Got the bottom bracket apart and Tom was right there was a lot of dismantling. I put it all in a small box so it didn't get lost.
Took it all apart and removed the C clips and pulled the pedal shaft out.
Put a piece of 1" with a 1/8" wall, tubing in between the bearings as a spacer at Rick recommended. The inside diameter is 3/4" so it slid on the shaft and up against the bearing perfectly. Tapped the shaft over to the clutch side and put the clutch back on and tightened the split collar down to hold the clutch together tight.
Moved the shaft tight against the left side of the bottom bracket and there was a lot of room left on the key way. The mount that holds the pedal sprocket goes on first then the sprocket is attached.
As I expected there needs to be a C clip on the right hand side against the bearing since the clutch is powerful enough to pull the shaft through the pedal sprocket clamp.
Not sure how to do this but after I mark where it needs to go I'll take it all apart and see what's up. Current thought is to put my larger tubing cutter on it and cut a groove in the shaft until it's deep. It should leave a groove wide enough for the C clip as well as well.
There can't be any play in the clutch side since the movement of the clutch arm is very short and movement will take away from the clutch disengaging properly.
Will this work or is there another way to cut the groove.
Could this be the final fix, if you will. Hope so.

Took it all apart and removed the C clips and pulled the pedal shaft out.
Put a piece of 1" with a 1/8" wall, tubing in between the bearings as a spacer at Rick recommended. The inside diameter is 3/4" so it slid on the shaft and up against the bearing perfectly. Tapped the shaft over to the clutch side and put the clutch back on and tightened the split collar down to hold the clutch together tight.
Moved the shaft tight against the left side of the bottom bracket and there was a lot of room left on the key way. The mount that holds the pedal sprocket goes on first then the sprocket is attached.
As I expected there needs to be a C clip on the right hand side against the bearing since the clutch is powerful enough to pull the shaft through the pedal sprocket clamp.
Not sure how to do this but after I mark where it needs to go I'll take it all apart and see what's up. Current thought is to put my larger tubing cutter on it and cut a groove in the shaft until it's deep. It should leave a groove wide enough for the C clip as well as well.
There can't be any play in the clutch side since the movement of the clutch arm is very short and movement will take away from the clutch disengaging properly.
Will this work or is there another way to cut the groove.
Could this be the final fix, if you will. Hope so.