Wow, that brings a smile to my face.

Thank you. My kindness was small but I could tell you're a fine person and so it was my pleasure to help out in a tiny way and I would hope my fellow motor-bicyclists would help me too if I found myself in dire straits like you did that time. Which I'm sure they would. But enough of that, main thing is you weren't hurt and I hope you are back on your feet so to speak.
Anyways, don't wanna hijack your thread with personal ramblings but ya, Grand Portage or Grand Marais would be a perfect location. Not only because of the proximity but because it's simply beautiful there in the summer and especially in the fall. Maybe we can pop over for some Sven and Ole's pizza.
It's amazing about the snow because here in thunder Bay (probably because of the lake effect) we usually don't get our first serious snow fall til about a week after Halloween but I have noticed every year it gets later and later (global warming caused by our HT motors maybe? heh heh).
As far as my bike goes I am ashamed to say that I have yet to complete it. I've been "working" on it for at least the last two years. It has to be one of the longest builds in history.LOL I always keep saying it'll be done in a week or two but that never happens so I won't even put a deadline on it this time. But in my defense I also work full time and had a recent breakup which actually has allowed me to do more on it this summer than I have in the last 2 years, so maybe if all goes well I'll be posting my build post before the Indian summer is over.
But the idea of using it during the spring/summer/fall as my transport to work and such may be not very realistic and I might have to go electric if I want to use some sort of a powered bicycle for transportation. Three or four years ago there used to be tons of guys here in Thunder Bay scooting around on the HT-powered bikes (seeing them is what turned me onto motorized bicycles in the first place) but alas the boys in blue have really cracked down over the last 2 summers and now this summer so far I've only seen 2 guys on them. I spoke to one and he says he got harassed constantly by the boys in blue. They asked him if he had a motorcycle or moped license and insurance and ticketed him (the no insurance tickets here in Ontario can be up to $5000). Well he went to court and apparently won so he avoided the ticket but was still told that he can't ride it again because it can't be insured as a vehicle. So in a nutshell, the future looks grim and I think I'll only be able to ride my motorized bicycle out in the country and not in the city proper which is a damn shame because you can ride electric bicycles without insurance and without license here in Ontario so I don't know what a gas motor changes as far as safety, etc. The only answer is obviously the environmental considerations which are the main motive and even that doesn't make sense because you can't honestly tell me that say 50 guys (just an estimate of how many there probably were a few years ago) in a small city like Thunder Bay running small 2 strokes on their bicycles put out more pollutants than say all those guys driving their diesels or even the army of housewives/husbands/homeowners/businesses cutting their lawns every few days with their 2 stroke lawnmowers. But then again whoever said governmental regulations or many laws for that matter are at all logical and without some other hidden agenda or bias. Anyways, enough of my rant.
You have a wonderful day. When are you planning to go for your winter migration? I'll actually be passing through Grand Marais/Grand Portage and all that good country tomorrow and again on Sunday as I'm doing a trip to Chicago and back this weekend.
God bless.