Indian Hiawatha

SB Our local FleetFarm has tractor paint ( Velspar I think). I am going to check the VanSickle. I am not a ornge person so when I painted my Case garden tractor snow blower ( and will do the rest of the tractor) I used Ford red I realy like that red.

You guys realy did a awesome job of building in such a short time.........Curt
Well, I did it. Just bought the IH red paint, primer and clear coat. Just took the stuff out of the bag now and thought, "that sure is red". I can always paint over it if I don't like it. I was thinking about the "chick magnet" business and realized that it is not really appropriate for a guy 66 years old. In my case it would be "old biddy magnet" or "old stew pot hen magnet", neither of which has the same allure as "chick magnet". Also, after three marriages I think I need to be careful about what I attract into my life. Just because I like window shopping doesn't mean I have to buy anything, right? Always nice to see a pretty lady.
Well, it seems I struck a nerve with the "chick magnet" comment. I lost track of which build is going to get the IH red, but if it's the sidecar bike, between Moosh the co-pilot and the red paint, you're going to have to carry something to fend them off my Friend. I hope to be witness to the magnetizing of the Maryland women. Dan
SB, while you are packing to head south, do you think you might have a small pedal sprocket that might work onthe wide crank on the worksman. I know I'll have to modify it so it can be attached, but I can do that. No need to bring the copper tank, we make that stuff here. Keep it there, I'm sure there will come a time when it can be used. Dan
Pretty sure I have a small sprocket. Will look and set aside what I have. Anything else?

Meant to say that if you can get up here next summer that would be great. Fly in to Duluth where I'll pick you up and stay a week or whatever you can squeeze out of those guys at the shop. Started to pull the dock today... lake is getting cold again. Snow in a month, but Indian summer right now. Perfect, glorious riding weather.
Hope you can make it next summer and for more than a couple of days.

Got home yesterday at 5:10 in the evening and am sorting out the great things that SB sent with me. Had an uneventful trip and the border lady was very kind and most interested in the bikes. I'll start getting the parts needed to build the tricar front ends tommorrow.

The "chick magnet" said that the dump has kicked up some more parts for next years builds already so the stock pile has started to be replenished.

Looking forward to meeting you as well next summer.

The frame has been stripped to bare metal using the side grinder with a wire wheel. Grye paint is self etching primer followed by red primer tractor paint. Close up shows some epoxy filling some of the weld dips. Didn't go crazy with this, but it will look more like a factory job and that the bike and motor went together in the beginning.

Final picture is from Curtis Fox who said,
"Got them back from the welder you can see the jig I made for clamping them. I will maybe add to the jig to finish the other end when I get that far.
Next will be to start putting them together......................"



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That was just the Van Sickles red primer. Phot below is of the first coat of the finish paint, IH red. I like it.


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Above is a link to a short thread asking for some tips on painting the head badge for the Indian. I explained there what I did and posted photos showing the results.

I have started reassembling the bike. I think the paint turned out nicely, especially considering I didn't do any sanding between coats. I like this paint very much... covers well, doesn't tend to run, has a great shine and costs less than Dupli-color. Tractor paint rules!

The fender ornament looks good with buffing and paint in the details as it was originally (so far as I can tell). I ended up leaving the head badge unpainted since I could not pull off doing a good job on it. Buffed up it looks nice, almost like chrome.

I did not paint the front fork since it will be replaced with the one Curtis Fox is making up with the leaf spring suspension. He is sending it to me in Maryland as soon as it is done and I'll paint it there to match the frame.

Glad the "Ruby Red" was suggested to me by my neighbor lady. I like it with the cream tires and rims and will do cream pinstripes on the red fenders to tie it together visually. The copper gas tank is going to go nicely with the red, too, I think.

I decided not to clear coat as I imagine there will be scratches from transporting the bike 1400 miles and assembling the sidecar, lights, etc. is bound to screw up the paint somewhere. Better I think to get it all together, ride it this fall and in the spring do a makeover with a fresh coat of paint and clear coat to protect it
Photos didn't load, so I'll try again...


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Packing up the Indian Hiawatha with sidecar, the 50 Panther, 52 Hornet on the "new" bike trailer for the migration east to Maryland where I care take and spend the winter. Inside the jeep is the Orphan moped along with welder and boxes of bike and personal stuff (is there a difference?) and up top will go a cantilever Schwinn project and another AMF Roadmaster frame to be picked up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday morning. The Hornet was sold and will be delivered to the buyer in Illinois Friday afternoon. This time next week I should be where I'm going, have the jeep unpacked and be ready to go again on the Indian Hiawatha project.In between packing I'm still dinking on the fenders, still finding high spots to tap down and fill with epoxy. It'l be worth it.
Hoping to meet up with Tinsmith, Tim Boelner, The Virginian and maybe Crazy Horse the following weekend for a group ride in Thurmont, Md. the weekend of Colorfest (October 8-9). Leaves are nearly gone here in northern Minnesota, but will just be turning where I'm going... makes for a long season of colored leaves, Jack Frost's Annual Art Show. Went fishing last evening as a farewell to Eagles Nest Lake... gonna miss this place of sky blue waters and ten thousand lakes, but where I'm going near Camp David is pretty nice, too. Lucky old boy to live in two beautiful places. I may be money poor, but I'm bike rich and nature rich, too. Later...


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SB Glad to see you still have the Jeep Cherokee..the older ones are the best and wont let you down. I will have my 96Cherokee send yours a "good trip message". Have a safe journey.
Thanks for the good wishes for a safe journey. Yes, the 87 Cherokee has been a great truck. I hope it lives yet for many more miles and years. It absolutely does not burn oil in spite of having over 200,000 miles on it. Just a great cruiser on the highway... point it and go. I pack up the back with postal boxes so the level is all the same back there. Then I slide a piece of plywood on top of the load, add a foam pad and sleeping bag and there's enough room for me to scootch back there and nap when I get tired. I prefer traveling that way, resting when tired and going when ready. Get there and get off the road. Great time of year to be traveling, too.
Silverbear...Yup the older Cherokees 1984 to 1999 are the best..200,000 miles on yours...its just getting broken in. I keep the back seat out of my 96..Got a real good deal on a 1995 about 2 years ago. These folks bought it new, kept it in the garage. My wife drives that one. Wish I didnt sell my 95 after I bought it..It had 270,000 on it , ran strong but looked real know how wives are, using words like "junkyard" , car lot and Redneck, bla, bla, bla. I do miss that one. Oh well I am down to one 1995 Cherokee and one 1996 Cherokee..should do till I croak