For those over 50

Chester C Riley "The Life Of Riley"
That was too easy. So, Russell, you're a Riley fan? What was his address, wife's name, son and daughter and his closest friend? What did he do for a living? Who was his supervisor and what was the name of the company he worked for? hehehe
The best that I can do is: Wife either Margret or peg. Friend Jim(my real name) Worked at aircraft factory as a mechanic. Walked to work. He had kids? Didn't seem bright enough to raise a family. I may be getting him confused with Stew Irwin
Oh yes he lived next to jim both had white houses.(house color was easy only two options black or white LOL).
I just looked Riley up on Wikipedia. If I'd posted the answers to my questions I'd have been wrong on one. His boss was Sweeney...I thought it was Hawkins.
I did learn something however. Martin Milner of Route 66 / Adam 12 fame was Riley's daughter's boyfriend and later husband. I didn't remember that. Wiki, didn't know his address however which was 1313 Blueview Terrece.
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The Life Of Riley, Wm Bendix Said; What A Revolting Developement This Is. And "digby -digger O`dell The Friendly Undertaker (john Brown) Always Said: I Better Be Shoveling Off.
Tom ,my best guess and only a guess is "I'm walkin here ! "I thought that might have happened when the Lt. Col. Slade wandered out in the street to relieve himself .
I've been telling my wife, Char, about this thread and keeping her updated on what's appeared here. She came home today with a sheet of stamps. "Here" She said. "Scan these and put them on your 'Over 50 thread". So, I did. These are available at the post office today. I guess the baby boomers have had some influence on the U.S Postal Service. How cool s that?


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Tom ,my best guess and only a guess is "I'm walkin here ! "I thought that might have happened when the Lt. Col. Slade wandered out in the street to relieve himself .
You're correct. Dustin Hoffman, who I learned is a very close friend with Pacino, gave that same line in 'Midnight Cowboy' as Ratso Rizzo who was crippled. He was crossing a street in New York and stepped into traffic, just like Pacino did as Slade, slapped the hood of a taxi and said, "I'm walking here". Always wondered if there was some connection.
Tom, can you give me the answer to this . What does William Bendix and John Goodman have in common . Besides their girth, although that got them the job . ...........John
Any body remember the car commercial that Robert De Niro did in the beginning of his acting career ? And the kind of car ?
Tom, can you give me the answer to this . What does William Bendix and John Goodman have in common . Besides their girth, although that got them the job . ...........John

William Bendix played Babe Ruth in the 1948 film 'The Babe Ruth Story', the first biopic about the slugger. John Goodman later played the Yankee great in the 1992 film 'The Babe'.
Tom, can you give me the answer to this . What does William Bendix and John Goodman have in common . Besides their girth, although that got them the job . ...........John

William Bendix played Babe Ruth in the 1948 film 'The Babe Ruth Story', the first movie about the slugger. John Goodman later played the Yankee great in the 1992 film 'The Babe'.
Tom, can you give me the answer to this . What does William Bendix and John Goodman have in common . Besides their girth, although that got them the job . ...........John
Got me there, Lefty but looks like Zevo got it. Unfortunately I missed both versions but I do recall that the there was an actor that played Babe Ruth in 'The Sand Lot' and was also a ball player in 'Field of Dreams' (my all time favorite movie)