
Anchovies.................My favorites are the ones rolled and with a caper in the center. Just pluck 'em out of the can and eat. No crackers needed.

How did we high-jack Anne's 'Joke' thread with food? I guess I started it, didn't I?
Sorry Anne!!!!!!!

bikini_motorcycle.jpg that's why they call 'em "crotch rockets"!

Mystery solved, Scooby Doo. Now I can finally sleep at night!
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Exactly. I'm talking about the crackers that cost so much that you put them back on the shelf twice before you realize that your worth every penny they cost.

Jokes are fine but lets keep it clean. After all folks, a lady started this thread. We also have youngsters who visit here. Use some discretion if you're going to post a joke. It's a 'family forum'.

Jokes are fine but lets keep it clean. After all folks, a lady started this thread. We also have youngsters who visit here. Use some discretion if you're going to post a joke. It's a 'family forum'.


Or joking a post? Cheers to the host of this post, no joke!

(and it's not April fools day) :D
Some have heard this one. I tried it on a guy in a Camaro who was dissin' my slowcoach motorbike.
Me: "Sure, it doesn't *look* fast, but I'll race you."
Camaro dude: "You'll race me? On the bike, you mean?"
Me: "Yep, on the bike. But we gotta play by the rules."
Camaro dude: "Okay, what are these rules?"
Me: "We each start in the same place with only a half-gallon of gas, and the finish line is 50 miles away. Loser buys the winner's beer."

He laughed but he didn't fall for it.
My friend had a terrible experience today. He left his banjo on view in his car. When he came back, the one window was smashed and the door was open. He looked in, and yes, somebody had left another one!
How do you know when there's a drummer at your front door?

The knocking speeds up, slows down, and when you open it, he still doesn't know when to come in.
My friend had a terrible experience today. He left his banjo on view in his car. When he came back, the one window was smashed and the door was open. He looked in, and yes, somebody had left another one!
Now if you'd said 'accordion' I would have belived you.

Certainly it isn't a 'dirt' bike. That's an 'ass-phalt' bike if I've ever seen one.
