I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

I got a question about this video comparison between a Stealth Bomber, and a HPC XC-2.

Near the end of the vid is a summery of the ride statistics, all of which make their XC-2 bike look better than the Stealth. One measure they fail to mention is about the volts at 5:49. The Stealth shows 79.2v. Their bike shows 92.1v. Wouldn't higher voltage be responsible for their better performance in the summery?

big time difference. i have both 36v and 48v batteries. difference is night and day in the performance between one and another.
My evil plan is running up against two major obstacles. None of the contractors we call will ever call us back, and the boss can't make a decision about anything to save her neck.

I'm going to try reverse psychology, and act like I'm losing interest. We'll see what effect that has.
Maybe a new development. Last night my 30 yr old son came by. He's not in to motorized bicycles, but rides a Speed Triple, and bicycles. I showed him a Bomber online. He was immediately interested (he's more nerd type than me). I showed him some vids, and he was like, how far can it go? How fast? I told him 50 miles, and 50 mph. He was like, I could ride that to work. How much does it cost?

The boss was sitting in ear shot so I was playing dumb, but he starts hitting buttons on the the little box attached permanently to his hand, and blurts out $10,000. THAT'S TOO MUCH. But I could tell he wants one. If it were to happen that he decided to buy one, that would give me cover to get one too. I could claim I need one to ride around with him.

OTOH now that that he let the cat out of the bag by talking about it in front of the boss, I might be able to later claim it was his fault for making me decide I wanted one, by his talking about how fun it looked. I'll say I never thought about it till he mentioned it that night.

Meanwhile my secret card is burning a hole in my pocket. I don't know how much longer I can hold out.
You shoulda been with the CIA ---- covert, mis-direction, spinning.........

......or, maybe you are! :D
I just found a store in L.A. that's offering to sell a Bomber for $9,900 with free shipping. That's the least I've seen so far.

Does anyone know anything about this shop?

Road Bike City
23565 Neargate Dr.
Newhall, California 91321

The boss is fighting back. She's trying to turn the tables on me, by using weapons from her arsenal she seldom uses. She's being nice to me. She fights dirty.
Hmmm.......maybe she knows that you've wanted another bike for a while and she's letting you plot a way to get it while she's actually plotting for you to spring for her new kitchen ....??

(That even confused me......:D)
A cabinet guy came by the house tonight. He's doing my neighbors kitchen, and his work looks good. He's going to give me a quote. Another company is coming over tomorrow to give us a estimate. Maybe something will work out.
I called out to L.A. today and talked to the shop where I'll probably end up buying from. It's just a electronic transaction. The bike would be shipped in a month from the distributor to my address. The only difference is going through these guys I get free shipping.

It's going to be hard not to hit the button tonight.
Wait till you get the quotes tomorrow.

It will get real nasty when the contractor files a lien on your house after the CC Co declines the charge 'cause the limit has been exceeded.
Wait till you get the quotes tomorrow.

It will get real nasty when the contractor files a lien on your house after the CC Co declines the charge 'cause the limit has been exceeded.

Don't tell me what to do, I'm hitting the button now, because you said that.


We're planning to pay cash for the kitchen.
Just as a diversion I was looking at these electric motorcycles. They look pretty good. Weight 250 lbs. Have 40 hp. They're street legal. They cost $15,000

They have the same 50 mile range as a Bomber, but you'll need a license, insurance, registration, and inspection, and you can't ride them on a bike trail. If they run out of juice, you can't pedal them home either.

The thing I like about the bicycle vs motorcycle is:
You can ride the through the park and trails (I ride through a lot of state & county park trails)
No one seems to bother you, same goes with the police
No need to register or insure
When it dies, you can pedal it home.
You can only legally ride it on the streets
Probably faster
Rumor has it, the mileage claimed is a little more than half.

I say stick to your original plan.