Indian Tadpole

If and when your Tri-Car is on the ground running Steve, I dearly hope you have engaged a lovely model of the female persuasion to grace the wicker seat for a full photo shoot.

I already have plans Tom and I like the way you think. Both my nieces have been sought out as models for various fashion shows locally and have been approached to consider it as a profession. One of my nieces works at at a restored 1895 farm house near us when she isn't leading tours around the world. Plans are for spring time at the farm.

They also are both period costume makers so I'm pretty sure that they will have something for the era. If not they will make it.

I already have plans Tom and I like the way you think. Both my nieces have been sought out as models for various fashion shows locally and have been approached to consider it as a profession. One of my nieces works at at a restored 1895 farm house near us when she isn't leading tours around the world. Plans are for spring time at the farm.

They also are both period costume makers so I'm pretty sure that they will have something for the era. If not they will make it.

Spring is a long ways off Steve, but I expect you will have something to tide us over.
Thank you Pete. It will be 9 years December 3 that Silverbear started this this thread and I stared the two tri car attachment builds. The next summer we started his Hiawatha build. In it's way this is how many of my, "This won't take long" builds usually go.

I've found if you dare claim it will be a quick project at the onset that that will actually add much time to it...
Spring is a long ways off Steve, but I expect you will have something to tide us over.

The electric tri car is still getting some work done on it Tom and I do have a small project that I'm collecting parts for but it is a non motorbike project. It will be interesting though and motorized. I'll have to wait until the Christmas Whirl is over before I can get to it.

Tom, I got out to the garage and got a couple of photos of some of the parts that are here for the "It won't take long build, #2." Princess Auto is our Harbour Freight, meets industrial equipment supply, meets surplus store. If you google it you see what I mean.

Things were perfectly content here until the latest catalogue showed up and these seats were $9.98 each or about $7.80 U.S. Oiled steel or black paint. Sold! While I'm here give me two.

The rest is tubing, axles and wheels and no fancy parts. Really,what can go wrong?



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Tom, I got out to the garage and got a couple of photos of some of the parts that are here for the "It won't take long build, #2." Princess Auto is our Harbour Freight, meets industrial equipment supply, meets surplus store. If you google it you see what I mean.

Things were perfectly content here until the latest catalogue showed up and these seats were $9.98 each or about $7.80 U.S. Oiled steel or black paint. Sold! While I'm here give me two.

The rest is tubing, axles and wheels and no fancy parts. Really,what can go wrong?

Those are great looking tractor saddles at a steal! I sat on very similar ones riding a cotton seed planter as a youth twelve hours a day I assure you was quite uncomfortable. No child labor laws in the day, if you weren't yet strong enough you did it till you were. Same with horses I never had a pony, always a horse...just shorter stirrups.

Sorry momentary planter saddle flashback.

Rick C.
Boy they are cheap , good find. I have some original, but couldn’t ship them that cheap, sad is when I was saving I didn’t save the spring mounts. Should be Kool on your build.

Rick. That’s what made men in a big hurry, but 12 hours seems a little strong for young man, sad was not much time for play. Far better then the world today with little kids running around with cellphones and pot belies, soon won’t hardly have enough strength to lift a gun to defend our country. Give them a little drugs they are running around shooting just like the video games they watched. Plant the seed and it’s there, separation of church and state is killing this country.......Curt
Curt 12 hrs. not everyday just seasonal work; field preparation, sowing/planting and harvest. Normal activities were my chores and responsibilities, but still plenty of play time and rest. Weekends were family time and we spent lots of time on day trips to the lakes and recreational areas and numerous overnight adventures as well. Lots of great times and Sunday Church was a part of it as also; planting the seed and watering it as well.

Rick C.
Yep! I know used to be a helper when young, drive tractor to help on haying time, didn’t know much about anything else,. I can remember getting hollered at for not going the right speed. We used to go fore Sunday rides after church, learned to take back roads, then on way home listen to the shadow knows on radio, or at home with a big bowel of ice cream. Do it to this day even while traveling in motor home. Such Beaty and sites, and always take new route going so the and west, great memories.
Last time I logged in to this thread I was reading about how your nieces were going to dress in suitable period attire to accompany the Tadpole's photoshoot. Then I glimpsed pics of your latest Princess Auto purchases and jumped to the conclusion one of the gals must be shooting for the 'voluptuous suit of armour' look... my bad.
Powered bar stool sounds cool. As Rick once told me, good to have several projects on the boil.

Did I hear "powered bar stool" ? . There is a fella from my hometown got into trouble with one maybe 10-12 years ago. It made the national news for a short while.
Don't know the guy, but it's on display in the area and I got the chance to see it the last time home.
I wouldn't recommend such a contraption among us old guys. We don't heal as fast as we used to.

Those are great looking tractor saddles at a steal! I sat on very similar ones riding a cotton seed planter as a youth twelve hours a day I assure you was quite uncomfortable. No child labor laws in the day, if you weren't yet strong enough you did it till you were. Same with horses I never had a pony, always a horse...just shorter stirrups.

Sorry momentary planter saddle flashback.

Rick C.

The price was so good I thought about buying 4 of them but then reality crept in as it tends to do on occasion and I scaled back the madness. Murphy is upset. Twelve hours sitting in one of these seats bumping your way across a field would be considered torture today even though it was then as well except then there was no choice.

I'm sure the machines today that do the job wouldn't sell without air conditioning, surround sound, air ride seats, GPS and a built in fridge.

The price was so good I thought about buying 4 of them but then reality crept in as it tends to do on occasion and I scaled back the madness. Murphy is upset. Twelve hours sitting in one of these seats bumping your way across a field would be considered torture today even though it was then as well except then there was no choice.

I'm sure the machines today that do the job wouldn't sell without air conditioning, surround sound, air ride seats, GPS and a built in fridge.


They were talking about children not getting enough exercise yesterday. Where I grew up most of our prime play areas are covered in houses and apartments and if kids today built a tree house the neighbours would call the police and the city and demand it be torn down because it is a neighbourhood visual blight.

Every winter we hear about at least one a dad who built a skating rink in the back yard and the city wanted it removed because it wasn't allowed because of some local government building code or nasty neighbours who don't like the noise or the lights.

Last time I logged in to this thread I was reading about how your nieces were going to dress in suitable period attire to accompany the Tadpole's photoshoot. Then I glimpsed pics of your latest Princess Auto purchases and jumped to the conclusion one of the gals must be shooting for the 'voluptuous suit of armour' look... my bad.
Powered bar stool sounds cool. As Rick once told me, good to have several projects on the boil.

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Viking woman warrior look? Much like Brunhilde in an opera. Every time I think of it my sides start to hurt from the laughing. These ladies don't need armour believe me. One stopped just short of receiving her Black Belt for Karate and her sister has her second degree Black Belt for Karate.

If they needed back up their older brother has his third degree Black belt for Karate as well as his military and police training. They never mention it to anyone but if the nasty hit the fan I wouldn't want to be in the middle of it.

On top of it they are all talented multi instrument musicians.

If you don't have at least three unfinished projects going I think a person is really trying hard enough.

Did I hear "powered bar stool" ? . There is a fella from my hometown got into trouble with one maybe 10-12 years ago. It made the national news for a short while.
Don't know the guy, but it's on display in the area and I got the chance to see it the last time home.
I wouldn't recommend such a contraption among us old guys. We don't heal as fast as we used to.


Bar stool with a difference Dan. My son built one that seems fast enough to slide you out from under your hair if you got onto the gas hard. Definitely not one for those of us who are of an advanced age.

I'm think more along the lines of really interesting but also I can sell it to any inquisitive law enforcement folks as a mobility convenience even if it's different from the usual.

For me the old joke about, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up." is a daily reality. I'd complain about it if I didn't have so much fun getting here.

Now hold my beer and watch this.

I know it was a way back in the thread, the fuel pump thingie. What about what I hear of having the hood removed and a guy strapped over the engine giving sips of gas to the carb throat? I heard this has been done, just never saw this in real life. Anyone know of a Youtibe Video?