Indian Tadpole

Tom's advice to fit a leccy fuel pump is the answer. That was the first job I did after purchasing my '41 Buick, after which it started first turn of the key (o/e accelerator pedal starter over-ridden by previous owner) rather than having to "pump the gas pedal 7-8 times while cranking it over and over with fingers crossed". That bit in quotes were the instructions from the Buick's seller which came taped to the steering wheel when I took delivery of the car.
Believe me fellas I fully understand what you saying about an electric fuel pump. When my arm was jammed amongst the tie rods as I tried to reach over the lower radiator hose to turn the ratcheting wrench three clicks at a time so I could get the bolts out I was able to see a perfect location for an electric fuel pump near the gas tank. Thanks for that heads up, Curt.

I did have an interesting conversation with myself about the wisdom of going up to our local speed shop and purchasing one very soon so I'll never have to do the mechanical pump scramble again. The only comforting thing out of this ordeal and it was an ordeal is that I will be able to get there to pick it up with the camper.

My elderly neighbour across the street from me when I lived in Netherton had the sense to install an inspection pit sunk into his garage floor. He let me use it whenever I needed to - which was a lot more than he did. How I miss having such a luxury... working on our backs at this age sucks.
I hope all us old gezzers are encouraging younger guys to get more done while they are young! Learning techniques and tricks of of the trade to do it right & easier. One of the things I miss most Pete is the drive on overhead lift at my shop. I had secure bike frame supports for the tire channels so I could work on my bikes at eye level if need be. Nice project to build a dedicated bike lift I suppose, but I need to heal a bit first!

Rick C.
Adventures indeed Steve, your spine damage is probably in text books. Electric fuel pumps may be something to look at. My Homelite/Bearcat outboards.
When cam driven diaphragm pumps fail on these OB's
Correctly calibrated electrical pumps keep them running.

Tom, I'm sure the damage is left from the car accident I was in, in 1965. There were warnings then that I could possibly turn my head to one side the wrong way and be permanently paralyzed.

So far I've been lucky but that possibility is there.

Fortunately the van gave up in the driveway and wouldn't start so the decision was sort of made for me. Then there are only two garages in the area that it will fit in since it has a raised fibre glass roof on it and it's 3 meters or almost 10' tall. Add the height of the lift and that rules out most places even if can get in the door.
They don't want to lay on their backs either.

Past experience has been that they are booked up a week to ten days ahead. To have the fuel pump replaced would have been at least $200. Parts in Canada will be twice the cost of the same part in the U.S. and the labour rate is $125-$150 an hour.

Then there is my inability not to stick the angry bear in the backside with a short, sharp, stick to see if I can make a clean getaway.

Finally was able to run the faux gas line from the oil tank to the not real carb and the fake oil line to the crank case. The other line is the real gas line. Want to move the fuel filter so it is in a better position. Need to check the fuel filter to make sure it doesn't leak before I put fuel in the tank and other than that and some more work bench clean up it's ready to go outside to see if it runs like I hope it will.

Week end is going to be busy so the first of next week if the weather holds out.



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Ok Steve as I've said before, "A thing of beauty and a joy to behold....forever"! No one in anybody's neighborhood has a bike like this or to top it. Classic & realistic, well done!

Rick C.

Thank you Rick. It's going to be interesting to see the public reaction to the tri car. I will take it to some motorcycle and bike shows just to see what people think of it. Going to be great to finally move on to something else after all these years.

Haven't had much free time this week to visit the forum, so today I briefly log-in and read this. You made my day Steve. Been a long time coming - but I'm betting the wait will have been worth it. So looking forward to Tadpole's debut.

Thank you Pete. It will be 9 years December 3 that Silverbear started this this thread and I stared the two tri car attachment builds. The next summer we started his Hiawatha build. In it's way this is how many of my, "This won't take long" builds usually go.
