Congratulations on your progress, Steve. Your temperatures sound like what we would call spring here in northeastern Minnesota. I've been looking forward to today as it is to be a balmy 20 above zero with more snow. Compared to the past couple of weeks that is warm. We had a day of sunshine awhile back and it was amusing how people crawled out of caves to blink and smile in the sunlight. "Nice day, eh?" Ya, you betcha!" Dispositions plunged along with the thermometer the next day. Thursday night it is to drop down to -24 which is plenty cold enough. Winters are milder in recent years than a few decades ago. -40 happened every winter and on one memorable morning it dropped to -63 on the thermometer. I stay inside in such weather but always think about the deer, moose and wolves out there somehow surviving. And the little chickadees with such skinny little legs... how do they manage? I digress. Hope your weather holds and that Art is cooperative. Just 4 1/2 months til the fishing opener, Steve. And Summer Bike Camp For Boys Who Never Grew Up comes soon after. Woohoo!