Zev,Speaking of Milner, let's not forget Route 66 with Martin Milner and George Marharis.
What color was the Vetts used in Route 66?
Most people thought it was red, but it wasn't. The first one was light blue but reflected too much light for the cameras so it was changed to brown.
But who remembers the Buster Brown Hour 'before' Andy Devine was the host? Now we'll see who's over 50...
And, who was the ranking Air Force officer in 'The THING from outer space' and also 'IT, came from Beneath the Sea' He was seen in numerous Sci-Fi movies and went on to become the co-star of a TV show mentioned earlier in this thread. (hint: He flew helicopters and was a chopper and fixed wing pilot in real life)
What color was the Vetts used in Route 66?
Most people thought it was red, but it wasn't. The first one was light blue but reflected too much light for the cameras so it was changed to brown.
You're a hard man to fool. You are right. Everyone thought those Vetts were red because they used a red Vett in the stills but the red looked bad on film so they used blue cars for the series.
Good answer, and correct.
The pilot in the first version of 'The Thing' was a guy named Ken Toby. He played the part of a pilot in several old movies and later was co star of 'The Wirly Birds'. He had red hair and lots of freckles which never showed up in black & white.2door,
It was Smilin Ed's Gang, but after he died suddenly from a heart attack, they brought Andy Divine on. There's some good 'Froggy shorts' on You Tube if ya want to take a big step back.
Wasn't the pilot in 'The Thing' Kurt Russell?
Lefty,Tom ,I think we are just getting warmed up on the number of pages we will have for this thred . What Al Pacino movie had the line "oh ,I'm just getting warmed up ! " It was highly acclaimed .