Getting old is rough

Yo, Curt, you got some serious muscle in that big ole mini house. I’m getting the need to build so bad right now and I was thinking about it some more. What I came up with was that I need to build more than I need to ride. I get the need to build again as soon as I finish a build, literally moments after even not having finished build, but also having begun to dread the moment that I finish it. It’s what motivates me to start a build. Dammit guys I gotta build so bad.
Tony! I have been that way all my life, but I also enjoy what I have built, Weather it be my house, last fall I blew the motor in my Rider12.5 Tecumseh and have been putting a 14.5 Brigg in it. Lot of work for a old guy that is not up on new wire standards, then every time I go out and work on it I had to retrain my olé noodle. And I also end up with a lot of unfinished projects, My wife don't drive so sometimes I have to drop things and run, a year later??.......Curt
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Going to be a weird Monday.
Mona's youngest fifty year old lawyer son got notice from the high rolling hospital owner boss that said boss is entering bankruptcy. Step Son is getting sacked.
Why the boy didn't see it coming? Maybe the Saudi Arabian money dried up?
The boy set up a meeting with us Monday mourning at a neutral location. A water park a short drive South of us. My first instinct was not to attend, as a meal was offered. I came to the realization that I can take a pass on food, allowing me to keep my N95 on. The boy is sacked, no severance pay.
I am just a Step Dad, but I will be relegated to the dog house if I am not present.
I hope he has a plan B.

For myself, being a Journeyman Tool ,Die, and Mold Maker, I never lasted in the same position more than ten years. Usually less for various reasons. But my favorite was telling a plant super he was incompetent
in front of most of management staff. I asked and got a severance package. ;)

Hospital owning boss is going bankrupt? Sure must have been rolling rather high. I would imagine that a lawyer who could run the law office for a hospital, no matter how poorly run the hospital was, shouldn't be any farther from his next job that two or three resumes or maybe phone calls. You'll know how bad things are if he tries to slip you the bill when it's all over. As for the food, if it's hamburgers things are OK but if it's hot dogs you may need to get the spare bedroom ready.

If there is bankruptcy involved will the former boss not need a good lawyer or is there a chance that a criminal and not business lawyer be of more use?

I always said that most of the places I worked didn't miss me until I was gone and then they found out who was doing the work.

Our family conference was just to let Mona and I know that a contingency plan was already in place. The son is/was the legal fixer in the business and saw this difficulty unfolding over time. The details? Wish I could.
The plus side was seeing the grand kids. The grand daughter loves my gifts.
The last notable one was a fish fossil. She told me that she had taken it to school. Her classmates were duly impressed.

I texted Rick here and probably his son on Facebook time to wait and see.


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The way she moves is languid. Webster does not describe the forcefulness of such a stride.

Being eager to mate will not win the day.

My opening ploy in a hand written note was to ask if Mona was emotionally involved? From there we made a date. But first she had to see if another suiter was earnest.
Wine her and dine her, I did
Foreplay of a true motorbicyclist is held in reserve. Eye contact is a favorable sign. Never give it up.
Openness and honesty, go hand in hand. Trust not lust.
Mona trusts me even when I pi$$ her off. She knows I have her back.

The way she moves is languid. Webster does not describe the forcefulness of such a stride.

Being eager to mate will not win the day.

My opening ploy in a hand written note was to ask if Mona was emotionally involved? From there we made a date. But first she had to see if another suiter was earnest.
Wine her and dine her, I did
Foreplay of a true motorbicyclist is held in reserve. Eye contact is a favorable sign. Never give it up.
Openness and honesty, go hand in hand. Trust not lust.
Mona trusts me even when I pi$$ her off. She knows I have her back.

Dang Tom! Yes Languid. Some good ish right there. I’m gonna try it, that’s really smooth.
I won't bury the headline....I'm doing great!


My update is I've been really busy with a number of things, not bike related, and not age related either as I ride most days year round except wet or on ice.

Not building anything this past Winter, but will update mods/projects as they progress. I need to catch up on forum activity it seems to show "Proof of life" at least.

He’s okay, responded quick and all.
Thanks for poking Rick, I got concerned when his location changed on the member map.
Some of us are not Spring chickens anymore and things happen.
I would do a friend request on FB, but I reckon my politics would clash.

Thanks for poking Rick, I got concerned when his location changed on the member map.
Some of us are not Spring chickens anymore and things happen.
I would do a friend request on FB, but I reckon my politics would clash.

I don’t friend request nobody they come to me…. I’m really a dude magnet on Facebook just like any custom motorbike with a gas engine. Seriously I get 10% of the lonely dude attention on e-bikes as on gassers.

but meeting girls with an ebike is like shooting fish in a barrel cause they’re like horses; they spook easy. Quiet and under the radar is the way
Man this sucks. I am not looking forward to getting old AT ALL. I’ve felt the pain in the cold from old injuries and I know what’s coming. I haven’t yet experienced Arthur but I know it’s coming too. Something in my back or shoulder didn’t quite heal right (broke 9 left ribs) and it reaches a fever pitch daily by about 5pm or 9pm if I’m lucky. Feels like my scapula pops out. I’ve learned to reduce my left arm movement to not irritate it. Still have most of the same emergency supply of oxys, took a couple the other day when it got bad… and by bad I mean really bad… what vitamins or supplements do you guys take? I been slacking I just got tired of taking a million pills every day and stopped with the vitamins for a few weeks.
I take Moringa leaf powder capsules, 5 at a time, 4 times a day. Look up what it has in it to see if it's what you need. I make my own capsules but I'd suggest buying some to see if there is any relief. If they work, Moringa is available on Amazon as well as the capsules or a good health food store may have them and a capsule press.

The geniuses in the government recently decided that Amazon nor Etsy can't sell pill presses anymore. Part of their war on drugs ect. I bought my 100 capsule press which came from China. Just type in 100 capsule press in Google and you should get lots of buying opportunities. Any contacts I send you will be in Canadian dollars and companies. Look for OO capsules. That will give you 500mg capsules.

Separate the capsule tops from the bottoms and put each one in a separate dish. That makes it easier to fill them since you need to put the bottoms in one half the machine and the tops in the other and press them together. That just keeps you from mixing the two together. You can buy them already separated and I'll do that the next time I buy some. I buy 1,000 capsule bags so if they are separated your way ahead.

I am extremely allergic to anything Oxy and I've been advised many time not to use Ibuprofen ect to often because of liver/kidney damage. I was involved in a 2 vehicle/pedestrian accident almost 58 years ago.

I use a small TENS and muscle stimulator made by Brilnurse. Best one I've used. Once again on Amazon. I use ultrasound gel under the pads for better contact. This machine will allow you to use 4 pads at one time and has 24 different modes. It's rechargeable and the batteries last a long time. Fits in your pocket so you can have the benefit as you move around.

I hope your healing well and continue to improve.
