For those over 50

And there was always, "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy". Back then it sounded so innocent, today it sounds sorta crude.
Hey...I just noticed something;
Leftywoody's avatar is a RIGHT handed Paladin.
"Have Gun-Will Travel..." Wire Paladin, San Francisco (Hope I spelled his name right)
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Tom ,you are correct but he had another firearm on him. Do you remember that ? It was concealed in a special place and could have been used with his left hand .
paladin and the rifleman (chuck connors) were a few of my heroes growing up
I remember going to a friends house after school because he had COLOR tv (the only one on the block)
Tom ,you are correct but he had another firearm on him. Do you remember that ? It was concealed in a special place and could have been used with his left hand .
Was he the one with the grenade launcher hidden in his hat? Oh, no, wait that was someone else.
It had to be a Derringer, the gun, not the bike, but as for where he kept it I can only guess: His boot? His hat? I mean where else can a guy hide a little weapon? :)
They call that thing at the bottom of the screen a "channel button" I guess since we don't have the dial tuner anymore someone has to tell us what channel we are on. Most annoying. Seems that they are adding more garbage at the bottom of the screen while the actual show is running, even more annoying. Why not a news bar that can be turned on and off, something we actually might read?

The SciFi channel is now "SyFy", probably easier to "text" but it makes no sense to me. Another 50 years and again our language will be unrecognizeable.

Didn't watch "Have Gun ..." I watched the Biography on James Garner the other day, I liked "Maverick" and "Wild Wild West"

I record everything I watch, that way I can skip commericials if I feel like it. Heck I even go back and watch commercials that are of interest to me.
His derringer was carried under his belt . If you like to see his episodes they are free on some of the vintage tv websites . They also have other programs of interest . I carry a roll of fat under my belt and nobody better mess with me !
Don't forget Little House On The Prairie , Twilite zone , Alfred Hitchcock, and how bout Roy Rogers . Another one He Haw. Now I am feeling old just turned 40. There is no cable here I don't watch tv. Just Internet and carefully picked DVDs. No forced fed commercials about what new drugs I need to take or the new invented diseases that don't exist. One more thing how about all those cool side effects with those drugs I will suddenly think I need. Headaches, lack of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, lack of sleep, concentration, oh **** the list goes on...... I say just leave some things alone.

I eat tons of good hot chili every day it only last about 15 minutes twice a day { the last remaining constitution we got} Does that mean I got IBS or am I just getting senile....
I'm glad someone else has noticed the numbing plethora of pharmaceutical commercials on broadcast TV. It is simply amazing to me that every other ad you see is for some drug and how many times in a day you'll hear the words, "Ask your doctor" The advertisers have even tried to change the wording: "Ask your health care provider, ask your perscriber, Talk to your health professional...they all mean the same thing which is, "ask your doctor" and...if your doctor owns stock in that particular drug company you can bet he'll perscribe it to you. I'm thinking of selling all my stocks and buying into pharmaceuticals only. They must be the only ones making money these days to be able to afford the saturation advertising you see on television.
ya its a strange wotrld we live in today, i can remember the first time i saw a tv, but then i grew up in the sticks. the first tv program i watched was howdy doody, anyone else out there remember that?
how many of us watched tricky dicky say "sock it to ME?" on laugh-in ?rotfl
what a cool time to grow up, compared to now :(
I saw something a few minutes ago that confused me and tickled me at the same time. A very old man sitting on a milk crate covering his head with his arms, and a very old woman beating him on the head with a towel. An employee of the store across the street was having a smoke break. What's up with that I asked? She was yelling at him in Spanish. That's the Alonzo's she said. Happens about twice a month. They have been married about 55 years. They own a little second hand store. She says he is lazy. After she gave him 6 children! After the store closes for the day they walk arm and arm around the block. Can't make something like that up. He is 83, she is 80. :) (c)
I probably didn't miss one episode of Howdy Doody.
The Peanut Gallery, Buffalo Bob,
Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring,
Chief Thunder Thud,
My Bluster,
Dilly Dally...and I didn't google this, its all from memory...just don't ask me what I did this morning.
i gotta say i love this thread ya old fogeys just keep it coming! did ya know they are making a movie based on dark shadows? ya starring johnny depp as the vampire guy. one of my old faves, the honeymooners
& watching Muhammed Ali box back then ... like watching Valentini Rossi today ... ...(seemingly) effortless injury-defying mastery

they both let you relax and forget that what you are watching is something of a blood-sport....