For those over 50

James Arness was the thing?He was some monster froze in the ice at one of the poles I think. He got thawed out raised a bunch of yell. Until he was killed. That is what I remember???!! or an I tripping again??? Flash back maybe?? I don't know.
Tom, you and your wife need to hop in that black rod and come a stay a week end here a mini vacation get away from the crazy life of the big city, meet Bob,Tresa ,my old lady Snake, Rufus the wonder cat. You can stay with us. We might even be able to get you up in the air in one of our homebuilts, and check out the P-51 etc. I seem to remember you like to fly!!
Dobie Gillis wore a shirt that became popular in the young mens clothing section . If you went to a JC Penny or a Wards or some store of that nature you would look for a Dobie Gillis shirt . It was a striped, button down , collared, shirt with a 3/4 sleeve buttoned at the cuff and rolled up about halfway up the forearm . And my older brother use to get a haircut called a Pineapple and use some kind of pink, smelly, goo in his hair . My younger brother and I were the lucky ones, we had to use Brillcream .In this pic is the shirt that every guy looked for .


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2door, Maynard was afraid of work.

Mr. Dillon's first movie monster roll was in "The Thing".

Here's some shows for the fly boy in ya, remember these?

Commando Cody
Capt. Midnight
Men into Space
Steve Canyon
12 o'clock high
The Flyin Nun - ooooops?
All good old shows and I'm happy (sad?! lol) to say I remember just about everyone.
I'm sure you guys remember Saturday morings with:

My Friend Flicka
Rin Tin Tin
The Little Rascals
Lash LaRue
Red Rider
Watch Mr. Wizard

and later there was:

The Life of Riley
The Great Gildersleeve
My Little Margie
My Friend Erma
I Remeber Momma
Father Knows Best
Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour
What's My Line
The Gary Moore Show
The Ernie Kovacks Show
The Milton Berle Show

Gosh, I'm old!

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Lest we not forget the best of them all "The Life of Riley" with Willaim Bendix. Loved that show
Lest we not forget the best of them all "The Life of Riley" with Willaim Bendix. Loved that show

Hey ZevO ... Riley was one of my all time favorites too. Am I wrong or did he have a "weird" buddy who was always inventing some kind of strange contraption? What was this character's name?
This is just too cool. My brain cells are smokin'...things coming back that I haven't thought of for years. Lash
How about Zorro? Or, The Micky Mouse Club, With Annett....oh my.
The Armstrong Circle Theater.
The Kraft Hour...With food recipes that always included 'MiracleWhip'

and every other commercial was for a brand of cigarette. The tobacco companys ruled the airways.
Salem: Girls in rowboats pushing willow branches out of their face
Winston: Young couples reading the Sunday paper and arguing about what was better, the coffee or their Winstons.
And who can forget the Marlboro Man, LSMFT, Kent 'with the micronite filter' and L&M, "Start fresh, stay fresh"... Virginia Slims: "You've come a long way baby"
Everything back then was so politically uncorrect....I loved it!
Remember Pall Malls, and Dale Robertson saying something like, you can break them in half and have 2 little cigarettes.

Remember Kukla, Fran and Ollie. Make Room for Daddy?
When I was 11 every kid in my little town started to smoke. Be left out? Not me.
My parents owned a bowling alley and I was in.
Stood there looking at all those bands and then WOW there they were. Call for Phillip Morris
I swear I heard Johnny right behind me.

Two days later I'm late for a church dinner and Dad's helping me get ready and empties my pockets. It was one of those moments where the the world stops.
Blamed half the kids in town. Wasn't working.

Got home and they were putting hard wood flooring in my bedroom. Really bad timing

Years later I thought to ask my Mom how they knew I had stolen the cigs from the bowling alley. Welcome to my world. They were the only ones who sold them in a 3 town radius. We were in northern Canada and they're American smokes.

Years later I'm working in Fla.and the bosses Dads golfing buddies show up.
One of them looked real familiar. Johnny from Philip Morris. When he heard the story I thought the poor man would die on the spot from laughing. he gave me a signed poster of himself.
Seems every one who saw him had a story about how they or someone they knew had cancer from smoking and it was his fault.
I don't smoke.

This is a great thread for us older folks, but I wonder just how many others are reading it saying, 'What the heck are they talkin about'? Makes me laugh, but then I got to thinking I wouldn't know where to begin explaining most of these shows, cause there's nothing to even begin to compare it to today. That part is sad! Makes me glad I grew up in the era I did. Life was sure simpler then.

How bout..

Gerry Mahoney & Knuckel Head Smith
Edgar Bergin & Charley Macarthy
Sherry Lewis and Lambchop
Captn. Kangaroo
Soupy Sales
Band Stand
Steel Pier
Leave it to Beaver
I've not seen Roy Rogers mentioned in this thread or Ma and Pa Kettle. How about Mr. Ed and Francis the talking mule. How about Superman every afternoon at 4:30. Now those were some tv shows. This thread is really making some great memories...................
Car 54 Where are you ? Twilight Zone, Ed Sullivan , Mr. Terrific ,He took a vile of something to give him super human strength. Boy there would have been some protests about that from groups that want to have our kids watch appropriate tv .
This is a great thread for us older folks, but I wonder just how many others are reading it saying, 'What the heck are they talkin about'? Makes me laugh, but then I got to thinking I wouldn't know where to begin explaining most of these shows, cause there's nothing to even begin to compare it to today. That part is sad! Makes me glad I grew up in the era I did. Life was sure simpler then.

Maybe its just a way to rationalize my age but I've said this hundreds of times.
"I'm glad I'm as old as I am." I grew up in the age of innocence; the 50s, and can remember a simpler, less complex life where you could leave your house unlocked, the keys in your car and kids could safely play outside after dark. Where the baddest of the bad kids did nothing worse than sneak a smoke or a beer. The president was someone you looked up to and you had the feeling at least that what you heard or saw on TV was the truth. We were raised believing we were the good guys who always wore the white hat and like one of our heros, stood up for, truth, justice and the American way. I can only hope that youngsters growing up today will be able to look back on their childhood and say the same. Maybe every generation feels that way about their youthful years. I hope so. It makes aging so much easier. There are those who will read some of our memories and scoff because the 50s had its problems too and in reality it wasn't the Utopian world we remember but they say you always remember the good and forget the bad. We're fortunate that there was so much good to savor.
We lived in a magical era.
Mom packed my Roy Rodgers lunch box and I'm going back. See you later.

I'm going to see.

Camp Runamuck
Magilla Gorrilla
Mr. EdDeputy Dawg
Huckle Berry Hound
Petticoat Junction
Roger Ramjet
Snaggle Puss

If I'm not back you'll understand.

Yes those days of neighbourhood wide games of hide and go seek that lasted until the porch light came on at Robbie's house . Everyone knew that it was time to call it quits until the next day . You knew and played with every kid in the neighbourhood under 13 . Saturday was movie day . Every kid you knew was on the bus headed downtown for the all day 35 cent matinee (5 movies) . It was either Western , War or Horror .

Because I was mechanically inclined since birth the toys are the things that I remember most . We were considered the rich relatives . Basically because we lived in the big city . I didn't get to keep my toys long . After a fair period of time my toys disappeared and a cousin would be just as happy as I was to get a new toy (my old one) . I ran across this site today and the prices look great for these old style tin toys . .................... D.J.

Retro Tin, Tin toys inspired by the past.

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I remember laying on my belly in the middle of the living room floor in front of the TV eating a TV dinner and watching many of these good old shows. Me and the dog had a great time dining together.

Back then you had to make a dash for the refrigerator and grab something quick to get back to your show before the commercial was over. Sometimes you only had one minute ... sometimes as long as three minutes. Today you can forget what you were watching by the time all the commercials are over!

Remember ...

Sea Hunt
Spin and Marty
Name That Tune
Yosemite Sam
Rocky and Bullwinkle
Foghorn Leghorn
Treasure Island ... with Long John Silver & Jimbo (Arrrrr Maties!)

OK OK, here's one for the REALLY OLD crowd. Remember Boston Blackie. He and his wife or girlfriend always had that danged little dog with them.