Indian Hiawatha

Looks good guys! Just got back from the Pennsylvania Rally. Nice day and lots of nice folks. Jay and Bonnie go out of their way to make it possible for a whole bunch of "wing nuts" to have a good time. "Russell" had couple of his great bikes there and I really enjoyed spending time with him. Quite a creative guy. He wanted me to tell you he used your tin can breather idea on his blue bike. It looks great!

Looking forward to your arrival in a few days. Maybe I'll just turn you guys loose in the shop and see what you come up with. Gonna have to straighten things up a bit so we have room to work. It was cozy with just two of us before. Maybe if the weather is good we can move some of it outside. Have a safe trip.


Turning Fasteddy loose in your shop might work, but you're best having me go sit in a corner, preferably next to nothing with a blade or motor to run it. I'll take pictures and give an occasional cheer. You guys make the copper tool box. I can't tell you how much I look forward to seeing you & Jackie and hanging out in the Tinsmith Shop.

Today we'll pack up Steve's camper truck and in the morning we'll had out with a brief stop in Duluth at Harbor Freight. Yes, a safe trip is #1 priority. See you mid week.

Glad the rally was good. I've always wanted to go to one and if we'd had more foresight and left a week earlier for this trip we could have been there. Dang. I'd like to meet Russel someday, along with Jay and the whole crew.
That tadpole is really coming along. I can hardly wait to see a video of it running. You simply must do a video. If we can't see the real thing drive by, it's the next best thing.

Thank you sir. Do you have a link to that video? I'd like to see it myself.
While this is not the wicker seat that will end up on the tri-car... don't think so anyway... it does help to visualize how the space will be utilized and how wicker goes with an old time looking tri-car. Steve has already made up the supports for the seat which include buggy type springs. Whatever the seat, it will need some sort of footrest to go with it. But that will be next summer. First things first, but with an idea of where you're going eventually it helps to visualize.

Next posts will be from Maryland...


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And I believe I know a couple of old guys who are will to help with consumption of the above mentioned beer.

Thank you sir. Do you have a link to that video? I'd like to see it myself.

Um...? Well, I meant: are you able to make a video of the Hiawatha once it's running? The still pictures are looking so good that I was hoping to see it running sometime soon. But I can't afford to go there, so I was praying for maybe YouTube video.
I was just pullin' yer leg. I know there's no video & don't know when there will be one as I either don't have a suitable camera or at least have never tried making or posting a video. I'll look into it once the bike is on the road. I do appreciate your kind words and interest in the tri-car.

Some not so great news is that we are still in Minnesota, having mechanical trouble with Steve's aging camper. The morning we were all set to go with the dog sitting between the seats, the old bear just getting his seat belt clicked... Steve turned the starter... and turned the starter... and turned...

Electrical problems are the kind of car trouble I like the least, being invisible. A mechanic came and went, parts have been replaced and we are currently awaiting a part en-route from the state of Virginia. With nothing to accomplish staring at the camper I have fiddled around with the American Deluxe delta trike and today Steve started making up headlight mounts for the tri-car. Pictures of both enterprises will follow.

Assuming we get the van squared away pretty soon we have revised our travel plans for a departure sometime around the 20th of August and back here in early September. Then Steve is off for Vancouver and it will be time for leaf change here with snow to follow in October. Hopefully we'll have opportunity to start up the tri-car before the season is over. and be further along on the delta trike. Already looking forward to bike camp next summer.

As for a cold beer... oh yes.
Steve worked on headlight mounts today and got the idea of using curved sections of a Schwinn handlebar. He filed a fishmouth into one end to receive a section of tubing cut from the same bike's chain stay which he welded in place. This shorter tube is to hold the bolt protruding from the bottom of the headlight.

Originally he was going to make the mounts out of flat steel, but we agree that this will look better.


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First photo shows how long the mount is at the moment and the second one shows it shorter, which we agree looks better. Now we're wondering if the mount should be adjustable for height since I'm considering making a pair of headlights from identical brass spittoons with custom made clear and stained glass lenses in a star burst pattern put together with copper foil. Might use a section of brass tubing from a brass bed to make the foot rest for the wicker seat and if so then the brass headlights would help to tie things together visually. For now the tri-car is getting chrome tear drop headlights which will also look good.


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I concur; shorter is better. I'm finally getting used to the color as it is a little flashy for the old bear. I asked my neighbor lady what color she thought it should be and she was insistent... "Ruby Red!" So it is. I want it to be noticed and to bring a smile and I think it will, even if I'm the only one smiling.
Thanks for the smiles and nice comments, you guys. It means a lot, especially on a build that seemingly takes forever. I don't think we'll ever see many tri-car motor bike builds as they are too involved and in the end become expensive in time and money. Fasteddy has commented to me that building a velocar would be simpler (his next big project). I've thought about a cyclecar, but am letting the parts I've accumulated for one go as I'm going to content myself with finishing up what is already underway and then just tinkering with what I have. I'm getting too old for new projects and want to enjoy the ones I have. Right at the top of the list is riding this Hiawatha around, maybe going to a meet or motorcycle show once in awhile. Fasteddy & I have a fantasy of riding our tri-cars around at the Blackhawk Motorcycle show in the fall of 2015. That would be fun!
Hello FastEddy & SilverBear,
What's happened with wonderful front-seats that I have copy saved? One is built by Steve (?) - always mix who build what and who is helping! Another seat could be original?
Ciao, Zoran