hybrid chinese motors and performance tuning

you aren't running 10,000 rpm borderline lean on something with a bushed rod. no doubt it will be fine in low rpm applications where the tune is rich.
wow seeing this truely is the need for this modifaction s can you tell me the last kit you have here to get these numbers and do you make the spacing to sell me i live in tas australia your work is fab
Soooo..... What ever happend to foureasy? I think this was about the most awsome thread ever on modding these little mills! ( Longevity not withstanding! )
Long story way way short: If you run Rading Moped power through a bicycle frame, you will destroy it and more than likely yourself.
That being said, there is a lot of room to improve motorized bicycles. But my money's going into my motobecane 50v, and I'd suggest people do the same.
It's the promised land: Italian performance parts, Variators, Big Big bore kits, Case reed induction, heavy gage wheels, Speed rated tires, Water Cooled kits, Etc. Everything I always wanted in my motor bicycle.

How did this setup work out? I found it in foureasy's album.
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