For Old Guys Only

No small car is going to survive two big vehicles. It will save on funeral expenses though, there won't be anything left to bury.
I was promised bubble cars and jet packs, and all I got was this lousy social media and 16 minutes of commercials in a half hour show!
... and an indispensable, fragile electronic device you keep on you 24/7 that records your whole life whether you want it to or not.

Having grown up with Jetsons cartoons, I am sorely tempted to make Joe's quote here my signature line.
It hits close to home.

No reason with a little time and engineering you couldn't add the jetsons flying car sound to your otherwise quite e-bike.

I always thought that would be a cool 'notice me' e-bike sound though it be useless to most younger people.
"Ideological Extremists" (what the news media is now calling the cowards)

Hmmmm. I remember when this country used to call the enemy, "The Enemy", and we took quick and decisive action against them.

Be careful, you 'ideological extremists' or we 'll pull out the big guns and start launching, 'cotton balls' and 'overstuffed pillows' against you. Then you'll be sorry you've killed and wounded our innocent citizens. But we certainly don't want to 'offend' you while we're doing it. That would be 'politically incorrect'.

Good lord, I'm glad I'm as old as I am. I won't be around to see how my country will end up.


Old folks like us remember life before the "Powder Puff" crowd took over. If our ancestors could see how North America is being run they would be mortified and rightly so.

I concur, Tom and Steve. I too am glad I am as old as I am, but it is my generation that has let things get to this point. I can only hope our kids will see that they need to make some kind of stand and say enough is enough.

My apologies regarding my political oriented rant, I know it runs counter to our rules here, but I was 'subjected' to the nightly news tonight and when I heard that term being applied instead of them calling 'a spade a spade' it made my blood boil.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck. Say it!

Funny, but isn't it those same folks who have coined the phrase, "If you see something, say something"? Well, I'm saying it.

You're so right Tom. A spade is a spade, I'm 78 yo right now and I can't remember in my lifetime, that we weren't at war at some body or with somebody. 911 should have been a wake up call and if our leaders don't have the intestinal fortitude that our founding fathers did, the good ole USofA is in deep sh t. It's gonna happen again, but we just don't know where. For all of us that have fought and love this country it breaks my heart to see the direction it has taken. My days are getting shorter too Tom, I don't think we'll be around to see the outcome.
Gentlemen, I am abstaining from political comment, and ask you to also keep it to those places where such discussion is welcomed.
Gentlemen, I am abstaining from political comment, and ask you to also keep it to those places where such discussion is welcomed.
I have no objections and apologize for the transgression. I let my temper get the best of me last night over a PC lable spoken by a national news commentator.

I will gladly delete the above discussions if that seems necessary. Otherwise we can discuss this sensitive subject via the 'Private Message' option.

Thank you for speaking up, Ludwig. No offence taken, sir.

Important subjects can lead to major disagreements; this is a peaceful, joyful place. You don't need to take the post down, it's done and dusted and to ask you to remove it would which would leave me feeling somewhat guilty.
If America would get it's nose out of everyone else's business we wouldn't have anyone trying to screw with us, look at Sweden.

Then everyone could just relax, eat BBQ, and watch NFL football.
I'm doing that right now!

A tiny bit of a somber day though...
I decided to finally let the gas BBQ I bought when my son was born move down the food chain.

~25 years old and I never fixed a thing.
The sparker went out a few years back so I used a long lighter, but it's stared loosing gas.

It's 75F here today and Football.
It's also December, guess what is on sale?
Nice dual burner 2-rach gas BBQ's


$79 down the street at Home Depot ;-}

We had BBQ chili dogs while we watched the Card's stomp the Rams, and now I'm BBQing chicken breasts hoping to see Carolina loose it's 1st game.
No gas, no electronic ignition, just charcoal and a steak with a big Anaheim pepper on the side.
Char did salads and baked zuccinni with garden tomatos on the top. Fresh bread from Safeway and we watched a movie instead of the news. I'm feeling much better.

To top it off, the Denver Donkeys won again today (take that, Scotto). I'm okay now. Sorry for the previous rant. Carry on, gentlemen.

No gas, no electronic ignition, just charcoal and a steak with a big Anaheim pepper on the side.
Char did salads and baked zuccinni with garden tomatos on the top. Fresh bread from Safeway and we watched a movie instead of the news. I'm feeling much better.
That a boy.
I did real flame BBQ with briquettes, mesquite wood, citrus wood, made a ground level open pit built in the pool area, bla-de-bla, but that got old when we use it 4 times a week year round.

I know, just spoiled and lazy, but when it comes to BBQ dinner these days I just want it fast, easy and still BBQ tasty.
The spark went several years ago and it's loosing gas and replaced for $, that kinda sounds like me.

All this hard work, and I end up as a metaphor for an old grill!
That would be like going from a foghorn to a piccolo.

I guess you could call the result a 'woodwind'.......
