Tom from Rubicon
Well-Known Member
Hi Steve, It is good to know Arthur is at bay and you are getting perky. Walt has been getting historical rainy weather. Unlike Rick in Indian Territory SE Wisconsin just will not consistently warm up and dry out. I have both wheels off the Flyer and drive train mods in progress, slowly. Too many irons in the fire. Figured out today conclusively that woodchucks dammed the floor drain in my machine shop so that the dehumidifier could not drain out through it.. The only good thing coming from that was acquiring an electric impact and a kit of six point impact sockets with extensions. A pro plumber had great doubts I could open the clean-out. Impact proofed him wrong.
Wind is off Lake Michigan, cool and raw. Hope your chain troubles get resolved.
I expect when you read this, I bid you Happy Father's Day
Tom from Rubicon
Wind is off Lake Michigan, cool and raw. Hope your chain troubles get resolved.
I expect when you read this, I bid you Happy Father's Day
Tom from Rubicon