How often do you wear your helmet?

How often do you wear a helmet?

  • I wear one no matter what

    Votes: 105 52.8%
  • I wear a helmet most of the time

    Votes: 47 23.6%
  • I only wear one on long rides

    Votes: 16 8.0%
  • I just wear one when I want the look

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I rarely wear a helmet when riding

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I just man it without one on

    Votes: 22 11.1%

  • Total voters
well this is what I think, it's when you're riding up and down the street is when you need the helmet! it's when you're not riding up and down the street is when you don't need the helmet!!!
well this is what I think, it's when you're riding up and down the street is when you need the helmet! it's when you're not riding up and down the street is when you don't need the helmet!!!

I agree. Having survived various crashes on both motorcycles and bicycles when i was younger I'm a commited helmet wearer. A crash can happen any time and for the strangest and most unexpected reasons so thinking that you'll be fine just because you're just doing a quick test run up and down your street is pretty darn silly really. Back in my 20s I got blindsided by the neighbour's huge friendly dog just as I was returning from work one evening. There's nothing like the hard 'bonk' sound of your helmet hitting the road surface after you've gone flying to make you very grateful for the protection a helmet gives.
This summer i was on 100 mile river trip with my Dagger Mumba from Drayton Valley to Edmonton, ( Almost died twice ) on the third day, i come to a bridge just begging for it to be the Devon bride. I come trudging up the bank under the bridge.
Well, there was a group of dudes on harleys all wearing black helmets. I glanced at them, and went up to see what bridge. Comming back down my heart sank and i was worried cause - was not the Devon Bridge.
It was just then when the bikers started laughing , fired up there harleys, and drove away.
Now when i think about it, i realize that i was wearing a white helmet, and they were all wearing black ones.
I remember a hit song called " How Far is Heaven." For me it is how far is Devon.
Anyway i am a survivor of a double cracked skull and permanent brain damage, full front brain contusion, my nose dripped brain fluid for 3 days.
I always wear my helmet, bike and river. The river is a dangerous place to play.

I'm with you. Back in 1995 I was struck by lightning through a telephone. Lightning entered my left ear and came out between my eyes, the forehead and crown leaving bleeding burns. I was unconscious for several hours. When the brain shuts down like that it is due to a traumatic brain injury. In my case it resulted in short and long tern memory loss, slower cognition, easily overwhelmed by too much going on at once, dyslexia. I was unable to read or write for a time and had to kind of relearn. With the lightning strike, in a nanosecond my life was changed and led to loss of employment, divorce and eventually due to the nerve damage I developed Guillane Barre Syndrome which has symptoms like polio. For a time I was crippled, still have leg problems and always will.

The last thing I need is another brain injury so there is no issue with my wearing a helmet. Anyone who has ever slipped on the ice and cracked your head in falling knows that you don't have to be moving fast or fall far to do real injury. Ouch, big time. So what would it be like to fly off the bike at speed and land on concrete? I for one do not want to find out. Whenever I see a biker flying down the highway without a helmet I cringe inside.
I always wear a full face helmet when dirt bike or snowmobile riding. On the road it depends, highway usually always, other it depends. I do think a helmet inhibits hearing and vision enough to be a bit of a hazard itself. I ride on roads though on full alert like a crash is eminent at any minute.
I hear ya chainman, I ride like everyone in a car in aiming directly at me on purpose. cause sometimes, THEY ARE.... I was gonna put "LOL" after that but it aint funny.
I almost got run over once,
I was riding a peddle bike to work, head chef at a Grill 'n'pub down in Kingsville, I came to the one main street that intersected with my route to get there and the light down at the end of the block was red.
I figured traffic is stopped and I can see if anyone is coming. Ill go now and not miss the light.
So first lane was clear, second lane had cars stopped past where I was at, and I could see over them into the 3rd (turn) lane or so I though.
Rode into the clear lane looking over the cars for people in the turn lane, as I rode into the line of stopped cars I started looking right to check to make sure the light hadnt changed and no one was turning right.
As soon as I got into that turn lane BAM!
A little blue car Hit me, my bike went under the car and I landed in front of them. and then their car pushed me for another 25 feet, my legs were in front of their front right tire and my head was closer to the drivers side, but not infront of the wheel and not that any of these details really matter I was facing away from the car, on my left side.
I remember thinking "why havent we stopped yet?" as we were going down the road.
The look on those peoples faces through their shattered windshield when I pried myself out from under their car... priceless.

anyhow, long story short, No helmet, No broken bones, and I saved my mug from kissing pavement only because my arm happened to land under my head kinda like if I was sleeping. The only reason my left leg wasint ANNIHILATED was because I was riding with the pedals flat. the left one was wraped back into the spokes >.< Ended up with road rash down my left side, and a new disposition towards cross walks.

moved up here to austin.... I started wearing a full face motorcycle helmet on my Curry ezip that only really went 12-15mph. I got a lot of laufghs, but I really didint care, I wasint going to kiss pavement when some Dildo on the road decided they were going to run me down while texting or something.
then that bike fell apart on me and I gave the helmet away, not knowing when I would get back on again.
Now Ironically Im riding faster than I have ever gone before, and pretty much all ive got protecting me is a padded leather hat, or a Ushanka depending on the weather.
I dont dislike helmets, I just need to get a new one.
I also usually wear a reflector Vest at night, but not usually during the day time.
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Wearing a helmet has to become a habit, its like safety glasses when grinding or having health insurance in case you get sick. Just call the helmet "health insurance for your head". I have a co-worker that has now retired that always said " if you kill a snakes head his a$$ will die.
On my pedal bike I only got hit by a car once, every other time I fell, it was because I was messing around with my clipless pedals, wheel standing ect.

The one time I got hit, it was because I have was an idiot. Crossing lanes, only glancing for cars and I missed the bright yellow Silverado that hit me. Tweaked my rear wheel but my pearl izumi gloves saved my hands from any road rash.

I always wore a fox mtb helmet or a roadie helmet.

Now on may MB, I knew my fox helmet wasn't going to save me at tho speeds I was doing, so my girlfriend bought me a motocross helmet, I love it. I do kind of want a full face modular helmet, but then I have to figure out a new way to mount my light I have on the motocross visor.

I wrecked once at 25mph on the MB, not fun, I road rashed my elbow, my elbow, knee and shoulder were sore for weeks, my knee felt like it wanted to buckle under the slightest irritation for about a month. I cracked my mirror, busted my headlight and looked like a fool.

But my noggin was safe and sound, I'd only had that helmet a few weeks too, hahaha.

I am looking into getting a padded jacket though, so if I go down again my upper body doesn't take as many scrapes, already using thick leather gloves with knuckle protection now
ya, wear a helmet always. Doesn't matter if it may look "stupid" or whatever your reasoning, it will save your life. The brain bucket saved mine on more than one occasion. stay safe guys
The only reason I don't wear my helmet is because it won't fit over my hat and I was riding during winter. You know, with the snow and wind I need to keep my head and ears covered.

I will readily admit my logic is seriously flawed.

in reality my helmet needs replacing or refurbishment anyway so over the summer I will get another if I can (hopefully one that fits over my hat).

totally not advocating being an idiot by the way, in reality if faced with a decision like 'keep your ears warm or wear a helmet while riding a motorized bicycle with snow on the ground' just... re-evaluate some things.
I fully justified it to myself with **** like how I just want to break the motor in, and how I'm not going very far or onto main roads much.
But If I went down and cracked my skull I would have deserved it.
The make moisture wicking skull caps that fit under any helmet buddy. You don't have to wear the urshanka exclusively.
The make moisture wicking skull caps that fit under any helmet buddy. You don't have to wear the urshanka exclusively.

you see here we have someone smart.
I've just been putting off being a responsible adult. once I actually start riding further than my own neighborhood I will be wearing a helmet full time.
i suppose i was just trying to go through the logic that one might use to justify not wearing one, but I know it's not a good justification.
you see here we have someone smart.
I've just been putting off being a responsible adult. once I actually start riding further than my own neighborhood I will be wearing a helmet full time.
i suppose i was just trying to go through the logic that one might use to justify not wearing one, but I know it's not a good justification.

Believe me, when you take a good hit to the noggin you won't need to justify anything anymore. It's a wake up call for sure .bf.
I dont know, I think about it a lot when On the peddle bike, but mayhaps that knock blasted some sence outta my noggin. now that I claim the lane I honestly dont worry so much about wrecking due to other peeps, that obviously does not rule out technical difficutlies, but I feel a bit safer knowing these "cagers" will be forced to change lanes to pass me.
I've made note of it before, but a lot of time has gone by so I'll mention it again. In the summer of 1995 I was struck by lightning which entered my left ear and came out between my eyes, the forehead and crown. Among other things I got a traumatic brain injury out of the experience which has been no fun. Lucky to be alive, for sure.

Just sitting still on your bike, falling off and hitting your head on the roadway is enough to give you a concussion, possibly a traumatic brain injury. Chances of serious injury certainly increase with a rolling bike and at speed or colliding with a motor vehicle the odds are not so good. Wearing a helmet is such a simple thing. Even short rides in your neighborhood deserve a helmet. Would you want your child to have head protection on a motorbike? Then why not, you, too?
It's actually the law here that anyone under 21 on a motor bicycle or electric vehicle has to wear a helmet. My lad doesn't even get into the trailer without donning one... I really need to update my head gear :P
When I had my one big motorcycle accident some years ago and I had time to examine my helmet in the aftermath and saw the long deep scrapes on the right side of the helmet, - that was all I needed to convince me to continue to wear a helmet every time I go anywhere on a bike.
When I had my one big motorcycle accident some years ago and I had time to examine my helmet in the aftermath and saw the long deep scrapes on the right side of the helmet, - that was all I needed to convince me to continue to wear a helmet every time I go anywhere on a bike.

Think of all the sweet bar/ told to innocent youth stories you missed out on by avoiding those horrendous , but super interesting story driven scars-concussions!
Think of all the sweet bar/ told to innocent youth stories you missed out on by avoiding those horrendous , but super interesting story driven scars-concussions!

The 4 inch scar I have across my left kneecap from that accident is quite enough of a keepsake thank you very much.
Facial scars on a woman tend not to have the same dashing appeal they might have on a man so I'm very glad I missed out on the experience.
As for telling stories to innocent youth I have managed to make the odd one go pale and fainty by describing how my knee joint looked with the skin peeled back from the bone
The 4 inch scar I have across my left kneecap from that accident is quite enough of a keepsake thank you very much.
Facial scars on a woman tend not to have the same dashing appeal they might have on a man so I'm very glad I missed out on the experience.
As for telling stories to innocent youth I have managed to make the odd one go pale and fainty by describing how my knee joint looked with the skin peeled back from the bone

Obviously the next step after those unsightly but Suprizingly respectfull scars would either be to go full tilt into martial arts where you would be feared under assumption of having had brave some sort of attack, or perhaps the rout of a Somalian pirate captain... much to the same effect. lol
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