Indian Tadpole

Wow! Hey steve wana come stare at my bikes... Looks great . I really wish we had more guys around here into fab. When i read your posts i begin to understand how luck i am to have a friend like john .we have mills ,lathes, and welders galore and were still not turning out work as nice as yours!, a true lobor of love imho....its hard to get people nowdays to grasp the "just make one " idea.
Motorbike summer camp ... Sign me up , i cant wait to get out and ride across wisconsin in springtime . And to meet everyone in person . Ive been working on the rally plan for the past few days ,john signed up to be in the parade sun june 9th w/his olds and "a few" bikes? So sounds like we can put what ever bikes we want in on his entry.
Im sure the canoe sidecar will be the talk of the town,and im trying to figure out if we can run alongside the canoe race on sat? It's only about fortydays away...
Looking good Steve!!!

Silverbear- 1910? Ha!

You guys are still faster than me! :-)

PSD, so is the parade on Sunday different than the Darlington to Mineral Point run on Saturday...?

I often wonder what would happen if someone offered me a lot of money for the tricar. I mean an amount that would have my eye balls bouncing around in their sockets like two marbles in a cake tin.

The answer would probably be yes. The old antique dealer would surface no doubt. Then I wonder if I would make another one but it's not likely since I've already done it. Probably be on to one of the builds that we talk about over lunch when we're at bike camp.
If it didn't sell my son will be making the hills of New Hampshire sing with the motor's sweet sound.

The other bikes will go to nieces and nephews so they can tell their kids about their uncle who built them.

Wait until I tell you about the wheel chair plans I have in mind!

Hi P.S.D.
Funny, I keep looking at yours and wish mine looked that good. Guess the other guy's always looks better. :)

It would be a blessing to have someone who had a machine shop or at least I'd like to find one were they actually did the work instead of promise. This has been fun since I worked with wood most of my life.
The few skills that I have were gleaned when I went to a vocational school as a kid. The regular school teachers said I had an "Attitude Problem". I found out that teachers don't like it when you "critique" their skill levels.

Wish Silverbear and I were closer because there would be fabricating going on. I get the occasional PM saying that they wish that they have my "wicked skills" and I point out that they do but the skills have to be unleashed not hidden. I have a 5 gallon bucket that is overflowing with great ideas that didn't work out. That is just part of the game.

My nephew and his wife are expecting a baby the last few days of May or the first couple of days in June and as soon as the bundle of joy makes it I'm on the road.

Nice of John to mention that he had a few bikes joining him. We may have our own section in the parade.

Thank you.

Remember Silverbear and I are single and don't own a house. No Honey and no house to Honey do.

Hey, I own a trailer house, a 1957 Spartan "Royal Mansion" (says so on a plaque right by the entry) and it's true I don't own the land it's sitting on as it belongs to my brother. I'm not exactly a bachelor either, just divorced three times and haven't gotten married again yet (and won't either). Never another live in Honey, but one to visit now and then for a weekend at her place might be nice. Or not. I have a fantasy every now and then that I'll find a nice looking old girl who has her own place, is mute, a great cook and a good welder. No luck so far, but she's out there.
Sorry I forgot you are a man with home ownership and in a way so am I. The house needs new tires and I did say, honey, you need new tires, when I looked at then on Sunday and tomom

Yes, three divorces and you and I claim to be so smart. At one time all three of mine said they miss me terribly but they were getting together and were taking shooting lessons and their aim was improving greatly.

Hey, all six of them have said we are unforgettable....... No matter how hard they tried.

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"Yes, three divorces and you and I claim to be so smart"

Don’t feel bad- Even Einstein got divorced... “-)

I never knew that. What a shame.

My first wife said I was inconsiderate and she may have been right. There is a first time for everything. Our son was about 6 when he asked his mother why women wore white when they got married. He must have been looking at our wedding album.

He came in and asked my opinion and I told him to go take look in the kitchen and he would see that all the kitchen appliances were white.

Right after that I gained a new appreciation of just how doctors can repair life threatening injuries.

Mr B ,the plan right now is to ride to min point on sat and be in parade sun . Were gona be in town fri thru mon so we'll prob ride every day ,but thats all thats planed as of now .
Sure would love to see your bike up close and your welcome to ride in the parade with us if you have the time?
I’m in for Saturday! And hope to bring my bike’n buddy “Bicycle Bill”

I’m not sure about Sunday yet...

June 9th, eh? Boy, that would be fun and so good to meet all you guys. I just sent a note to Steve to see what he thinks and if he'll make it here to Minnesota early enough in June for us to zip down that way. Where in Wisconsin is this? I don't want to mention this to the dog unless it's a go. She'd say yes for sure.
That would be about 450 miles from where I am. Pretty good jaunt. 900 miles round trip. Unless we could time our trip to the east coast earlier so that we could combine it. Dogleg a little out of our way, but not much. hmmmm...
Willing to commit if the tricar is ready. Cut the arms out for the steering today and tomorrow I'll file them to get them into a finished shape and try and get them welded on.

Need to make a mount for the disc brake calipers as well and then I'll try and get the seat finished and out of the way. That will be a major move ahead at least for me. Upholstery is not my favorite thing and the Indian tricar has a nice button tufted seat and cushion. Yipee!
What the heck. I never built a tricar before and that didn't stop me did it.

You're getting close now!

I imagine the momentum to finish will pick up even more...

That is so true. Not quite to were I'm sitting on the seat making motor noises yet but darned close.

I got the steering arms shaped up. The file didn't last anymore than ten minutes and my arms and shoulders gave out and I got the fine grit flap disc on the grinder and off we went. Holes are drilled for the tie rod ends to bolt to them.

Hope to have them welded up tomorrow and a start on the tie rods. With luck it's on the easy side of the hill now.

Steering arms are welded on. Realized as I was just about to weld the first one that I had cunningly put the bronze bushings in just where it had to be welded and since they are JB welded into the steering knuckle I wasn't about to try and get them out.

Slid the king pin into place to keep them lined up and welded the arm on. Cooled them of by slowly spraying them with water and there is no damage done it seems.

Getting the Akerman angle was fairly easy. Put a 2x4 across the front axle and held the spindles in place and ran string from the center of the rear wheel to the center of the king pins and then made sure the center of the hole in the steering arm was in line and marked the place where the arm should be welded on the steering knuckle. Tacked it in place, double checked that it did line up and then welded it. Lot of checking that it was level and square as well.

Hope to have photos tomorrow and the other steering arm that goes from the steering tube to the spindle welded on the spindle and then I'll see just what I need to do to weld an arm to the steering tube to tie it all together This should be the last big hurdle and once it's finished I'll start completing the seat.

Go steve go!! You still got a month (of nice weather ,fingers crossed) before rally...
I'm really hopeing you and SB can make it , im sure the crowd there will love the bikes !