Indian Tadpole

Fun day repairing mundane things. The brake and clutch levers are great but the part that clamps to the handle bar has a 5/16" hole that the lever bolt goes through. The lever bolt is a 1/4" and the lever bounced around like a fresh caught trout on a river bank. Drilled out the 1/4" lever holes to 5/16" and slid a ground down washer in beside it to take up the slack and now they move perfectly.

Went to put the cables in and they were too short. I should have measured and not guessed at the length. Saving grace there is I bought 6 of them just in case I needed them.
I'll go up to the local sporting goods store and hope they have the correct type and length.

And so the day went. The primary chain is about 1/32" from the links fitting together. It will be tight as a drum which may not be a good idea and hard on the sprockets. Tomorrow's problem.

Here is a link to the electric tri car in the electric trike thread. Just how I made the frame. I'll be back at it as soon as the Indian tri car is finished.

Steve the motor & drive train are really coming together & I'd think maiden cruise is imminent...this has been a fun project to follow & now I know we all want photos taken from all angles & clear of all signs of construction. As for ownership, irrelevant, you'll always be the designer and fabricator. Rick C.
Thank you, Rick. A lot of prepping parts and wonder why I did things the way I did. Time is an excellent teacher. Should have the bike together and ready over the weekend and once it's running and stopping I'll add the seat.

Two years ago my son went back to Vermont after riding his 250cc Yamaha from Vermont to Uruguay. He went back in March to retrieve the bike and ride it into Brasil and tour the country for the 3 month visa he has. He'll ship the bike back to the U.S. probably Miami and ride it home.

He just rode the well known BR319. Here is a photo of what a lot of the road looks like. The dot in the distance is his bike. He walked back to show what he'd be through.

Steve. 319/DSC09599_zpsa6imtq2b.jpg
True, Rick. He just took a ferry down the Amazon river on a 5 day trip back from the North end of the BR319. Interesting to see what he has to say about it.

Decided to make a new faux crank case out of aluminum. The first one I made doesn't fit any more because of the clutch being mounted on the pedal shaft. A little bit more to do to it and I'll be able to start putting everything together. Photo's tomorrow.

Lost 5 day due to an infection in my left elbow. Kind of interesting in a way to reach for something only to watch your hand and arm wander about aimlessly like it had it's own agenda. Didn't do it often due to the mind numbing pain. It's happened before and the doctors had no idea what it was so I just waited it out.

Sorry Steve about the infection & do wish you well on recovery.

Changes are real work and problem generators that often snow ball, down hill, creating more problems as they grow along the way.Nothing for it but handle them one at a time...even when they appear to compromise your design, the solid solutions often end up as true complements to the completed work. I'm certain you'll keep at it till it's right.
Rick C.
Thank, Rick. I had visions of another bone infection. I don't have another 2-1/2 years as they try and get rid of it. Tri car is coming together.

I've been spending the last few days trying to button up the tri car. Endless hours of creative staring working out how to improve some of the things I've done to make them less likely to cause problems later.

Got the faux crankcase done as far as it will be for a while. It will have more added to is later so it looks more like the original one. Replaced the front brake cables so they both work on one lever.

Need to go to the parts store to get some parts to finish the throttle. Then the clutch needs to be hooked up after a entrance for the cable if found through the chain guard. Gas line needs to be hooked up and we'll see how it runs. Maybe a couple of days work with a little luck.


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Steve the engine & clutch look right at home & the genuine "fox" plates add to the proper look of your car.

I'm not building much since I've dedicated much of my own improved energies to catching up on home repairs and upgrades. I continue to collect the necessary hardware for my bike projects & look forward to getting back on them asap. Right now I'm really concentrating on not falling from elevated positions while I labor! In the meantime I enjoy watching the projects of others come to completion. Rick C.
Thank's Rick.
When you said you were doing repairs around the house I was picturing you at the top of a 40' ladder standing 2 rungs down from the top while working overhead. I am absolutely no fan of heights. Anything after the third rung is a test of inner strength.

Then of course there is the joy of starting a repair only to find that it's necessary to do other repairs before you can do the one you started out to do.

Great to hear that the parts are gathering so you can return to building. Hope there is time for rides.

The tri car is on a fast run to completion.

Clutch is working as well as the throttle. Working on a temporary gas tank to give the engine a test run in the next couple of days. We are now getting the first rain we've had in over a month. Soon as it stops I'll roll the work bench out and see what we've built.

Checked the spark and it's nice and fat so there shouldn't be any problems. Once I'm sure there isn't anything overlooked I'll install the chains and see how that works and after that it's time to get my brother to give it a test ride. Why take a chance when your younger {He's 71} brother can.

Well, the fast run to completion ran out of steam. But I've been at it a bit finishing little things up and remaking things I wasn't happy with. Getting the throttle cable attached to the carb has been interesting to say the least.

I bought a box of snap rings so I could hold the throttle cable on since you can't buy just one here but then since the carb is buried in amongst the motor mount it requires pliers that are angled at 90%. Then the snap ring is 1/4" so the normal snap ring pliers don't work since the pins aren't close enough together for the notches in the snap ring since it's so small.

You know where this is going don't you. Up to Princess Auto, Canada's answer to Harbour Freight. It's a 30 mile round trip to buy a pair of $20 pliers that cost me almost $60. Well the pliers didn't but everything else I bought did. I've been accused of being a smooth talker but I didn't offer much resistance.

Tomorrow I'll be in the garage continuing on with the saga.

I now have a fine selection of snap ring pliers. The 1/4" snap rings that came in the kit not so much. Just as they expanded enough to fit on the throttle they snapped in half.

I took the carb off and cross drilled the throttle shaft and put a cotter pin in to hold the cable on. Hooking up the gas line and tidying up a few things and then it's on the the chains.
