Getting old is rough

Well I was wrong turned out the fanny pack painkiller just filled up my thigh and knee through gravity with anesthesia. Just removed it the other day and I’ve been doing my knee exercises religiously and finally feel like the pain is decreasing now four days later. With the speed at which I’m getting better I think I’ll return to the cane in 1 week. One more knee surgery and all this pain all over again and I’m done. But I don’t think I’ll ride again for several years…
"One more knee surgery and all this pain all over again and I’m done. But I don’t think I’ll ride again for several years…"

My take downs have never been as traumatic as yours Toni.
Once you are not 18, invincibility goes away at an exponential rate.
When you can't heal as fast, you have to rely on avoidance. Hence your two wheel sabbatical.
On two wheels I am way more conscious of potential trouble.
Rider magazine in the 70's and 80's had a safety editor who wrote volumes of safety tips for motorcyclists. Situational awareness was a key element. Tactics the other.
You are young, I will have been here 73 years soon. You got to heal,
I seriously doubt you will be as you were. Non of us ever are .
2006 I could lift and carry a #100 sack of corn.
The beating you suffered Toni, Fast Eddy probably knows as much.

One of the resins I ride a bike is after knee surgery, they wanted me to walk, it got so boring, so got a bike. I am going to dig mine out as there is no snow. Can't believe this winter. Tony you will ride, may take a while, but you will ride. with all the new fancy bikes, they have one that you set pretty much upright when you pedal. I just us a old style cruiser 3 speed, gota stay fit. If you don't us it you lose it. Bless and heal fast...........Curt I have a 3ft overhang on my garage as you can see I work a lot outside in the summer.
I use it a lot now that I can't toss around them 100 lb sacks and things anymore. LOL. Used it this summer to put the big 8.1 engine in and out of the motorhome. That was a older picture all gone and cleaned up now, the bike is the way I got it $10 at a garage sale, different seat now........Curt
I hear ya Steve. I just gave you honorable mention for getting there first.

I only have a broke neck and fractured ankle. Toni at a tender young age moved to the head of our class.
It is ironic for Tony to post on this thread, except by accelerated physical damage. I am hoping over time his piss and vinegar will return.
I have had only one real motorcycle crash. Slightly drunk. Once my BMW R80/7 was repaired, I was back in the saddle.
Never mind the off road motorcycle rude dismounting's. One of which bruised my d*ck.
Purple is the color my true love, loved. :)
This motor bicycling is just an extension of all that came before. Heal Tony, heal. That's an order.

If there is a good side to it all, you will know that the weather is changing long before the weather people do. The slight pains that are normal suddenly leave you feeling that you were tossed down a long flight of stairs at a high rate of speed. Ten days latter they announce that there is a storm coming.

Tony, if you want to step up the cane game, may I suggest one made out of a natural piece of wood like a tree branch/sapling. Can't get into the woods/creek bed or river bank to find one, most antique shops or malls usually have a good selection? I use one and even at 80 younger women will talk to me about how they like the cane. A younger man should be able to see if that would work to his advantage.

For an old guy it's a booster in life and it makes you remember the good parts.

Wood canes always spark up a conversation
If ya gotta use a cane it might as well be cool
ya never here some say nice aluminum cane LOL

With a unique wood cane that ya got off a hardwood tree somewhere it always catches peoples attention and spark up a conversation
"Nice cane where did you get that" or "I like your cane"

First ya gotta spot the tree branch, Cut it off, dry it out, seal it with boat varnish
With some carving filing and sanding it'll be just right


This cane is also a weapon, It'll knock someone out

My favorite

A nice touch is a name plate (I use a nickname) with my phone #
Just in case I leave my cane in a shopping cart, People can call and return it

I made some wood canes for my Dad too He loves it because he always gets attention LOL
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Having seen examples of your canes Wrench, I suggest you not quit your day job. :)
The personalized escutcheon is a nice feature. I have a curly stick that Curt references that I got from my Uncle Arnie's estate. Powder post beetles have it pretty well ventilated.

Steve ain't kidding Tony, about what will be your enhanced ability to predict the weather.
Annoying but accurate.

Having seen examples of your canes Wrench, I suggest you not quit your day job. :)
The personalized escutcheon is a nice feature. I have a curly stick that Curt references that I got from my Uncle Arnie's estate. Powder post beetles have it pretty well ventilated.

Uncle Arnie cane curly stick beautiful
I found mine hanging in trees, weird branches

Just showing Tony how ease it can be to get a cane that's free and different
Maybe have some fun finding that special tree branch and making his own cane
Wrench you got some quality right there. I prob wont find a branch anytime soon but I’ve got the perfect tool to bring, it’s a mini chainsaw with 4” blade and it works great! I was thinkin a carbon fiber tube and a chrome skull with glowing red eyes. I don’t like being too friendly. Gotta be a bit evil and a little bad.
That weather stuff is trippy.
Wrench you got some quality right there. I prob wont find a branch anytime soon but I’ve got the perfect tool to bring, it’s a mini chainsaw with 4” blade and it works great! I was thinkin a carbon fiber tube and a chrome skull with glowing red eyes. I don’t like being too friendly. Gotta be a bit evil and a little bad.
That weather stuff is trippy.

Wrapped in hand stitched rattlesnake skin. My friend's mother owns a house that backs up to the river access and she's always finding rattlesnakes in her pool in the summertime if you want one let me know and I'll have her call me when there's one there and I can go get it. All you'd have to do is pay shipping for it and it probably will fit in a standard business envelope. The last one I did was six feet long.

I just don't mess with the heads. You'll have to have a 3D printed one or something on it if you want it.

The picture isn't mine I've made a few like the first picture and I had something along the lines of the second and third picture for 3D printed.

( Off topic odd bit of info. I had a vial of rattlesnake venom and it sat in the garage for a couple summers and it dried out and turned to crystals and all I did was take a needle and dip it in water and flick it and touch the venom and it re-liquified immediately just like the day it was extracted. That's why I don't mess with the heads. So I surmise that even just the sweat on your fingers tips would cause it to reliquify if you touched it)


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Some lady skunk from India initiated a phone phishing attempt on us today.
Was a seemingly local # so I answered. The query was in verification to ensure my Medicare card was currently up to date. Please tell me your beginning date and acct #.
Never at the start of the call addressing me by name?
Must be some racketeer producing counterfeit cards. Bastid's!
New phone scam reported in central Wisconsin (
