HF engine tips and tricks

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Harbor freight got the motor on sale again for$84.99 but dont know if you can use the 20% off coupon with that if you could it would only be $70 out the door
Dan check yer fuel filter, I had one of those small (about 1/2" diameter) filters and it clogged up and acted just like you are describing. I replaced it with a big one, no more problems. Broke my motor mounts, got to build some more, guess I ran it too hard.
Known good plug. Started fine, ran good then started varying idle then died. Restart with some effort, then died. still dead. Off to HF to buy this; Flex Drive Compression Tester

Yeha! tool shopping! BRB. Talk amongst your selves. Topic, "Antidisestablishmentarianism" or bears. Is an optional sort of thing
Dan mine was doing same thing problem was float sticking but you should have smelled that one Im telling when they run you cant beat them and when they dont you can beat them too. Larry
bjpru66 Rislone is good stuff but I use Marvel Mystery Oil `1/2oz per gallon on all my 4cycles. They need all the upper cylinder lube they can get with the gas we have now a days. Used it in VW engines and after tear down I found absolutely no carbon on the rings or valve stems.
I forgot to post that (above) b4 I left. So run to HF, find that thing. $8, God I love HF yet feel guilty. Any way, take plug out and thread in the tester. Is tight so take the valve cover off. Got 3 readings of 30, 40 and 50 PSI. Realizing I have no clue what that means, I read the directions. They tell me to test it 3 times and have some one else turn the ignition. snork. Put the old, known good plug back in cause I cant find the newer one. I didn't replace the valve cover as it was gonna come right back off for next compression (hot) test. I watch the valves for a few. First time I have seen that in person. Really cool looking. (Yes I am emotionally 12 and a half) Is taking forever to get hot so I replace the cover and wait some more. Smoke a cig and wait for it to die. Take her up and down the block. Get brave and go a few blocks. Ride around until dark (now) and never stalled. I am a thunking a lil peice carpola got in the valves some where. New tank holds the throttle out and never took the choke off half. (I forgot) but did 25 or so for 15, 20 mins. Have to retest but seems good to go!

I mean this, I am sitting here thinking how cool it is that you guys jumped in to help out. Not getting all mushy or nuton (haven't had a drink in weeks, lol) but really is cool and I promise you it is greatly appreciated.

OH! side note, as I walked in to HF, A young lady was at the register by the door. I told her I had done some major mods to an engine and it looked nothing like the picture on the box any more. "Can I still return it?" She snaped her gum, looked up and left in thought and replied; "if it's all there" I would avoid it though. Don't seem right and want to really learn this engine and what it will take.
Just realized, still wouldn't explain why only when warmed up, it stalled and died. While she was running with the cover off, spit a god bit of oil. just typing out loud
Dan If it spit oil out of the valve cover area you may be building up crank case pressure is the little tube that goes into the air cleaner the relief valve or area? and did you get any oil into the air cleaner? There may be a baffle or some kind of check valve in the engine block I don't know for sure I'd have to take a look and see on one of my HF engines.
Dan told you they were tempromental little bittts just gotta mess with you Little tube is fine just likes to fart a little thats its job. Youll be fine think your float may have been sticking. Too much gas will make it idle like crap or choke 1/2 closed Later Larry

It Has To Have Oil Pressure To Lube The Rocker Arms. That Will Sling Oil With The Cover Off.

If You Are Running It At 1/2 Choke, That Is A Sign Of Fuel Starvation. Imho.

Aint this forum great when you have a problem everybody got an idea and the nice thing somebody is gonna have the wright one. Kinda like the AA for motorbikes MBA. Later Larry
Aint this forum great when you have a problem everybody got an idea and the nice thing somebody is gonna have the wright one. Kinda like the AA for motorbikes MBA. Later Larry

Big time! BA wrote a thing. Is too funny;

Help with an addiction? Heh... perhaps you wish a 12 step program?

1. We admitted we were powerless while pedaling—that our hills and distances had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore bicycling to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of engines as we understood them.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of the interwebs.
5. Admitted to our budget, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our desires.
6. Were entirely ready to have the patience to remove all these defects of our rides.
7. Humbly asked of our tools to remove all shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all problems that may cause harm, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such issues wherever possible, except when to do so would injure yourself or others.
10. Continued to make modifications and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through patience and experimentation to improve our contact with the road as we understood it, seeking only for knowledge and entertainment for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to all bicyclists, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
This is funny but got the problem fixed and she is way better then she was. Oddly enough, completely my own dang fault. I had swapped ignition wires to test. (the stock HF's are far better then the 3 feet I bought) The wire I had was insulated and thicker then the stock. When I screwed it in, I only had it in a taper of the receiver and although it ran about as good as the stock wire, it was more arcing then well connected. When I put the cooling shroud back on, it would heat and move it just enough to interrupt the arc. I am asumming. It is starting first pull again hot or cold and sounds awesome and happy. I used the stock wire.

I can look it up but did a hot compression test today. Just slightly higher then cold. I am thinking that is good?

Also, just curious. How many folks use or do not use the cooling shroud?

Buzzard, here is a pic of the valve cover. I gently blew in the hose and air only came in the hole lower right, towards the center. Not the other 2. I am not sure what that uper right one is for. Is made of a brass looking metal.

But, my Baby is ok, let us rejoice! (Stupid monkey and a lousy loose wire)

Golly Gee Dan ... The crank case pressure relief baffle is in the valve cover! WHO would think of that?!
It might not have to work very hard the way the oil sloshes around inside the crank case no pressurized system and leaks out of the top of the engine around the governors shaft. Got that fixed! Remove the governor by taking the fly wheel off and punching out the governor shaft and wheel and install the plug on the top shaft I drilled and tapped and installed a stud about the same size as the shaft I will use this as a pivot point for an original linkage from the carburetor this will make my throttle cable have a very short stroke. Looks like the carburetor on the engine may be a problem child but I think I got this covered. It was a slow day today back in the turf equipment shop so I scrounged around in the back room and found a whole box of carburetors .. 2 of them caught my eye .. and I knew they were all 4 cycle engines one of the old hands told me he thought they were off small 2hp Briggs or Tecumseh enginges that they had on some old 3 wheel lawn edgers. There were some numbers on a carburetor and I think they were made by Tilleson they have an adjustable speed main jet air bleed jet and a spring loaded float and a drain tap on the bowl they slide right on the studs of the HF engine. That's why they call me buzzard.. I'm always scrounging for something.
They're really in good shape I'm going to clean 'em up and out and give one a try on the engine. We'll see how it works. I got 3 HF engines now, one I bought, and 2 I picked up at the local dealer that were returns.. one had been dropped on the muffler and bent all to **** and the other one they said they could never get started and the rewind was busted. Picked em both up for $50. Gotta lotta spare parts now.
Got 2 questions What's the torque on the rod cap bolts? I spose I could look it up but that might take a minute or maybe just pull on the wrench till my elbow clicks..LOL
Do you know how tight a fit is the little engine in a Workman's Newsboy 20" frame? I picked one up used some time ago and now I'd like to make a build out of it.
I sure like one of those inframe tanks.
Now I'm just ramblin so I'm outta here.
Buzzard wrote: Do you know how tight a fit is the little engine in a Workman's Newsboy 20" frame? I picked one up used some time ago and now I'd like to make a build out of it.
I sure like one of those inframe tanks.
Hey Buzzard,
I know the Worksman newsboy frame is snug even for a 2 stroke china girl. You might have to alter the frame some to make it work, but it would be cool if it could. I'm in the middle of a Worksman newsboy build with a 2 stroke right now and am thinking the next in line, the Panther frame I found at the dump last summer would be nice with a four stroke. Don't know yet what engine for sure. Hi to the Mrs. for me.
SB I can't find anybody on the site or any information of someone modifying the frame. If I could get some idea of what to do I think I could handle it. Have never had much luck with the HT engines and the HF engines are just about as cheap the only draw back to get them to run right you have to buy the $250 tranny. Let's keep our eye out and maybe somebody can help us out on this.
I found a gold mine of bicycles today. There's a group of M.A.D. Dads that put together bikes for the under privileged kids. This last few months they have been preparing for the Special Olympics that will be here this weekend.. was down at their shop .. they must have 1000's of bikes that are donated in all shapes sizes and conditions. There was a pile of old Schwinn twin bar frames and any thing else you can imagine. They will sell them for parts money...you name it its probably there. They're giving away something like 500 bikes this weekend and its all volunteer help.
On a personal note LadyG says HI and glad you're back up home. How's the fishing?
Getting past my bedtime.. I go to work at 4am.
buzzard & LadyG
SB I can't find anybody on the site or any information of someone modifying the frame. If I could get some idea of what to do I think I could handle it. Have never had much luck with the HT engines and the HF engines are just about as cheap the only draw back to get them to run right you have to buy the $250 tranny. Let's keep our eye out and maybe somebody can help us out on this.
I found a gold mine of bicycles today. There's a group of M.A.D. Dads that put together bikes for the under privileged kids. This last few months they have been preparing for the Special Olympics that will be here this weekend.. was down at their shop .. they must have 1000's of bikes that are donated in all shapes sizes and conditions. There was a pile of old Schwinn twin bar frames and any thing else you can imagine. They will sell them for parts money...you name it its probably there. They're giving away something like 500 bikes this weekend and its all volunteer help.
On a personal note LadyG says HI and glad you're back up home. How's the fishing?
Getting past my bedtime.. I go to work at 4am.
buzzard & LadyG

Haven't been fishing much at all as there are too many other things to do and just so much energy to do it with. I'm trying to get a bike shop together using an old travel trailer and also a kind of makeshift bicycle 'garage' from a screenhouse. In another week I want to get moving on the Worksman build.
Regarding the goldmine of bikes you found. Very cool. Especially the old Schwinns. I saw an ezmotors engine on a Schwinn straightbar frame, so I know it is possible for the Panther to accept a four stroke without modifying the frame. Now that I have both frames, the 50 Panther and the Worksman Newsboy I can kind of compare them. I had really thought the Worksman frame was the ultimate for the purposes of motorbicycling, but when I sat the bikes side by side I saw that the Panther has a lot more room for an engine and it feels like the frame is every bit as solid. Sitting on both bikes I don't know, I really like that Panther, it just feels good. If I had to choose between the two I think it would be the Schwinn. That surprised me to come to that conclusion since there is so much hype for how tough the Workman is and what a great cruiser it is. Put the same wheels on the Panther, give it a drum brake up front and it is one fine cruiser with a lot of class. Just my two cents worth. That said, I'm enjoying the Worksman build and with the PK-80 engine from Pirate it is going to be an awesome ride. The transmission you're referring to, is that from Firebelly?
SB I can't find anybody on the site or any information of someone modifying the frame. If I could get some idea of what to do I think I could handle it. Have never had much luck with the HT engines and the HF engines are just about as cheap the only draw back to get them to run right you have to buy the $250 tranny. Let's keep our eye out and maybe somebody can help us out on this.
I found a gold mine of bicycles today. There's a group of M.A.D. Dads that put together bikes for the under privileged kids. This last few months they have been preparing for the Special Olympics that will be here this weekend.. was down at their shop .. they must have 1000's of bikes that are donated in all shapes sizes and conditions. There was a pile of old Schwinn twin bar frames and any thing else you can imagine. They will sell them for parts money...you name it its probably there. They're giving away something like 500 bikes this weekend and its all volunteer help.
On a personal note LadyG says HI and glad you're back up home. How's the fishing?
Getting past my bedtime.. I go to work at 4am.
buzzard & LadyG

I think if you would change the tube from the fork to the cranks( forgot what its called) Cut it out and replace it with a more curvy one from a pasthrough frame It would give you a lot more room?
Even if you had to take to a welder. Find a pasthrough and compare
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