HF engine tips and tricks

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Says midgrade (89) in the manual. Probably 'cause this motor runs hot.

Much discussion on the subject but generally high octane is for high compression engines, which these are not.

Lower octane is more flammable and therefore requires less heat/compression to burn. Higher octane requires more heat/compression to burn properly.

Best to run the gas recommended by the manufacturer unless you modify it. High octane won't hurt 'cept for maybe not burning thoroughly, but there's no benefit and it costs more.

Thanks Tyr I guess I was under the old assumption stronger better they say supposed to learn something new every day. Now that you splandit makes sense. and less money Thanks Larry
Thanks tyr. I juswt6 know what I have been told. Most chainsaw manuals call for high octain. Don't the midrange have Enthanall in it That is supose to be bad on small engines
Depending on where (and when) you get it it all has ethanol. During winter mo's I believe all gas (in America) has ethanol. Ethanol in effect raises octane too and requires higher compression to properly burn. Some states require as much as 10% ethanol all year around. Most modern automobile motors are now 10:1 or better compression while our utility motors are typically no more than 8:1. BTW Ethanol is what's in a martini and one benefit is that it will allow water to pass through your engine as alcohol absorbs water while remaining flammable!

Best thing to do is buy good gas if you can i.e. Texaco, Chevron, Shell etc and avoid Arco, 7 eleven (Citco), BP etc. And, again, follow manufacturers suggestion.

I think (not certain) many of the smaller engines (25-35cc) are higher compression and spin faster too, if that's true, they would benefit from higher octane gas.

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Hey guys was looking up gap for HF in online manual happen to come across recomended octane it says 89+ whatever that means Larry
Got little problem Bike starts all the time except if I let it idle and it stops then it wont start. I know dont let it iddle and die. Its getting spark but doesnt seem to be getting gas plug is dry is that vapor lock or dont little motors do that. Larry

P.S. The fuel was turned on
Took bike out again today no problems had gps 32mph and had to stop ran out room Im sure it would get up to 34-35 mph. with my gear setup on paper says 35mph so its pretty close. Larry

I Guess I Will Purchase A Hf Eng, So I Don`t Feel So Left Out! Lol.

I Would Guess The Bog Off Idle Is A Lean Fuel Condition. If The Idle Could Be Increased Without Problems That May Help. Drill The Idle Jet A Tad??

There Is Not A Idle Mixture Screw??

I Have Not Found A Price On Any Tranny For The Hf Eng. It Seems To Be A Well Guarded Bit Of Info. Even Good Friends Won`t Disclose It.

Hi Neat Times,

The Q-matic drive for the HF [in stock] has a MSRP of $259.75 plus shipping. Check with Evan for the MSRP of his "Whisper" drive, as I am sure he will gladly supply the information.

Have fun,

Adjust your float level if you haven't already. W/ your float bowl removed, if you flip your carb upside down your float midline should be paralell to the bottom of the carb body. You adjust it by bending the tang that acts on the float needle.

Your plug will be dry unless you've fouled it usually due to lost (or mistimed) spark.There is an idle/air screw (front inside) but I' actually be tempted to think your carb is flooding 'til you get going and burn enough gas to get the level down. Just a thought.

Cheers! Evan

P.S. Prices are on the website. Pm or email w/ ?'s
Tyre Evan did what you said about carb it wasnt far off but know its level but its still flooding it will idle for about a minute then it dies wont start any other ideas long as I dont get stuck by a long light it will be ok lol
I have been riding my HF build for about a year now and it's my favorite bike. I removed half of the fan blades that drive the air flow to cool the engine. Remove every other one like the cart guys do and notice an increase in power. I didn't remove the gov. just disconnected it. Along with a free flow exhaust this thing hauls a$$.

I was wondering why most guys were going inside the engine to remove the gear when it doesn't appear to be necessary unless it is to remove it for less friction. The engine seems to operate OK with the governor just disconnected. May I am missing something.
You may be wright I removed mine because I thought something would fall in motor if I didnt. Removed one on clone 6.5 because you had too The 2.5 is not a clone so its different.

All my motors leaked through the gov hole till I removed the paddle. I left everything else.


If your flooding then your float needle is stuck. Must be something blocking it open or making it stick/ preventing a seal.

Tyre Evan did what you said about carb it wasnt far off but know its level but its still flooding it will idle for about a minute then it dies wont start any other ideas long as I dont get stuck by a long light it will be ok lol

I ran into a problem with the China's and flooding carb's had three of them doing it. What I found is the two tangs needed to be gently arched instead of flat and that let the float gracefully recenter itself in the float bowl lending a better proper angle on the needle valve to seal right. Don't know if that would help you or not its a thought. I haven't seen one of these carb's yet.
the problem I've been having with my carb is when stoped at red lights for 30 sec or more, the engine will sputter and sometimes die on acceleration. My solution is just to rev it every 20 seconds or so. anyone think this is a float issue?

If your float bowl is too full at idle it will act like a choke. I think these are all float/needle issues. I've found that my float needle sticks occasionaly when I hit a block of cobblestones or similar and it doesn't improve til I remove the bowl and free the needle valve.

Wonder if it would be possible to put a tickler on it to nudge the needle loose like on the ht carb?
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