Indian Tadpole

My son just put a photo of his first attempt at tig welding on Facebook. Looked good for a first attempt. One of his good friends immediately posted that now all the builds that come out of the shop will be 20% lighter.

No, that would be his Dad your talking about.

Thank Tinsmith, I guess that site is like Facebook and won't allow anyone to see it if they haven't signed up. I'll ask my son to email me some photos and see how that works.

Purchased a 3D Motorsport clutch and received it a little over a week ago. I ordered it on a weekend and Danny,the owner of 3D Motorsport, had it shipped on Monday afternoon. I ordered it for the tri car originally but then saw a video that Danny posted of a Harley Davidson build that the builder could pedal start the bike with it's 1946 Briggs and Stratton engine.

I contacted Danny to see if he could convert a clutch to pedal start because the Jacobson engine that is on the tri car has had the flywheel shaved and there is really no way to use it to start the engine. I didn't think ahead with that idea.

He put me in touch with the Harley's builder who agreed to convert a clutch for me to use on the tri car so I can pedal start it. My clutch will be the second one he's converted to be used on a pedal crank jack shaft.

I'll ask him if it is OK to use his name and email. He's a hot rod and rat rod builder and owns a machine shop and I don't know if he is open to doing this kind of work other than once in a while.

Here are some photos of the 3D clutch. Some of the the builders on the forum have purchased them and are very pleased with it. I ordered a second one and had it shipped to the chap converting it. The clutch I have here now will go on the 212cc Sportsman Flyer Indian sidecar build.

Here is the contact information for the chap who is modifying the 3D Motorsport clutch for me. He's in Pennsylvania.

He's on Facebook if you can access it, with his builds and information.

Brian Stichter

[email protected]

Silverbear one of the most common questions I'm asked is where I find the parts. This eventually led to my counting the sources I used to build my Grubee 2 stroke. I quit when the count went past the 30 ebay vendors mark. I'm quite sure I've cut that in half on my more current builds, but still quite a few sources involved. I recieved a few more for the Harley last week & hope I'm done with the spending, but I wouldn't bet on it. The point of all this Steve is I also feel that each build will never end 'cause parts are always on the way no matter how much of a hurry I'm in and then there is the "me" factor which complicates the process with the question..."What if I....?" You've got the patience or you wouldn't have ever built more than one with a motor on it. Rick C.
You've got the patience or you wouldn't have ever built more than one with a motor on it. Rick C.
So true, and not work on a bunch at once. LOL.............Curt
And don't stop to add up what it cost. Just repeat to yourself over and over that it's a hobby and it's fun and you will find a use for all the parts that didn't work on the next build.

Brian is waiting for parts so he can rework the clutch and Danny is waiting for people to make parts for him so it's kind of a chain reaction. Patience. I spent most of my life waiting for varnish and lacquer to dry so patience I have learned to live with.

Silverbear, it's is a good thing that we are bathed in patience and the mystery and lore of Bike Camp For Kids Who Never Grow Up.

Rick, I'm laughing at the "Me" factor in the builds. How so very true my friend. I was perfectly happy with the Willard clutch I bought until I got looking at the Bully clutch that Sportscar Pat sells so I bought one and then the 3D Motorsport clutch comes along so I bought one and then I see what Brian did with the clutch on his Harley Davidson build and asked Danny at 3D what Brian had done so he gave me Brian's contact information so I bought another 3D clutch and had it sent to Brian to be modified.

All this involves Canadian dollars at a 30% discount on the U.S. dollar and international shipping. Never add up what it costs. It's a hobby and I'm only going to build it once.

As a friend of mine used to say when he was building yet another custom car. The cat's still eating regularly and I haven't missed a meal and the rents payed so thing are OK.

Curt, I keep working on more that one because I'm waiting on parts for all the others.

Steve I was thinking not only of "me" but also of "you" and your frame rebuild, tank rebuild & now the ongoing gaggle of clutches, covey of clutches or is it a murder of clutches? At any rate a bunch of the 'spensive critters. The reasoning you revealed in your last post absolutely works for me better than any of the excuses I've come up with. Continued association with Curt, Silver bear and Tinsmith has obviously raised your level of consciousness in this area of enhanced building theory & meditation. As for me, :-|| Rick C.