Four Wheel Project

That's really great, MSR!
What fun!!!

Perhaps you could build a 'hay-wagon' type trailer that could accommodate a bunch of kids at once???

...pretty much a long, low, flat-rack with small sideboards to contain the straw and keep the kids from falling off right away!
maybe use excess mc wheels???

Looking like the happiest man on earth!


I'll bet ppl love every minute of seeing you tear around in the mini-scout, eh?
That's really great, MSR!
What fun!!!

Perhaps you could build a 'hay-wagon' type trailer that could accommodate a bunch of kids at once???

...pretty much a long, low, flat-rack with small sideboards to contain the straw and keep the kids from falling off right away!
maybe use excess mc wheels???


Yeah, rusty, that sounds cool. Or maybe a two seater sulky.
Looking like the happiest man on earth!


I'll bet ppl love every minute of seeing you tear around in the mini-scout, eh?

Hey, killer. They thought it was a static display until I starting hauling things around behind it. We're having a lot of fun with this project. My grandson wants to eventually install electric start with a battery and lights, radio, louder horn, etc. I have all the stuff but have to see how all that extra weight up front will affect the steering. I guess we can experiment with sand bags. Thanks for all the good comments.
Loaded up the Scout III and went to Donut Derelicts car show this morning and rode around the parking lot.


Then put her back in the Scout House.

Don't know how I missed this build thread? That Scout came out awesome! Really like how those door handles came out;) The grill too. Everything is truly fantastic.(^)
Well, the yearly Huntington Beach Chili Cook Off is almost here and my boss wanted something special from me again so we can raise more money for the American Cancer Society than the firemen and PD, just like last year.
They've got mostly women running the show and they decided this year's theme will be "Circus Fun". Now, when I think of a circus, I picture mostly kids, but this is just a city employee event. Us guys would rather have a western theme, like "cattle drive" or "chuck wagon". Anyway, They wanted me to build a circus wagon lion cage. So I did.
I was so short of time that I neglected to photo the total build.
I got some pictures off line for inspiration and started gathering materials. The chassis started with four 12" wheels made form 2 thicknesses of 3/4'' plywood glued together and a 1/2'' npt X 3'' long brass pipe nipple to ride on 5/8'' axles and added floor flanges to each side with carriage bolts all the way through the hubs. Very strong and true. Then hole sawed them each four times to give a sort of spoke pattern. Our street marking crew agreed to paint everything with red curb paint to start with. The base is steel strap holding the axles and wooden frame. The front axle pivots on thrust bearings from an old hydraulic pump. Then our maintenance man supplied some 3/8'' plywood for the cage. I bought some 2 X 4'' and other sizes to hold the plywood together. The front side is a frame of wood with 5/8'' dowels for bars and the back side is 2 large doors on hinges and a homemade latch mechanism. I'll explain the reason I made it this way instead of bars on both sides later. The tongue is wood with metal ends to pull with my Scout.

Got all that painted and put together and our street sign guy made up some transfer stickers to decorate it with. I also got some fancy stencils to finish it off.
We're not allowed animals so I jokingly suggested we put a TV up against the bars and show DVD's of caged animals. My boss went crazy over that idea so I took the set from our safety meeting room along with the DVD player and remotes and installed them into the wagon. My Honda EU2000 generator powers it all along with 2 exhaust fans in the roof. Everything worked very well until we took it outside into the sunlight. Turns out the only think that shows up really well are cartoons. So we will be featuring Disney shows like Lion King and Dumbo.

The exhaust from the generator goes out through a screen in the back panel. The event is Teusday and I'll post more photos after.
Thanks 5-7, thanks Dan. It was a real fun project that only took a few weeks instead of a year to complete. Here's a picture of it in action. Tomorrow's the big day. Will have photos of the event later.

Not just this, and this is great. MSRFAN, you do nothing but give. The motorized bicycle thing, I love the copy you sent me. But all of it. You do great work and lovingly share it.

Just really cool Brodder.
Wow, I just read this whole 16 pg thread start to finish and I am amazed. This has got to be one of the coolest things I have seen yet. and then you add a circus trailer with digital caged animals at the end, too cool. Great work msrfan.
The 2013 Huntington Beach Chili Cook Off went very well with Public Works bringing in the most donations for the American Cancer Society again for the second year in a row. My circus wagon pulled by the Scout III was a huge hit. Can't wait for next year.

The Scout III went to the High Desert Roundup on a trailer with the original Scout II. Hoping my grandson will have photos from the event. I will post them if he does.
