. I lost everything in a fire so Zoffo is indeed gone.

I always took the cats in to be fixed and the vet clinic always did it very resonably. They were very much into animal birth control. Other than that thier health was good and I very rarely was there but one time Zoff got a tick that I could not get out so it's off to the Vet.
Had to make a pet carrier due to his size and me being cheap.
When we got to the vet the lady is looking at the carrier size and the definate howl of a very unhappy cat.
Our turn came and as I opened the door out poured a peed off pussycat. The vet said straight off "we don't do exotic animals. OH sh*t that thing is a house cat"

He ran out, got his staff and told then to get into the examing room because they would never see this again. Every one in the waiting room had to have a look too.
The Ham just sat there and collected the ohh and ahh's.
He had his picture on the vets wall.

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Harr! LOL your killing me Steve. I had a Maine Coon named Chicken Hawk. We named him that because his head was so big as a kitten he could only walk so far b4 falling over which ever way his head was turned. Was sad to watch and would have you holding your sides laughing. He lived on top of the refrigerator and if you needed the rest room in the middle of the night, as you walked into the kitchen, you'd hear; THUMP. (15 LB CAT like creature dropping from fridge) Then Cat claws trying to get traction on linoleum. Then a whole lot of angry Cat/dog/predator bouncing off your waist trying to knock you down. His other favorite place to nap was on my neck. He had a broken "purrer" and could massage you to sleep. That cat was the best dog I ever knew. I still have his ashes. I busted a truck windshield from the inside with my fist when I heard a car got him. Carol still tells me I should not have let him out and be an outdoor. In my defense, I understood why he needed 2b. To hunt and just be what he was. I did in fact let him get killed and breaks my heart. (I love him still) But would let him out again. He was not happy indoors. I understood that.
Big time thanks Fairracing. (Changed the title of the thread so more pet lovers might view or tell a story)

We have great hosts!
Dan, sorry to hear about Chicken hawk. They just love being out doors.

When I moved upstate in NH someone stole Zoff. I turned the town upside down but never found him. I had his brother George for years after until he couldn't hold on and let go.

I now have two sisters who were born in my house and one of thier sons who is by coincidence part Maine Coon cat and one nieces constant companion along with his mom.
The other cat took to my brother but once in a while I get petting priviledges but they are rationed.

Crazy Horse here got three purrer's myself.

One all white blue eyed persian pure bred and he's not deaf, as many pure bred blue eyed persians turn out to be, when sleeps he gets above my head on my pillow, his way to show affection is to set on your lap with his hind end toward your face and flatulate, his name is Saffire, aka Mr. Sh*tty Pants.

The second one is Nicky a polydactyl yes he has 6-toes use's them like thumbs he looks like a lil gray tiger with black stripes & black rings on his tail.

Last but not least is the beast, the bruiser, the biggest dam cat I've ever seen he's a 40lb long haired, Maine Coon named Toby, his nicknames are Tub-A-Lard, Fat-Boy, among many others.

We love our furry felines only wished they could live with us, no pets allowed in our High-Rise condo, so the boy's are living at 90 year old Grandma's house and she will not part with them, she spoils all of them bakes them catfish, and I'm sure give's them milk.

Peace Crazy Horse.

1st pic is Saffire, 2nd pic is Toby the Maine Coon, 3rd pic is Nicky the Six toed wonder, 4th pic is Nicky & Toby hanging out in grandma's laundry room, 5th pic is Saffy on my shoulder of course he was flatulating into my ear in this pic.


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Crazy horse,I'd heard maine Coon cats could get up to 40 pounds but the biggest I saw was mine.
That Sir, would be a lap full of cat.
As for Puffs the magic cat.I like his attitude.
I've got a 6 toed, grey stripped cat too. Does the extra claw get caught on everything?


Nicky, Toby & Saffire were all declawed my wifes doing not mine, as far as Nicky six-toes, goes he uses his two extra toes as thumbs he will even scoop the cat food up and eat it out of his paw like it's a giant spoon.

Being a Doberman Pinscher kind of guy never thought I'd love our cats as much as I do!

Peace Crazy Horse.

Crazy horse,I'd heard maine Coon cats could get up to 40 pounds but the biggest I saw was mine.
That Sir, would be a lap full of cat.
As for Puffs the magic cat.I like his attitude.
I've got a 6 toed, grey stripped cat too. Does the extra claw get caught on everything?

I have 2 dawgs a 2 Kats.
We had to put down onw dog, Murphy. I makes me sad, But think about what happy place she is in.
The Kats are Bob And Garrett. Bob is all black and I WALK HIM ON A LESH OUTSIDE since he loves to soooo much. He will rub up against any one, no matter wat. he is 3. The other one, Garrett, Is a "missels witha tail". He runs through the house, and i sear it sounds like a horse galloup. He is very fat, and looks like a tiger. He also chases Flys
Junior, named after Ken Groffey Jr., Is also a sweetie. He is "Big Boy". Even though he is 12 almost 13, he act slike he is 3. He is a mix between a German shpard and god knows what. I have never seen him snap at anything, besides the garbage truck, other daogs, and squierlls. He is even afraid of garrett! The little Kitten who is 1!!! lol

Puck is 15, but has the attatude of a 3 tear old. Dhe chases the Kats. She is lossing vision and hearing, and if the goes deaf and blind, I am scared to walk up behind her , i would probaly los a hand lol.

Animals are a gift and they should be treated like family
(and they can be quite funny too!!)
drn2this was was my dog of 14 years and sadly he passed on in Jan. 09 in that big place in heaven for all pets. he loved cats, he thought they were good tasting. grrrrr he was a tennis ball freak. you could throw all day long and he would always come back for more. tho he never liked the water! part lab, golden retriever, and german short hair.


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My dog hanging out outside my car, he loves to go for rides lol


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Crazy Horse, our six toed cat, Clair is known as Fatty Catty for good reason.
She has a weird habit of waiting until flowers drop of the bushes then tracks my Brother down, meowing the whole time then when she finds him drops them at his feet and waits to be petted.

Shelly dawg was not doing well. Sick and lethargic. Get a call from the Baby's Momma asking if I can run home and bring her into her work. (at a vets) I drive home and load Shelly in the car. She lays down in the back seat facing the rear. I really think I am gonna be delivering a dying pet to my wife. When we get there, kibble breath knows it is Mommy's place and perks up some but petters out before we get in the door but then hears Momma. Turned out she had pancreatitis. Meds, fluids and some "Momma's rubb'n Loven" and all good. (Thank you God)

Shelly had to stay the night in the kennel. Carol left work, came home and got a blanket and went back. She slept on the stone floor next to Shelly's puppy prison kennel cage.

Talk about lessons learned.
Thanks Steve! She is great and happy as an insane dog can be, lol. Was 2 weeks of meds and a change in diet. All good! She is happily trying to eat the mailman, barking at a tree she hates (nothing lives in that tree, she just don't like it) and chasing "where'syaBall?"