Getting old is rough

Thank you, Tom. Many people have the wrong idea about curry thinking it's all hot. Our favorite mom and pop restaurant has now closed since the owners retired and their children are all in professional jobs. We had to move up the street to another restaurant that is just as good.

Having smelled durian fruit myself, you would be shoving limberger cheese up your nose to get rid of the smell.

Tom I’ll make the statement like Andrew Tate did: I will NEVER kill myself. So if something happens to me before my time let the conspiracy theories begin. But if that lady did, she’d have my respect.

I gotta go to the local Asian markets and check these things out. This area in particular has a huge Asian population; mostly Chinese/Taiwanese. They’re horribly dumb drivers but that’s okay. They don’t commit crimes regularly like some other races.
I wanted to update about hearing aids, I replaced mine a couple of months ago, I went to my regular hearing doctor for the diagnosis then to Costco for hearing aids. The Costco aids are made by the same company as the $5K aids from the ENT Dr. B-cross/B-shield will pay $1500.00 every five years towards the purchase, mine were $1599.00 so I paid $99 out of pocket.
Thank you, Tom. Many people have the wrong idea about curry thinking it's all hot. Our favorite mom and pop restaurant has now closed since the owners retired and their children are all in professional jobs. We had to move up the street to another restaurant that is just as good.

Having smelled durian fruit myself, you would be shoving limberger cheese up your nose to get rid of the smell.

Curry was never about stinging peppers, it is an insane mélange of complementary flavors.
I had a girl friend years ago that said curry enabled a oral orgasm. She was a fun one.
Scandinavians, pass out on first taste. :D
The anecdote juxtaposing durian and limburger I must share on a woodenboat forum. Should liven up things for a bit.

Tom I’ll make the statement like Andrew Tate did: I will NEVER kill myself. So if something happens to me before my time let the conspiracy theories begin. But if that lady did, she’d have my respect.

I gotta go to the local Asian markets and check these things out. This area in particular has a huge Asian population; mostly Chinese/Taiwanese. They’re horribly dumb drivers but that’s okay. They don’t commit crimes regularly like some other races.
I just wanted to get square with you Tony.
I got way more guns than card carrying Republicans by a wide margin. You are smart and well grounded.

Around here the Chinese contingent is sparce. Hmong we have, but at least where I live they all are factory workers. The ethnic German population in my area has not catered to Cantonese restaurants.
Where as Hispanic folks are edging in. First Mercado started and failed. Location may have been a thing.
New Mercado, I patronize when sourcing Mexican ingredients.

Get well Tony,

LOL that were I got mine, love them............Curt
After you posted last year and one of the plumbers here at work said he got his aids at Costco I went and did some checking/comparing along with online research. The hearing test at Costco is more in-depth than the ENT dr’s office test, my test revealed the need for more powerful aid than I got six years ago to compensate for my right ear hearing. My old aids used 312 batteries, the new aids use 13 which are larger and last for 7 to 8 days.
I'm interested to see what Tony's opinion of durian fruit is. What I'm going on is based on how it smelled to me. Up until I had Covid my sinuses were so bad about the only thing I could smell had to be on an annoyed skunk level. The durian I could smell about 15 feet before I got to the open door. This all happened in the very early 80's

Thanks to my nieces, we have had butter chicken the last two evenings.

KOOL! The good part you can get retested every 2 years, no coast. Wife and I both have rechargeable one, love them............Curt
The hearing aids you speak of, do they have a user adjustable volume. I am not sure why the ear doctor for a hearing aid I was using for high frequency hearing loss, told me I had to go back to him for volume adjustment. If it is not just his way of continued business or just the maker of the hearing aid has it like this?

Since I only needed the aid for a job, but the aid had taken longer to get I have it left unused, but may use it now. I did see that I can adjust the volume and also have it stored in power up settings across another device it works with for streaming.

I guess my answer to the doctors reasons in telling me that I could not adjust volume was just pure *&%$#^.

Last I wonder why there is a tube beside the one that has the dome part that goes in ear left and right ear, there is an inch length of tube that pair off by itself with nothing connected. Is this for the sound detection and not in the part that has the battery in it?

I did not have any batteries leak, so if the unit still works with new batteries and the detailed cleaning maintenance stuff that came with it I can give it a try.

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First you have to be a member, but you get back the fee in rewards, both from Costco and from Citi card if you go that way, I never have to pay for my membership as it is taken out of my rewards, and they do have a volume control, if not right you can bring them in and they can do it for you, no charge. ...........Curt
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The hearing aids you speak of, do they have a user adjustable volume. I am not sure why the ear doctor for a hearing aid I was using for high frequency hearing loss, told me I had to go back to him for volume adjustment. If it is not just his way of continued business or just the maker of the hearing aid has it like this?

Since I only needed the aid for a job, but the aid had taken longer to get I have it left unused, but may use it now. I did see that I can adjust the volume and also have it stored in power up settings across another device it works with for streaming.

I guess my answer to the doctors reasons in telling me that I could not adjust volume was just pure *&%$#^.

Last I wonder why there is a tube beside the one that has the dome part that goes in ear left and right ear, there is an inch length of tube that pair off by itself with nothing connected. Is this for the sound detection and not in the part that has the battery in it?

I did not have any batteries leak, so if the unit still works with new batteries and the detailed cleaning maintenance stuff that came with it I can give it a try.

The type I have now the volume can be adjusted two ways, I can adjust them on either aid and it adjusts both, I can also adjust them with my phone. The hearing tech adjust the standard or start up volume to the level you ask for, you can then go up or down depending on the need. Mine have the sports retainers that keep them in my ears, that looks like a curved wire.-


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My granpa Elmer had one those early transistor hearing aids. In a house full, all talking, it was worthless.
In his salad days when you could buy a case of dynamite at a hardware store..... ;)
Hearing aides are so much more advanced today. My self inflicted Tinnitus has no remediation.

Tinnitus doesn't have a cure does it? Mine is self inflicted as well. Far too many years of screaming machinery. I can still hear enough to get by with and if I feel it's important I ask whomever to repeat themselves.

The only thing I really want to hear is I won the large lottery. That's capped at $70 Million here in Canada. One of the quirky laws in Canada is that if you win money gambling you get to keep the whole amount without paying taxes on it.

All my hearing loss is in a high range. Oddly I don't miss much. Ladies with high pitch voices are most troublesome. Low frequency? I can hear a thunder storm coming twenty miles away.
Even Mayo Tinnitus - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
Mine is ever present. I understand for some people, it lessens the quality of life. For me it is a matter of perception. At sleep, it does not exist. Only awake do I become aware again of the squeal.

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Tinnitus is not something that will go away. As a musician I’ve learned a lot about it from my old teachers and other professional musicians. When I was really young, teens and 20s I didn’t use earplugs enough and would leave a rehearsal or show with the temporary tinnitus. Now I use em all the time. My hearing isn’t totally screwed; I used to hear a solid G# when sleeping but I don’t really notice anything anymore. Working in a shop I always have a good supply of foamies and have gotten laughed at for it a good bit, but, joke’s on them. Unfortunately I like to listen to rock & metal very loud but there is a point where louder isn’t really necessary. Like when hitting a drum, you need only a wrist motion and raising your arm to assist in the stroke does little to nothing except wear you out, and dent drumheads or crack cymbals.

I heard about custom earplugs formed for your ear from one of my old teachers. Never got around to buying a fit and set. They have different internals, they’ll filter out the really loud stuff and still let you hear quiet stuff. Back in 2005 or whenever I heard about them the price I heard was $160, that was a lot then. Nowadays probably be $500+.

When I talk to really old people; ie 90s, I just say everything in a very loud voice. It makes it a lot easier for them. But I don’t do it very often anymore, unfortunately an old guy I really loved passed away just before Covid. Oh man I miss him, sometimes I catch myself thinking I’m going to call him and see how he’s doing, and then I remember.
I’ve got the Jabra Pro’s from Costco as well. I’ve had them for several years now and love them. I as well have severe tinnitus, and as I’ve told others, it’s something I’ve had for over 50 yrs and I don’t even notice it unless I’m in a totally silent environment. I put my aids in first thing when I get up and remove them right before I go to bed. Only time I don’t wear them is when I drive my convertible with the top down or when I ride my motorized bikes, the wind noise even with the filters is super annoying. I’ve tried all kinds of domes, open, closed even form fitted inner ear pieces. Nothing will remove the crackling from the wind noise. Besides that little inconvenience I love my aids.
Looks like all of us replying to this thread have on thing in common, we all didn’t protect our hearing when we were young. 35 years in a industrial environment plus being a avid shooter without hearing protection caused my problem.