I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

same reasons for me. no hassles and i like that, registration and inspections alone on this island are an all day pain in the rear.
Another option: You do the kitchen remodel and then you can say, "Honey, since I saved us all this money and did it myself I think I'd like to buy a new bike."
You can be doing the kitchen while you wait for the bike to get there. :)

Yeah I really wouldn't want an electric motorcycle. The choice seems like a choice between the a slow motorcycle, or a fast motor bicycle. I'd rather have the fast motor bicycle.

When I ride my moped I run into this thing about the trails. Since it has a license plate it's not allowed on the bicycle trails. It seems really limiting after riding my motor bicycles for the last few years. Motor bicycles have a lot more freedom.

But Dallas is so big. It takes a lot longer to ride a china girl across town. That's fine if I have all day, but sometimes I just need to get there. My moped goes fast enough that riding in heavy traffic isn't an issue, because it'll do over 40 mph. A china girl doesn't like cruising 35 mph all day long. Mine can do it, but it's not nice.

A Bomber would be the best of both worlds. Faster than my moped if I need it to be, but able to ride slow on the bicycle trails for fun cruising.
Yeah I really wouldn't want an electric motorcycle. The choice seems like a choice between the a slow motorcycle, or a fast motor bicycle. I'd rather have the fast motor bicycle.

When I ride my moped I run into this thing about the trails. Since it has a license plate it's not allowed on the bicycle trails. It seems really limiting after riding my motor bicycles for the last few years. Motor bicycles have a lot more freedom.

But Dallas is so big. It takes a lot longer to ride a china girl across town. That's fine if I have all day, but sometimes I just need to get there. My moped goes fast enough that riding in heavy traffic isn't an issue, because it'll do over 40 mph. A china girl doesn't like cruising 35 mph all day long. Mine can do it, but it's not nice.

A Bomber would be the best of both worlds. Faster than my moped if I need it to be, but able to ride slow on the bicycle trails for fun cruising.

I agree completely which is why I'm building a "non-hub" ebike that can do 7,200 watts continuous and burst to 14,000 watts for a few minutes, using a BLDC electric motor that weighs 22 lbs. At half the price of the The Stealth Bomber, it is not gonna know what hit it or passed it...... in a trail of dust. LOL
Another option: You do the kitchen remodel and then you can say, "Honey, since I saved us all this money and did it myself I think I'd like to buy a new bike."
You can be doing the kitchen while you wait for the bike to get there. :)


I don't think that would work Tom. She'd probably buy a new car if I saved all that money.
Another contractor came by today to have a look. That makes 2 more possible bids if they don't stiff us like the first guy did.

I have seen lots of fascinating bikes on that website. My bike has a Crystalyte HS3540 hub similar to the ones from the link above. It's a great hub with over 2500 miles on it and zero maintenance performed on it. It is good for 3500+ watts. It is simply is no match for an electric motorcycle BLDC motor mounted in the triangle of a bicycle or motorcycle frame. Yet both cost nearly the exact same price.

The BLDC motor can achieve 19HP for about 3 minutes if the battery power is there for it to do so. That is enough to rip your arms from your body and have your hands still attached to bike as it, and your arms, leaves without you, with you on your back staring at the sky. Maximum torque is instantaneous. LOL
Liveforphysic’s is gonna have me breathing down the back of his neck one day. Two can play that game. His Electric VooDoo can easily be replicated and refined. LMAO dance1



I agree completely which is why I'm building a "non-hub" ebike that can do 7,200 watts continuous and burst to 14,000 watts for a few minutes, using a BLDC electric motor that weighs 22 lbs. At half the price of the The Stealth Bomber, it is not gonna know what hit it or passed it...... in a trail of dust. LOL

Every bike ever made from the beginning of time has always been about compromise. There's never been a perfect bike. One of the beauty's of making your own bike from scratch is you can decide which attributes are the most important to you. Cost is usually pretty high up the list whether an individual, or factory is making it. Electric bikes pose a whole new range of choices, and compromises.
My evil plan for world domination seems to be getting back on track. I finely found a kitchen remodeler so desperate he actually called us back with a quote. It turns out a beautiful kitchen costs about the same as a, oh gee, a Stealth Bomber. What a coink a dink. Sounds kind of fair to me. And the price for the kitchen work sounds ok too.
My evil plan for world domination seems to be getting back on track. I finely found a kitchen remodeler so desperate he actually called us back with a quote. It turns out a beautiful kitchen costs about the same as a, oh gee, a Stealth Bomber. What a coink a dink. Sounds kind of fair to me. And the price for the kitchen work sounds ok too.

If she ever comes after you for buying it, she'll never be able to actually catch up to you on that Bomber. It can go where no car can go. LOL
Here's an interesting utube comparing a Bomber with a bike called a eRocket. You can't really tell much from watching the video except that there doesn't seem like much difference in performance between the two.

An eRocket costs over $30,000. Makes a Harley look cheap, and a bomber seem like a steal. it weighs 271 lb compared to 116 for a bomber. Both bikes claim top speeds up to 50 mpg, with about the same range. The eRocket is mid drive and sounds like a thrashing machine at speed, where the Bomber is pretty quiet at 65db. The eRocket has to be pedaled all the time to make it go. The Bomber has a twist grip throttle.

Honey I wanted a eRocket, but I bought a cheap Bomber instead so I could save us more money for your beautiful kitchen. (Just practicing.)

O man send that money my way and let me build.... That kind of money motivates me real
Good.... I do have to say that's a bunch of money for that bike.... Are you sure...
O man send that money my way and let me build.... That kind of money motivates me real
Good.... I do have to say that's a bunch of money for that bike.... Are you sure...

When I think about it, I can't remember ever buying a bike were it's value was much of a factor in my decision.