Re: lessons learned
I am so sorry to hear about Skipper. Our most heart felt and sincere condolences.
I am so sorry to hear about Skipper. Our most heart felt and sincere condolences.
I chuckled a couple of times reading that Steve, TY.Had to put my last dog down in 1982. Like taking one of my kids in. It was that or watch her die of cancer slowly and after 15 years together I couldn't do it.
Skipper was a Border Collie-Lab X and as my Dad said so smart it was as if someone pulled a dogs skin over a human.
My kids memory of her is get close to the road and get herded back to safety like a sheep. Skippers idea of safety that is.
I agree eDJ that the best thing is to enjoy everyone elses dog. I live with my brother and family and they have a Newfoundland- Border-Collie cross. A 120 pounds of love. and looks like a bigger edition of Skip. She likes to pack as much petting time in as the day allows or until my arm wears out.
Have cats now myself and up until the three that I have now they were volunteer cats. They showed up at the door and volunteered to live with me.
Some left kittens and moved on and some stay till the end. One kitten born in the house got the name Zoffo from my son. Zoff turned out to be a 29 pound, 3 foot long {nose to tail tip} Maine Coon cat my buddy nick named Pork Chop. He was fron TN and the first time he saw Zoff he said 'that ain't no cat. That there's a walkin pork chop".
Can understand the kitten eating out of the garbage because that was where it's food had come from till it got lucky. My daughter had a kitten that ate out of a dish until it discovered the big bag of cat food. We knew it was time to buy more when Bixby's tail disappeared from sight.
We are so lucky that our pets love us like they do. They give so much and ask so little.
Crazy horse,I'd heard maine Coon cats could get up to 40 pounds but the biggest I saw was mine.
That Sir, would be a lap full of cat.
As for Puffs the magic cat.I like his attitude.
I've got a 6 toed, grey stripped cat too. Does the extra claw get caught on everything?