Indian Tadpole


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
You are ahead of the game by sealing the tank now, even if pressure testing doesn't reveal any leaks, I've been there and didn't do that...paid for it later!
Looks like both of us are entering the tedious, necessary, time consuming and boring part of completing builds. I offer encouragement as many will question how it could possibly take so long when it looks sooo finished.

I've found that attention to detail at this point, while important cosmetically, determines how much I'll ultimately enjoy riding and owning my creations. I know your tri car will finish out beautifully. Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
It was my grand nieces version of a Happy Day. Sunny and 50F but I certainly agree with her. Got into the garage and working before Art figured out what was going on and now he's ticked off but it's too late works done.

Hope Arthur does move on tomorrow for you. He's one fellow who has absolutely no redeeming qualities.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I figure that sealing the tank right away is indeed a wise move. I know for certain that there will be leaks based on the fact there always is when I make a tank.

Seeing the Pea Shooter coming together has built a fire under my need to finish the tri car.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
The welds where the seat stays were welded just above drop outs cleaned up nicely. I welded the patches over the hole where the kick stand went through and the rear fender mount and now I just have to clean up the welds. If you look back a few photos you can see the kick stand mount hole.

Tomorrow I hope to have the new gas and oil tank finished up ready for paint and test mounted. The to-do list is shrinking.

Here are a few photos to show what I'm talking about.

Steve. Tri-car Build/DSC_0003_zpsmsrgplaq.jpg


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Looking good, Steve. What a journey these tri-cars have been, eh? Who'd a thunk it when we started with high hopes that years would go by before seeing them "done". Your progress makes me even more hopeful about your coming to bike camp this year and our getting out the welder and side grinder to finish up the Indian Hiawatha tri-car.

And I love the idea of an electric Monark tri-car. Wow. Would you make a fake gas tank for the batteries? One set of high end batteries for two bikes is a great plan. We'll have to look through whatever I have in left over stuff to see if there's anything further you can use. I think I'm done on any new projects as I have in my apartment where I'm writing the 200cc "Kindalikeawhizzer" on display on my writing table (wheels straddle the laptop) and on the other side of the room is the hybrid trike, the Hiawatha tri-car and the 1934 Elgin "Velocipede". All close to being done, yet not done. At 72 now I think I should refrain from new starts until I've done some finishes. Once I have the second sail canoe ready for launching this spring I have resolutions to get back to work on the two wheeled projects. My budget also suggests cooling it with new expenditures. I shudder at the thought, but perhaps it is time I considered growing up. What would it be like to be a responsible adult-like person I wonder? Hmmmm...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I sit here at night and think about how this was going to be a quick build. This thread started in December 2010 and I started working on them about 2 months later. They did start out as a sure quick project and probably would have been if my knee hadn't been open and closed more times than an off Broadway play. Probably half the time was recovering from surgery and rehab.

The end is in sight at long last. We'll get the Hiawatha tri car done at least and see what we have time for after that. May the hills around the Bears Head State Park road echo with the sounds of tri cars this summer.

I'm looking forward to building the electric tri car. Not having to conform to a previously built bike will be a pleasure. Most of the parts are here and the ones I don't have can be ordered and here in a couple of weeks. After that it's the twisted fertile mind of Fasteddy at play.

I don't think there will be room to house a battery in the space between the cross bars. I'll probably make a tank to fill the space though. There will be lots of room under the seat to store the battery and I'll make a proper storage area there.

Summers coming.



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
I figure that sealing the tank right away is indeed a wise move. I know for certain that there will be leaks based on the fact there always is when I make a tank.

Seeing the Pea Shooter coming together has built a fire under my need to finish the tri car.

Little nudge maybe, but persistence in overcoming major adversity has sustained you thus far. 2010 start on three co projects sharing a thread and some Summers with friends in fabrication by the lake, sounds like fun to me.
Having the electric spinoff probably would not have come to mind during a quicker build, so there's that as well, I'm excited that Silverbear's project will go forward as well...72 years young, I'm just two behind you so let's keep at it for awhile. Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
We had to cancel the last two years bike camps Rick and I'm really looking forward to it this year. So much to do. Your absolutely right. The electric tri car probably wouldn't have happened if the gas powered tri car had been finished sooner. I was sitting at my work table and I was looking at the shelves full of parts doing a mental inventory when I realized that with the equally large pile of parts outside in storage I could build at least three other bikes.

Then I got to thinking about how an electric tri car would have been done by now and I was off to the wild goose chases. Why not build one the voices said. It won't take long they said. We'll see if the trouble makers are right.



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
The electric tri car as well as the Indian side car etc. deserve serious consideration as potential "legacy builds" if not for you; for another. Good ideas eventually are constructed. I suggest that you and others proceed as if there is a tomorrow with all the possibilities that suggests. It's fun to keep dreaming and building...that's my plan. Rick C.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Salsa making day today so nothing happening in the garage. I do have my priorities. Just ordered bits for the electric tri car and some of what I hope are the last of the Indian tri car parts.

We're cleaning up the workshop so that we can work in there and I'll get at the sidecar over the next few weeks as I wait for the parts to finish off the Indian tri car and the better weather is coming in a month or so along with more welding time. The sidecar build and the electric tri car "should" go a lot quicker. Someone else will be making the parts and hopefully all I have to do is assemble them.



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Busy hands Steve and who doesn't love salsa? Prepping the work space and getting parts moving in your direction...all a part of the build. I've been doing a bit of that as well while trudging toward the finish on my HD.

Rick C.