Tom from Rubicon
Well-Known Member
" 30s is too young to talk like this. "
No it isn't, and as you have found out all pain is not destined to be gain.
Taking life as it comes. Physical injury is just part of being alive. Getting on as best you can Tony, is all you can do.
Gabapentin? I tried it for peripheral neuronopathy. Dosage that would drop a Bull Elephant.
Tony, are you onto a physical therapy regime? You need your range of motion and strength restored.
No it isn't, and as you have found out all pain is not destined to be gain.
Taking life as it comes. Physical injury is just part of being alive. Getting on as best you can Tony, is all you can do.
Gabapentin? I tried it for peripheral neuronopathy. Dosage that would drop a Bull Elephant.
Tony, are you onto a physical therapy regime? You need your range of motion and strength restored.