Easy Rider
Santa Cruz Scooter Works
My hat goes off to you Foureasy for building one super fast street bicycle but me and the kids couldn't stop cracking up when you passed the cameraman flaunting your plumber's crack! LOL
I recognize that rod.
It is out of a GT-5 66cc Angle Fire.
I believe the center to center distance is 88.9 mm.
I have one question if you can please help.
How much pressure is required to push the crankpin out.
Or if you have the crankpin diameter and the bore diameter in the crank i can calculate it.
thanks fair, but if i don't stop wrecking this bike, i'll be sitting in the bleachers.
you could always build a suped up wheelchair...
(i'm just kidding, 'cause i ride the same way, without the wrecks [yet.] i'm waiting to blow a tire in traffic at 45...)
Arianna SAYS
We Spend alot of time and money doing research for the benifit of the members here.
We go above and beyond to help everyone.
It would be nice to see the same in return.
I didn't think it would be so hard to say.........
I used a 20 ton Press.
But thanks alot for the help.