Yrs back, I went off the deep end and ended up living in an 8X12 trailer. Then the flooded basement of a bar with no roof and finally above a bar in the Catskill MTNs of NY. Was an interesting time. The entire time my best friend and constant companion was an over weight cat named Ethel. I had stolen her from a woman who was with out a doubt the largest, fattest, ugliest, meanest poor excuse and waste of space human being it has ever been my great displeasure to have had to talk to. She was so huge, her left thigh kept me from shifting into 4th gear when I drove her any where. She was also my room-mates girl friend. (before the crazy and living in a box/cellar/bar) He is legally blind and thought dating ugly woman was the way to go. She was so lacking all 3 of her kids were taken by the state in 2 different cases. She kicked this cat across the room in front of me. So I moved on and out. As I looked up the stairs wondering if I had left any thing, Ethel looked down at me. When she first came to live with us, she caterwhalled down the same steps. Calling to the woman who had dropped her off and was never comming back for her. Took weeks for Ethel to come near me. She just hid in corners and behind things. She only came out at night to call down the stairs. Heart breaking cries from a wounded, scarred child in a primal tone.
As I looked up the stairs at eyes wide with the fear of abandonment, "C'mon baby girl" I scooped her up and out the door I went. (one scotch, one bourbon and one beer) She rode with her head on my lap. Only time she rode in a car with out annoying the **** out of me. The girl just don't like car rides. But that day, she just layed there quietly. In the flooded bar basement, our bed was an old army cot. I could only sleep on my side so she slept on my hip. After a few hrs, I would have to roll over for blood flow. She knew the drill and would climb off near my feet and back on my hip when I settled. When we lived in the camper, she slept at my feet. When I woke, I would roll on my back so she could walk up my chest. She would then stick her snout in my open mouth to smell my breath. We would watch the sun rise together. She out side by the pond at the golf course. Me inside. Drinking coffee by candle light.
One night, sitting watching the moon race with far to many beers in me and Ethel sitting next, I look over to say some thing to her. The biggest skunk I have ever seen is nose kissing her. Just walked right up and they did the sniff thing. He was so scary big, I am guessing he didn't have to spray any predators. He dang sure was not bothered by me being there. Dang thing was BIG. They ended up hanging out a lot. When we lived above a bar, (talk about moving up in the world) I was laying on the couch and heard a crumbling noise. Turned off the TV and was a real noise. (UN or not real sounds were not uncommon) A mouse had come out of the wall and was eating from Ethel's food dish. She was sleeping beside me but after turning off the TV and my moving slowly, alarmed and woke her. We notice the mouse together at the same time. She moves slowly towards him. I dunno what to do. Clap and let him run but before I can, the dam thing turns and snifs. She bends down and nose kisses him back! Turned out he is blind and didn't know to run. Sense he didn't run, she didn't know to catch and they eat lunch together for months. Was really cool to watch. Lion and the lamb sort of thing. Funny part was she loved "mousing" Woke up more then once with the rear half of a mouse in my right shoe. Dunno why the rt shoe or rear half but always assumed it was a compliment from her.
All this to say I found an old blog I wrote back then. Just wanted to post it here so I don't lose it again.
The day ended like the last 32. Finished mowing lawns at the golf course. Walked to the store and bought food, beer and tobacco. On the way back to the bar I live above, I stop on the trail next to the water fall and drink 3 beers and smoke 3 cigarettes. Today a chip-monk sat with me for the 3/4 of an hour. He was at first skittish. Then calm. A cat happened past, across the river and eyed us both, the burly ruff neck and the chip monk. The chip monk became concerned again but soon relaxed. The cat wondered off and the chip-monk did as well. Tomorrow I will bring nuts for him (gonna call him "Franciscan", he's already a monk) I chose to believe that pleasant discourse gives God cause to smile more then the best plied prayer. On the way to "my spot by the falls", I was driven past by a man who had beat me out of my car in a business deal. He is a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier. As our eyes met, there was fear in his. The ego liked it, but that lessens the spirit. Was glad to have met the chip monk. Hope and pray you are all well, as I do every night.
Funny or odd side note. On that blog, I found, word for word the OP of this thread. While down below having a smoke in Carol's ancestral and beautiful home, a mouse ran up to me. Sniffed and ran away. First one I have seen here in 23 yrs. Minus the 6 yrs I spent insane and in the Catskills.
Life is grand.