That's really cool Foureasy, it will be a few weeks but something like that from you is certainly in my future, sooner than later. I believe my buddy has a puch cylinder head for me too, we talked about it yesterday. We were out riding our mopeds when we had a dual moped failure, lol. He broke his throttle assembly at the handlebars, then while towing him to our friend's shop, I blew up a ring on mine!
That's alright though, because I have some things I want to work on with my MB this weekend and am also waiting for replacement parts for my 70cc cylinder kit for my moped anyway. Too many projects make it hard to focus my limited resources on them all simultaneously.
I'm hoping the Homie will bring the cylinder head by my workplace today, where I can try to get it installed before the day is out. If not today, before the weekend is over for sure. Maybe I'll start a thread about it and show an update of my bike, sort of go over what I'm running right now and how it's doing. I run a shift kit but up here, and with the way I ride, there's simply no other way to go for me..