Indian Tadpole

I've been messing around with the bike as the weather allows. Winters last gasps here have been enough to limit time in the garage and it looks like we may have another week to go before it gets warmer.

I'm thinking that I'll run the motor through the sand blaster to clean it up. Block off the intake and exhaust ports and where the fly wheel meets the crankcase. I'll run the head from the spare motor through first to see how it works.

Ordered two chain tensioners from Ebay today. One for the primary chain that will need to be modified and one for the secondary chain to the back wheel.

Sandblasted the head from the spare engine today and it cleaned up nicely. I used ground glass in the cabinet and it works well. The only reason to sandblast the motor is to clean it up and make nice.

I think if I use the adjuster from the brake lever with the hole for the cable drilled out to the proper size and threaded it will be possible to put the bolt for the dual cable brake pull in place.

I took some photos to show what I mean.


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Sandblasted the head from the spare engine today and it cleaned up nicely. I used ground glass in the cabinet and it works well. The only reason to sandblast the motor is to clean it up and make nice.

I think if I use the adjuster from the brake lever with the hole for the cable drilled out to the proper size and threaded it will be possible to put the bolt for the dual cable brake pull in place.

I took some photos to show what I mean.


I think that an excellent approach to dual cable actuation Steve & dang that head cleaned up nice! Rick C.
Thank you, Rick. I was cleaning up the work bench yesterday at the end of the day and picked up the clutch lever and said "What am I going to do about you." Instantly I realized that if I just ran the drill through the adjuster and threaded it then cut the knurled end off and held it in with some lock tight it would work.

I should have asked sooner.

Thanks for the idea Curt. I'll see what kind of clear finish there is that will withstand the heat. I plan to sandblast the complete engine just to make it look better. A clear finish will be perfect to keep it that way.

The head was just a test piece. Took less than a minute to do.

For what it's worth, I can recommend VHT brand lacquers and clear-coat for engine use. I spray coated my Aero Cycle Car's Moto Guzzi V-twin lump and it withstood engine temp perfectly. Zero flaking, blistering or discolouration. 5***** rating from me.
For what it's worth, I can recommend VHT brand lacquers and clear-coat for engine use. I spray coated my Aero Cycle Car's Moto Guzzi V-twin lump and it withstood engine temp perfectly. Zero flaking, blistering or discolouration. 5***** rating from me.

Pete's summation is exactly what I've found & this goes back more than two decades and more than a few V 8 blocks and motorcycles as well. The applicator works as well as any canned spray I've spits. Drys to handling stage quickly & bonds fully with engine heat up.

Rick C.
For what it's worth, I can recommend VHT brand lacquers and clear-coat for engine use. I spray coated my Aero Cycle Car's Moto Guzzi V-twin lump and it withstood engine temp perfectly. Zero flaking, blistering or discolouration. 5***** rating from me.
Same brand I have,not sure on the # but VHT engine clear, it does Chang the finish some. So try any clear first on scrap. But I think it is kool
For what it's worth, I can recommend VHT brand lacquers and clear-coat for engine use. I spray coated my Aero Cycle Car's Moto Guzzi V-twin lump and it withstood engine temp perfectly. Zero flaking, blistering or discolouration. 5***** rating from me.

Thank you, Pete. I go up to the local auto parts store and see what they have in stock.

Pete's summation is exactly what I've found & this goes back more than two decades and more than a few V 8 blocks and motorcycles as well. The applicator works as well as any canned spray I've spits. Drys to handling stage quickly & bonds fully with engine heat up.

Rick C.

Super, Thanks Rick,

Same brand I have,not sure on the # but VHT engine clear, it does Chang the finish some. So try any clear first on scrap. But I think it is kool

Thank you, Curt.

I figured it would change the appearance a little. Better than the engine getting dirty again.

I'm going to try and get the engine cleaned and buttoned up by the weekend. We'll celebrate Easter on Wednesday this year because my nephew is on duty on the weekend. He's a R.C.M.P. officer.

I didn't know we were having two Easter dinners so the train came off the tracks. The engine is sandblasted and the chain tensioner came in for the primary chain today so I'll try to get that mounted over the next couple of days.

Metal shop run tomorrow hopefully and I'll get the engine paint as well. Originally the Indian engines of the day were nickle plated so it's a toss up whether to clear coat it or try and find a chrome looking engine paint. Cold and rainy for the next week so there will be time to get it painted.

Still waiting for the weather. Rough winter with more rain and lower temperatures than usual. Everything on hand to finish the bike if the weather clears up and gets warmer.

It will Steve. Here in Indian territory it's bone dry and windy most days & we are under fire ban directives, no outdoor welding or grinding. Weathers just a reality wherever...
I'm ready to watch your tri car roll out, complete, mobile & parade ready! Rick C.
We had a wild day here talking about the weather. Started out cold and overcast and then about 10am the sun came out and by 1pm it was over 60F and there was not a cloud in the sky.

Got a bit of welding done and the engine sprayed with VHT satin clear coat. Wanted something to save the engine from oxidizing and be able to wash the engine off if there was any dirt, oil ect on it.
Didn't want it to look to coated with finish.

Took some photo's but don't know if it's possible to see a before and after. Now I can put the engine back in and finish off the bike.

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There is a bit of a sheen to the last 3 photos. I'm pleased with the results and the clear coat was easy to use.
