Getting old is rough

My rechargeable aids last a long time, they are a couple years old . They have 3 different ones to pick from at Costco, up and down volume I got the better ones, like I said $2,000.....Good luck with your.............Curt
I am resisting the use of so called hearing aides. I have a well deserved case of Tinnitus. All started not wanting to waste a short fused firecracker. Ringing lasted about a year? Then all was right again.
But history repeated itself and the ringing is 24/7. I don't know why. A audiologist or neurologist might have a clue. Soft high pitch women voices are challenging. Poor elocution for sure.
Though I still hear frogs and toads singing, and bird song. I can hear thunder twenty miles away.

My grandpa Elmer Olson was fond of dynamite. One of his empty wooden dynamite boxes has passed down to me. His 4th of July was quarter sticks on fence post tops.

I got mine from Costco as well. Mine are rechargeable with blue tooth for hands free cell phone use. I actually just went back there Friday to get molded to fit ear pieces for mine rather than the soft tulips that are standard.
Tom I too have the ringing in my ears and have for over 55 years. I’m so used to it that the only time it really bothers me is at night, but if I run a fan in the room it helps .
I always said it would just be easier if people just spoke louder and annunciated their words, but that wasn’t going to happen so I broke down and got some. Best move I ever made, should have done it 20 years ago when they first told me I needed them !!
OB, my home is semi rural, built of cinder bloc, inside and out side rigid foam insulation, with Steel siding.
The only place quieter is six foot under the sod.
Funny thing is when I settle in to bed my brain must just tune the tinnitus out.
I am aware of folks that cannot sleep without some sort of background sound.
I love the sound of rain on the roof, and then I drift off to sleep and don't hear nuthin.

Update to August 23 post.
Mona and I got up to Minneapolis August, 31 and got our first glimpse of the home of now deceased BIL David left us to sort out.
He had sold off the Art Deco bronzes. The dulcimer's, swords still there but moved a bit. Thirty plus electronic keywords, a vintage MOOG Synthesizer, a full electronic kit for a Theremin.
His graphic art supplies occupy most of two rooms. Much real A&C furniture.
The basement is the freaking nightmare. BIL had the big one, either stroke or heart attach.
When the attach occurred he had the shower running and took the flex hose with him. Water. water everywhere.
A lot of wall to wall was going bad even though I had advised running the temp low with the AC to slow bacterial and fungal growth. The basement is worse yet. The water saturated the drop ceiling and it fell and soaked the wall to wall carpeting.
So we began on 9/1.until 9/6.
We need a Death.Cert. to get the legal ball rolling. A Lawyer in Minneapolis is not yet on retainer but attached to the case.
Some photos of what I am heading into 9/10.


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Thanks for the sympathy Steve.
I am trying to get Mona's older brother to hire one of the Hoarding Clean-up Services in Minneapolis.
He has balked so far in his fear that the cleaning crew will dumpster the GOOD STUFF! :D There is some. I buggered up my knee in round one and am slowly healing. But we will be back in Minneapolis tomorrow for round two.
It is a 5 1/2 hour drive with one quick pit stop.

I did see a lot of the lighting that was antique and valuable. The worst part is if you put a dumpster there it will be full of the neighbours trash. My suggestion would be to clean out one room and go through everything and put what you want in it and have someone clean out the rest. The larger pieces mark with a ribbon or something easily seen so it's not moved.

Don't envy you one bit, My sister-in -law passed rats got in the house and they trashed just about everything. I think market pace has a auction thing they come out and catalog everything and have a one day online auction and its done, see if I can find out...............Curt
Hey Steve, I copied and pasted your sage advise to Bro in Law, Mark, and told him to take heed.

Curt, mouse chit is way better than rat chit on size alone. ;)
Mona and I will be in Minne by early afternoon.
So please send what you find to, [email protected]

Just back from seven full days of sorting to save for sales and pitching fifty years of personal effects and some what dubious assets.
You never had to worry Steve. Returning after a week hiatus, the10 yd dumpster was unmolested, but had settled a bit and we topped it off. Second 10yd dumpster arrived Wednesday.
The filling commenced immediately and by 4PM Saturday 9/16/23 was 85% full. The bulk of that came from to contents of the two car garage. Things got exciting on Friday when cardboard boxes full of exiting Deer Mice got opened. By Saturday, the mice mostly had left for more friendly environs. Mark is supposed to start a mouse trap line in our absence.
Ran into old piles of Raccoon and Possum scat. Spray bottle of Dawn and water to hold down the dust.

Best and may be the most remunerative find was huge stash of 70's Playboy's and similar periodicals in good condition.

The decorative art through out the house appears to be souvenirs brought back by missionaries as keepsakes of African, Mid-Eastern, and Asian origin. Estate and garage sale goodies.

Last but not least. The dirty little decedent left his estate a $24,000.00 USD maxed credit card.

Tom, who said you can't take it with you or maybe he sent it ahead? Twenty Four Thousand U.S. is {$32,443.56} Canadian at today's rates. Great to hear that the dumpster was unmolested. Here people have had a dumpster delivered and woke up the next day to find it half full and none of it is theirs. They didn't hear any noise during the night either.

Not only did the decedent leave a credit card bill, he left a considerable mess behind for his family to clean up. My experience was that garages and barns along with basements and attics were the worst in a hoarder clean up. Nothing of value is ever in them and there is no room left for more.

Worst one we had to clean out took 3, 20 yard dumpsters and that was just the house. There were 5 large barns that were built so they could store more what was basically junk. Every car they owned since the late 1950's to the early 1990's was stored in them as well as dozens of lawnmowers in one, miles of different sizes of pipe in another, stacks of old wood from buildings filled one barn and most of that was poor quality fire wood. Not to mention cars in most of them only taken off the road because of the rust. Scrap guy pulled one station wagon out and he had to go back in to pull the back half of the car out.

These folks were millionaires. Their nephew who was handling the estate said his aunt sat beside the ticker tape machine in their living room hooked up to the New York Stock Exchange and read the tapes coming in and his uncle sat on the sofa calling their stock broker to buy stock as he scanned the stock exchange newspaper for more stock to buy as well and in the afternoon they sold everything that had gone up over the price they bought it at.

Today they would be called day traders.

Worst one we had to clean out took 3, 20 yard dumpsters and that was just the house. There were 5 large barns that were built so they could store more what was basically junk. Every car they owned since the late 1950's to the early 1990's was stored in them as well as dozens of lawnmowers in one, miles of different sizes of pipe in another, stacks of old wood from buildings filled one barn and most of that was poor quality fire wood. Not to mention cars in most of them only taken off the road because of the rust. Scrap guy pulled one station wagon out and he had to go back in to pull the back half of the car out.

These folks were millionaires. Their nephew who was handling the estate said his aunt sat beside the ticker tape machine in their living room hooked up to the New York Stock Exchange and read the tapes coming in and his uncle sat on the sofa calling their stock broker to buy stock as he scanned the stock exchange newspaper for more stock to buy as well and in the afternoon they sold everything that had gone up over the price they bought it at.

Today they would be called day traders.

Was he of any value when gone?............Curt
Hi Curt,
Millions from what his nephew said but he never said an amount. Just alluded to to it being a lot. Left most to their church who I'm sure was more than happy to accept it. Nephew said he was well taken care of as well. There were no children.

It's really sad what people get adducted to, make all that money and can't take it with you. Hope his nephew is doing well..........Curt