Indian Tadpole

Ludwig I'll not look at a tri-car in the same light ever again & I'm quite certain some of the gentlemen in the background were leering as well. Rick C.
I always thing Leering sounds like one of those villages in Sussex with thatched cottages owned by retired stockbrokers, and cheap municipal housing occupied by six fingered indigenous goat molesters.
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I forgot you aren't in on the joke about the woman on the tri car. I'm on a lot of motor home sites and on one of then there was a hot discussion about which GPS was best. One Smart Alec says he doesn't need one because he has his wife to give him directions and she's never wrong like the GPS tend to be.

Mrs Smart Alec see the post and goes off on Mr. Smart Alec on the forum. It got really nasty and the Mod's had to step in and clear things up. Yes, she did tell him where to go and it seems there weren't any turns in the road since it was a straight and clear path into the bowels of Hades.

When I saw the young lady on the tri car all I could think of was think of the possibilities This was the perfect opportunity. She does the driving and we know since she is always right so you'll get there without any unnecessary detours and on time. Add having the pleasure of her company for the day and what a wonderful day it would be. Pleasant dinner with like minded motorcyclists and home again with nary a problem.

When you look at the crowds faces the men wish they could find a daring and adventurous lady like that and the women are a mixture of wishing they had the nerve to ride the tri car and thinking she is in some way not quite lady like for doing it and enjoying the day.

Personally I see an Intrepid Wheelwoman.

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Thanks Steve for the back story on the tri-car photo & I shall not add the limerick I'd thought of to post for Ludwig's benefit (leering, steering, pubs & Austins)...his asides crack me up though. Anne is a much better vision & intrepid for a certainty!! Rick C.

I'm laughing at Ludwig's description of Leering myself. Here in British Columbia we have, of course, a strong British influence. Our city is called Surrey and it is divided by it's citizens into North and South Surrey. Here in South Surrey we would be the thatched cottages and stock brokers and North Surrey is occupied by six fingered indigenous goat molesters and various other questionable creations.

six fingered indigenous goat molesters indeed! There used to be a few of those around here, but haven't seen one in probably 15 years or so. Good to know they are extinct, I think.

With apologies to Zoran, who is a well brought up chap and unlikely to use Low English words, I will point out the proximity to each other, in the Greater London area, of Dorking and Maidenhead.

And now, back to the Tadpoles!
Thanks for the link, Steve. So much enjoyed watching the tri car roll off the ramp and then the pedal start. Awesome!

Hey, I may well be related to some of those six fingered indigenous goat molesters!
Hi Silverbear,

Glad you enjoyed the tri car. Our turns coming.

Wrong indigenous people. No goats. Have a joke about deer but can't tell it on the forum.

With apologies to Zoran, who is a well brought up chap and unlikely to use Low English words, I will point out the proximity to each other, in the Greater London area, of Dorking and Maidenhead.
And now, back to the Tadpoles!
Not any problems with some variants of English language!
Probably that I missed some lessons in school when we were learning English, or our teachers and professors were shy (traditionalists?) - but, after school days I was learning and improving English language all my life... Having a few girl-friends from Anglo-Saxon world, some friends too and being present more-or-less active at many forums from the same World, I learn a lot! Never knew for the word “indigenous”! Have some more years to improve my knowledge!

In our folklore tradition, there were mentioned sheep, sometimes cows – but...
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Beside those cultural differences - tadpoles are wonderful, but I have some inclination to delta three-wheelers (maybe Anne's influence?).
P.S.: Did anybody noticed what small and strange steering wheel that girl use on her motorised tadpole? Wouldn't trust in my art in such kind of steering!
I have the form for the camel back gas tank just about finished and some of the metal cut out. The plans for the gas tank shape are on the way as well but it's pickles and canning here at the homestead so things will be slow getting posted for a few more days.

The sides and top for the tri car camel back gas tank are cut out and filed into shape. I have to make up the tool that I used to fold the tops edges over the sides since the last one has disappeared. Simply done since it was wood.

May be a couple of more days until the photos get posted. Near the end of canning season here. Now into the most important part in my point of view, apple cider making.
