One thing I can think of right off the top of my head to double the range of a Fighter would be to just carry an extra battery. I could install a seat post rack to carry or mount it on.
Increasing the top speed is going to be a little harder I think.
I have no doubt that will be possible, but I don't have that kind of knowledge.
biknut --- you crack me up---- ain't it the truth
I do believe you can teach everyone a few new tricks regarding the loved one --
you seem to clearly have it covered
regarding the electric rocket ship if patience wins out you might find that mike and a few others may have just what you are looking for without the branded bs of a for example and not the grossly exaggerated performance stats
overstated no service exhorbident sp????replacement parts costs etc
back up etc. ----or other well expensive creations currently in the marketplace
time heals most things but a fiery passion is hard to quench
One more time.
Spend a grand and build a good ebike. Build it on a step thru frame so wifey will like it too and might even ride it. You can ride it close to home so as not to get run over.
You will learn much. Wifey might really like it and suggest you get something even better.
How many gas bikes have you built? Learn anything?
Learn something about electrics before you spend 10 grand.
I was looking at this kit before I decided on something more tame.
don't they have a 100 lb limit on pedal assist bikes?
don't they have a 100 lb limit on pedal assist bikes?
I have given thought to building my own bike, but my idea of building my own is probably different from yours.
Building my own would be something like getting a Fighter, and modifying it to suit my needs better. Mainly that would mean increasing the range, and I got to tell you, the more I think about it the more I like the idea. I'm the type that never leaves the thing alone. I'll be modifying my bike forever, especially as improved technology comes out that I can adapt to it. A fighter might be a very good starting point for my purposes. 75 lbs is only about 10 lbs more than Stunner. I have been dieting too.
I keep finding out more and more details about the differences of these two bikes. Bomber, and Fighter. Something I didn't realize about the bomber is apparently it's a real dog to pedal only, not only because it weighs 120 lbs, but also because the motor doesn't freewheel. When you pedal it you have to fight a lot of motor drag, plus the weight.
The fighter on the other hand apparently does have a freewheel on the motor so that, plus the much lighter weight makes it a lot more pleasant to pedal power only. That makes a huge difference 6 miles from home. With a little more battery capacity I think I could live a Fighter pretty well. Battery technology is improving almost daily so it probably won't be long that I could buy better batteries. Meanwhile I could just buy an extra battery pack.
The smaller size of the Fighter really appeals to me.
I found a store on fleabeay out of californy that sells Stealth's for the same price as the distributor, but shipping is only $250, instead of the $800 the distributor charges.