Indian Tadpole

I was working on the clutch setting everything up when I thought about checking it to make sure it was working properly as in disengaging. It didn't and when I checked it against the clutch I have here I could see that there wasn't a gap for the clutch plates to move in.

The chap that did the work is 2,900 miles or 4,690 km away in Pennsylvanian. The cost and uncertainty of it ever working as well as dealing with the customs ect may just end the project.

I'm truly tired of working on it and hitting one road block after another. I'll give it a rest and decide what I want to do but at the moment I'm considering just boxing up the parts and converting the bike to electric.


Oh No! Stiff upper lip my friend, you're so damn close!!!
It's just another little problem to solve and we are ALL rooting for you!
Hi Rick,

If it does come down to scrapping the Indian bits from the bike it will still have a vintage look for sure. Brass trimmed mahogany battery box hanging from the cross bar with an impressive battery in it and a mid motor perhaps of questionable legality anywhere in the world.

This isn't the first time I've considered the tri cars demise with great delight. I have lost count of the number of times I stood there with a side grinder loaded up with a cut off blade think of how much more enjoyable it all would have been with one of Sportscar Pat's frames and parts.

Went out to the garage late last night and looked the clutch over. Was able to move one bearing back a little to give the clutch plate springs room to move and the comparing it to the unmodified clutch realized that there is a small tubing spacer that holds the clutch basket off the clutch plates so they can move in the clutch basket.

The clutch basket has the drive sprocket attached to it. I'll have some photos up soon to show what I mean. I'll be at it again in a couple of days to see if I'm right.

... go, Steve, go!
... and, then: roll, Steve, roll! (on your Indian tadpole)

Whenever you want, you could add electric hub-motor and some batteries, but there is still time for that!
Best regard to you and all the members of this wonderful group!

P.S.: Soon, I will spend 40 days at a holiday in my Belgrade, but I will follow your project with a joy and interest!

P.P.S.: Yesterday and today I tried to put in order my HPV quadricycle and to test it in the small alleys around our garden - and this afternoon it looks possible to make a few rounds... However, I left the testing ride for October, after coming back here to Bern - there are some small details still to be tuned: derailleur system and brakes. They worked, but not quite well... After 5 years, many components are rusted and detuned...
Hello Zoran,

Thank you. It will come together somehow. I'm sure you will enjoy your vacation and thank you for following along.

Great news to hear that your quadricycle is back to being finished. and it's hard to believe that it has been 5 years.

... yes, it stayed almost finished for 5 years!

When we returned our rented garage, I stopped to work on it and my small boat too!
The boat is half-finished and quadricycle in that time need just tuning of commands. I am not sure now why I didn't test it as it was?
(maybe because I wasn't satisfied with how it finally appeared: too narrow, too high, too short, too heavy 52 kg, too...?)

With two days work (a hour-two each day), I solved some issues and decided how to solve a few other...
If the weather permit I would tested it and even ride regularily during the second half of October, maybe in Novemebr, too (for my 68th bithday)!

Steve, have a nice time!
(I know that SilberBear has it, the same as all good guys and girls from our group)

Steve, all the best for your plan!
Make yourself the best birthday present!
I will be In Belgrade for more than a month but using wife's laptop I will follow happenings, but I will not write too much!

I saw one of the barstool racers that had a Power Wheels car body added to it. That was the craziest thing to watch, the body was sitting like a high lifted 4x4 pickup. He used his granddaughters pink bodied car that she had outgrown. It would take a 70 year old fart like me to pull off that stunt with a pink Power Wheel car.
I saw one of the barstool racers that had a Power Wheels car body added to it. That was the craziest thing to watch, the body was sitting like a high lifted 4x4 pickup. He used his granddaughters pink bodied car that she had outgrown. It would take a 70 year old fart like me to pull off that stunt with a pink Power Wheel car.

It is amazing what we old guys can get away with isn't it. You see an old guy going along on a bar stool with a Barbie car on it and you know that his granddaughter wanted him to use it.
Try that when your 30.

Fatal attraction. Seventy one years young & I love it!! Is that what they ride in Uruguay? Rick C.

I sent him an email and asked if he was heading back to South America on it if he goes for another trip. I thought the chromed chain steering wheel was a nice touch.
