Indian Tadpole

Zoran Hi! Good to here form you. For some resion was wondering about you, the other day. Glad you are still at it or going to be. I will be also, sold my lake place and getting caught up here in town with some reconstruction on my house and yard. Hope to get back on my project this winter.

Anne is still doing not the best these days, bed ridden a lot, but resorted to doing her garden model way rail way stuff. I get a reply every now and then, witch is good...............Curt
I hope Anne is still following along. I think of her often and wonder how she is doing. Great to hear that she is still doing her marvelous train models.

Not sure Steve as she hasn't said anything about the forum, i did send her a couple pictures of my build. Her response was marvelous. LOL I just pray and hope the best for her, would love to see that rail road. Always wanted to do one but no room here .......Curt
Hello to all and especially Anne if she follows us silently!
Whatever forum where she was active, it got strong influence by her enthusiasm for all kinds of small motorised vehicles, accompanied by excellent ideas and solutions, nice words and wise discussions... She likes all of the small vehicles, either motorised or pedal-powered or in combination (Human-Machine hybrids).

Not only that forums become more active, but her presence always change atmosphere and attitude, becoming more human and polite! That was the same when she was the member of my Yahoo Group Midget-Motto-Classica. Only less active was her own Yahoo Group dedicated to New Zealand's Kotanaga tramways - industrial mountain railways! I am glad if she continued work on her own railway!

Here are attached a few pictures taken from that Group, made as a collage...




  • Anne, Kotanga Tramways (1).jpg
    Anne, Kotanga Tramways (1).jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 342
  • Anne, Kotanga Tramways (2).jpg
    Anne, Kotanga Tramways (2).jpg
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  • Anne, Kotanga Tramways (3).jpg
    Anne, Kotanga Tramways (3).jpg
    164.7 KB · Views: 268
  • Anne, Kotanga Tramways (4).jpg
    Anne, Kotanga Tramways (4).jpg
    154.4 KB · Views: 299
The gas line is in and I thought just in case it does start I better add a kill switch. Trying to get everything buttoned up so I can clean the garage up and try and start it.

Steve, looks good! Looks like the same sediment bowl I used on my bike. That thing better start. I was hoping to see Walter's bike running. We had it trying to start here a few years ago, but it finally got the better of me. Got the feeling it is a smooth running engine .

Good luck,
Hi Dan,

I think it was off a Briggs and Stratton engine I bought. Wanted to get to Silverbear's bike this year but couldn't do it. I'm going to try and be on the road June, July and August next year so there should be lot's of time to get some of the bikes done.

There is a wild, rampant, rumor going around the neighbourhood that there may be a garage involved next year. Won't have the same flavour as working on top of a snowmobile trailer in the woods but I'm sure the old boys will get used to it. We have the memories if nothing else.

With my apologies to the song writer "Any progress is good progress so I'll take what I can get, yeah I'll take what I can get...."

It's looking good Steve. Rick C.
Thanks Rick,

Pickles, salsa and canning season are finished and the apple cider is well under way so there is more time for the bike once again. Lots of fiddly things done and I hope to have the clutch operational today.

Once again the build has run into a dead end. The 3D clutch I had modified to be able to pedal start is useless. The clutch disks won't expand. It looks like there is no gap to allow the disks to expand compared to the original 3D clutch.

I sent the machinist that did it a message to see what can be done.

Clutch is working as well as the throttle. Working on a temporary gas tank to give the engine a test run in the next couple of days. We are now getting the first rain we've had in over a month. Soon as it stops I'll roll the work bench out and see what we've built.

Checked the spark and it's nice and fat so there shouldn't be any problems. Once I'm sure there isn't anything overlooked I'll install the chains and see how that works and after that it's time to get my brother to give it a test ride. Why take a chance when your younger {He's 71} brother can.

The statement back then on post 2298 page 115 about the Clutch is working, was with the engine not started. Just about cables and linkages I suppose? I also forget where in another build as some of us here are doing multiple builds, was a 3D Clutch been modified before similarly and did work with engine running and tested out fine? Hope it can work out or something else to take its place.
Once again the build has run into a dead end. The 3D clutch I had modified to be able to pedal start is useless. The clutch disks won't expand. It looks like there is no gap to allow the disks to expand compared to the original 3D clutch.

I sent the machinist that did it a message to see what can be done.

Definitely didn't see that coming so late in the build, Steve. I'm feelin' your pain - but I'm sure you or your machinist will figure out a solution. Good luck.
I was working on the clutch setting everything up when I thought about checking it to make sure it was working properly as in disengaging. It didn't and when I checked it against the clutch I have here I could see that there wasn't a gap for the clutch plates to move in.

The chap that did the work is 2,900 miles or 4,690 km away in Pennsylvanian. The cost and uncertainty of it ever working as well as dealing with the customs ect may just end the project.

I'm truly tired of working on it and hitting one road block after another. I'll give it a rest and decide what I want to do but at the moment I'm considering just boxing up the parts and converting the bike to electric.

Though it's a setback Steve I'll not rule out a solution on your part. You've a tremendous problem solving skill set my friend!

Food for thought. A few years back I cobbled together an electric hub which I coupled to a China doll for quick and sure bump starts in traffic, if the engine died, or for quick acceleration through high traffic intersections (yeah we
have four lane highways in Indian Territory as well...uggh). It worked really well, but I didn't like the "clutter" of battery, controller and hub motor on the small bike frame. By using the chair frame & the smaller hub motors (or bracket motors), which are now readily available, the vintage look could be relatively easy to accomplish.

At any rate you'll need a project to keep that mind of yours active and your tri car really is a special project to all of us who follow along!

Rick C.