I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

My former wife told me the day after we were married that it was her or the sports car but one of them was going. Lord, I still miss that car. Her, not at all.


My word, I could hand out red cards all day

When are women going to get the memo? If you want a loving and lasting marriage you don't pull these sort of tricks. And it's nothing about being a doormat either, it's a really simple concept called loving respect for your marriage partner.

So Biknut the big moment has arrived. DUN, Dun, Dun........

I shall light a candle for you and if you survive Ok and are still in a fit state I'd like to hear how your first ride on a Stealth Bomber went.
Congratulations biknut!
I am eagerly waiting for your first hand review of it.
Enough with the scare tactics.....
Let's see what stealth tactics can do!
awesome the new motorized bicycle has arrived...we want pictures and a thorough review. congrats!
All is well then. You are still here and Buffy hasn't thrown you and the bike out eh?

Cool. How long did it take you to pry it out of that crate?
All quiet on the western front. I'm determined to stick to my plan of keeping this little caper under wraps until after Thanksgiving is over. Tomorrow is Buffy's birthday, and it's Thanksgiving. Because of the chance of her going ballistic when she finds out, I don't want to ruin her bday. It's already going to be stressful enough cooking turkey and the whole nine yards all day on her birthday.

Now back to dirty deeds incorporated. Today while on a service call I was able to remove the top of the crate and get a look inside. Stealth does a real good job protecting the bike. Everything looks in perfect condition. The front wheel is not installed, and the handlebars aren't on the forks. I was able to slid the front wheel out, and now it's in the garage. The bike comes with some knurly looking 24x3 knobby tires, but I'm going to change them out for a set of my super low profile 24x3 street tires. I can do that in my spare time tonight, or probably tomorrow.

I did pick up her new Range today, but she doesn't want me to install it until Friday. She doesn't want to take a chance of ruining her Thanksgiving with a stove she's not used to.
Haha, the bike is still in the crate in the van eh? Along with the new stove? Hiding behind the new stove eh?

You sly rascal you.

What ya doin out there hon? Nuttin' dear, just changin' a bike tire...

Your ass is grass - :)
I'm becoming optimistic that it's not going to be so bad. She told me tonight my neighbor just bought a car. I jokingly said to her, he got a new car, she got a new kitchen, but poor me, I didn't get nuttin lol.
I'm thinking depending how the day goes, I might tell her tomorrow evening. My son will be here, and he can back me up. I think there's a 50/50 chance there won't be too much drama anyway, especially if he's here at the time. I'm pretty sure all my efforts over the last 2 months haven't been for naught. No matter what, it won't be near as bad as it could have been. She'll get over it.

I bought her a new MKZ last year damnit.
Cool, the car thing is covered. Didn't know.

Go for it baby. Wait until she is stuffed with turkey and the tryptophans kick in.

Then you can have at the crate with the crowbar and bask in the beauty!