Well-Known Member
I was working on the clutch setting everything up when I thought about checking it to make sure it was working properly as in disengaging. It didn't and when I checked it against the clutch I have here I could see that there wasn't a gap for the clutch plates to move in.
The chap that did the work is 2,900 miles or 4,690 km away in Pennsylvanian. The cost and uncertainty of it ever working as well as dealing with the customs ect may just end the project.
I'm truly tired of working on it and hitting one road block after another. I'll give it a rest and decide what I want to do but at the moment I'm considering just boxing up the parts and converting the bike to electric.
Oh No! Stiff upper lip my friend, you're so damn close!!!
It's just another little problem to solve and we are ALL rooting for you!