For Old Guys Only

You know, I sometimes have days where I want to just hike out to the middle of nowhere and find a cave to crawl into and stay there for a while. Technology is awesome most of the time, but it can be a real headache sometimes too. Maybe I'm part-Amish or something, I dunno.
Here's one for all you old guys, just went by my house yesterday;


Tonight my girlfriend and I will be enjoying caviar appetizers (shipped next day air from Miami) and charcoal grilled lobster tails (shipped next day air from Maine)

Truly the best of times. All the old stuff is still out there and you can also find anything you want on the internet and have it tomorrow. Life is good!

Silverbear will be videoing the Fasteddy on roller blade episode. I think we can guarantee a You Tube comedy hit. He's up, he's down. he just missed the tree when he went into the ditch and the audience leans forward to see how bad it was as he crawls back out of the woods.

Allen Wrench,

My old Dad always said he wanted a cabin by the lake. At times I'm sure he would have appreciated a cave.

Best I could come up with was a van down by the river.

Another favorite is "Sweet Melissa" by the Allman Bros.

Or maybe, "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie........
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was written when they were on LSD.
Clever I thought.
Never did acid myself, but Peyote once (ugh) and Mushrooms a handful of times way back then.

Man, Magic Mushrooms, Schrooms, I had an epic party 25+ years ago all of us to this day will never forget, in a good way.

The kind of laughing that, the next day, you feel like you did 1,000 sit-ups that night from laughing so hard all night.

Man the memories of that night...
It was one of the very few times only a word like Epic can describe.
Sorry! got ol Pam and Semolina mixed up. Must have been the mushroom flashbacks KC got fired up in the old brain cells. I think I had a good time 40 years ago.

Does anyone really remember the 70s? I recall, 'Album Rock' when certain radio stations played the whole album with no commercials. 'Dark Side of the Moon, Yellow Brick Road, and who remembers, 'Tommy' by the 'Who'? "Pinball Wizard? Uncle Ernie? War of the Worlds?

I also remember the 'Gasoline Shortage' and 'The New Ice Age' scare.
I'll have to admit I don't remember a lot, but those come to mind.

"This is your brain. This is a brain on drugs." Who remembers that public service announcement?

Should we insert a disclaimer at the first of this thread that says, "May not be acceptable for all age groups" ? Or, Rated: R ?

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