Indian Hiawatha

Allen Wrench,
Have you seen this site?


@ charlie: I learned a couple times, down home in Mansfield, that there are a bunch of different animals that will gladly live in a poplar, especially after carpenter ants have quietly hollowed it out. Bees being one kind (yikes!).

@SB: The tadpole project is really looking good! BTW: I'm watching this like a hawk. First chance I get to set aside some of my income tax refund, I'm going to start on my own three-wheeler. But it's going to have a bit more bodywork.

The only place I could probably post it, being NOT a motorized bike, would probably be in the Tavern. But I plan to soon (i.e. before I die) work on an early-twenties styled three-wheel roadster/cycle car. I like the Morgans, but I'd rather enclose the motor and give her cleaner lines. I like the look of a car called the Darmont.

SB, the stuff you're doing with the tadpole is very definitely useful to me. All your effort, as you record it here, is being appreciated and remembered. Keep up the good work.

I'm glad you like the project and good to hear that it will help you along in yours... which sounds like quite an interesting undertaking. Much credit on mine goes to Steve (Fasteddy) who is a whole lot smarter than me with mechanics. Without his expertise this project would never have gotten beyond the dreaming stage. A lot is involved in a project like this and much patience is required. And some money helps, too.
I thought you might enjoy this pic


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Here a couple fer ya SB


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Sure do. Silverbear and Fasteddy. Around about next summer, 12 miles south of Ely Minnesota, down by the lake to use up the velo front axle.

Guess who?
I beleive there are actually two single cylinder engines on the rear but I don't know what brand it is ? has some English styling over tones to it.
Sure looks like a French made DeDion Bouton in a quad configuration (definitely looks like their badge)...

But they did license their designs to several other manufacturers including Waltham/Orient here in the United States. Interestingly this usually included keeping the DeDion badges, but they were then well known as arguably having the first true successful motorcycle engine.

That would make it as early as 1898 to perhaps as late as 1908( ? ). Judging from the extreme rarity of the real early ones and the ”newer” looking lights on this one I’d guess it’s from the near the end of that time line.

I’m also guessing it’s the big single that DeDion is most famous for.

At any rate thanks for sharing those photo’s, I’ve already put them in my reference folder!

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Looked on googgle and they licenced over 150 makers to use their engine. Looking at the photos of the bike it would be easier to make than the tricar. Silverbear and I bought what were originally (I think) front axles from golf carts that someone on ebay had for sale and they are burning a hole in my desire to finish what I have and call it quits.

The axles are new with square tubing and go kart type spindles. Add a bike frame and forks and a custom trike rear end made with a differential rear end from Northern Tool and you choice of engine and your motoring.

You do have to be careful about having 4 wheels though, that opens up a lot of new legal issues for our little creations as far as the DOT is concerned...

It sure does. That's why I built the tricar but as a pure fun bike to ride around the car shows and make the gang wonder just what you have, it would be hard to beat. :)

They were doing anything they could in france durring WWI and using a motorized version was quicker then horse drawn
couple of pic's fer ya, maybe get some ideas too? maybe a rival for Cobrafreak too


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